© 2024 Urantia Association of Spain
I am Romualdo Soler González, I live in Nerja (Málaga). I am a Linux systems administrator, some days I work in our offices in Málaga and other days I work remotely from home. I am divorced, I have a 20-year-old daughter who lives with my mother and brother in Málaga, where she studies Mechanics. I have had a new partner for years and both she and I like to go out for long walks, meet up with friends, travel, read, meditate, watch good movies and eat good food.
I am passionate about the history of the different peoples of this planet, about electronics and computing, and for just over a year now about Artificial Intelligence, with which I am learning to work and, by extension, to live.
I came across The Urantia Book through a download link for the book itself on the Internet. I didn’t know of its existence, no one had spoken to me about it nor had I heard about it anywhere; but since I am a seeker of God, I told myself that if God is everywhere, He must also be on the Internet. And one day, searching for writings about God on that global network, I found The Urantia Book.
Today I believe that the fact that I have the book is not because I have searched for it, I have it because the book has been searching for me before. I believe that the book chooses its readers, in a similar way to how Jesus of Nazareth chose his disciples who would later be his apostles.
By this I mean that The Urantia Book is for everyone, what happens is that you will come across it when you are ready, when your spiritual awakening begins. Generally, this awakening is a process, it does not happen from one day to the next.
I started reading it and the truth is that there were many things that I didn’t understand. He used some new words for me like absonite, prepersonal, morontial, self-bestowal and some others. But of all of them, the one that stuck with me was First Source and Center, I loved that definition of God the Father.
I was like that for some time. I didn’t know anyone who was reading it. In fact, I remember talking about this book to two coworkers with whom I sometimes had conversations that could be called more transcendental; one of them hadn’t heard of this book and the other looked at me strangely, so after a short while I ended up leaving it.
I remember that the 6th book in the Trojan Horse series fell into my hands. I had read the first one years ago and I didn’t know that there were already so many parts. So I decided to reread the first one and continue with the others. I ended up reading them all, those and the ones that appeared later. I read them and reread them.
And providence, stubborn, put The Urantia Book in my path again. But now the situation was different, I had matured, I understood the book much better and I searched on the Internet and found that there was a group of readers in Malaga and, to make matters worse, a meeting was being held in Torremolinos. So I said to myself, I’m going to get to know them a little. And when I saw what they were like, what they did, that they were interested in me and accepted me into their group, I began to feel accompanied.
So, to answer your question, there was no particular point in reading it, but the fact that I had grown spiritually and The Urantia Book had come back to me. It was like, “Hey, here I am again. Try again.”
The book has changed my life in every way. The main one is that it has given my life a higher, elevated purpose. It has illuminated a path before me.
Then there are others that are not appreciated from the outside. My closest circle, my family, can observe that, from time to time, I recite a passage or story from the book because it comes in handy in a certain circumstance, instead of spouting some typical saying.
I have learned the value of contemplative meditation. This means knowing how to pray, but also knowing how to listen, knowing how to be in a receptive attitude.
I say that with time these changes will be shown more clearly on the outside, like the glass that when the water with which it is filled overflows, it also cleans its outside.
As for my faith, of course it has changed, but for the better, to a stronger faith or trust that gives you security and closeness to God and his work, specifically with our fellow men.
Well yes, I still haven’t learned to celebrate in the face of uncertainty, to nourish myself in the face of disappointment, to get excited in the face of failure, which also happens to be apparent. That’s nothing.
I also haven’t learned not to make plans, not to think about what I’m going to do tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or next week. I find it hard to accept having an attitude like that of the birds that neither sow nor reap, and yet the Father provides food for all who seek it. I have to learn to let myself go and not get overwhelmed by possible problems. This is what I find most difficult, but I am there in that endeavor.
What has impressed me the most and continues to impress me is that I am not just me, there are two of us. It is me and my Thought Adjuster, so I am part of a dyad. I am part of a couple of two beings who are closely and especially connected to each other.
So many times I ask myself: do I have to stop saying “I this…” to say “we this…”?
And every chance I get during the day, I talk to him, I ask him not to whisper so quietly, to raise his voice a little because I’m a lieutenant, I tell him not to be so gentle when pushing me, to be more abrupt, that I’m still healthy, strong, and I’m not going to fall. And I remind him that I’m his experiential partner. What a couple of partners we’re going to be if we don’t talk to each other.
I pay all my attention, but I don’t get it. He must be aware of my efforts to establish that connection, but of course, the leap between a creature of time and space and a spiritual being is very large and very few people have managed to contact their Thought Adjuster.
But hey, there I go, like a radio amateur changing frequencies to try to hear a slight whisper among so much background noise.
Well, doing the Father’s will is precisely that for me: the connection with my Adjuster. He never stops giving me indications about the path and I never stop trying to understand those indications. I am absolutely convinced that He values that. That is when you begin to do the Father’s Will, when He sees that you are trying to discover it. At first He will tell you and you will do it. But later you will get to the point where, without Him telling you anything, you will do it. He will show you the path and you will follow it. From time to time, when faced with a fork in the road or a crossroads, He will only have to show you yours and you will continue along it. Like two lovers who understand each other with just a glance.
I don’t know how Adam and Eve became aware that Adjusters lived inside them. I can tell you with great caution that I believe they did. You see, one night while I was half asleep, I saw a kind of small prism coming towards me from a central point that gave off a blue light. I felt that I was communicating with it. And I don’t know if it was real or my imagination, but since then I have not found a better way to be aware of its presence. If it was real, I interpret it as meaning that it wanted to introduce itself and tell me that it would always be inside me, and if it was my imagination, well, it was a beautiful dreamlike moment.
I continually try, starting with communication with the Father. From the moment I go out into the street early in the morning I am already thanking him for a new day, I put myself at his service and ask him what we have for today.
In dealing with my peers, I have learned to be more patient, to listen to them much more and to put myself in their shoes.
And then in contact with Nature I enjoy much more seeing a landscape, the calm sea, the starry sky…
What makes not everyone decide to read it is that not everyone is awake and therefore they do not thirst for righteousness, for God. But sooner or later the day of birth comes to everyone, each in their own way and at their own time.
We have all seen people who are very proud of their ideals, of their beliefs. They are people with a crystallized mentality who are not willing to change their mind and will close ranks as soon as you tell them something about the book.
So The Urantia Book has nothing “mysterious” about it; you simply have to give time to time, and the green fruit on the tree will ripen. Starting with yourself.
Well, to say that The Urantia Book is a first approximation to the authentic truth. It is giving us clues about what awaits us on our long journey towards God.
I play at imagining it, but we all know that it is far beyond our capacity to imagine. So the book has taught me to enjoy that path and to remain an eternal learner of life. That, if you do that, the rest will come to you as an addition.