© 2010 Urantia Association of Spain
Two new study groups have been created in our country: in the area of Murcia and in Málaga. If there is anyone interested in any of these groups, who meet regularly to study in depth The Urantia Book, you can contact us at our address urantiaeng@gmail.com (or at our postal address, PO Box 272, 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú) and we will provide you with the contact information.
We have also been contacted by readers from Zaragoza, who would be interested in creating another contact group there. So in this case you can also contact us so that we can provide you with the necessary information.
A few months ago, the Girona group (which began meeting last year) expressed a desire to pay us a visit to see how we function and to learn about how the Barcelona study group conducted the study of The Urantia Book. On April 21, 2010, and taking advantage of the monthly meeting of the Barcelona study group, we had our first personal contact with the Girona study group.
In total, 10 people residing in different locations attended the meeting. From this first contact we obtained a very positive and enriching experience. Immediately the connection between both groups was complete, and we enjoyed such a satisfying evening of study and good humor that we all agreed to repeat the experience in the future.
The Girona study group is currently made up of three readers, and is open to the incorporation of new members. If there are any readers in the area interested in participating in their monthly meetings, please contact the association at urantiaesp@gmail.com (or the aforementioned post office box).
We consider it very positive that study groups located in nearby areas get in touch with each other, to learn different approaches and study methods. Sharing our study group experiences with others always gives us new insights.
Look for the Urantia Association of Spain on facebook and twitter.