© 2013 Juan José López, Carmelo Martínez and Olga López
© 2013 Urantia Association of Spain
Luz y Vida — No. 32 — Presentation | Luz y Vida — No. 32 — March 2013 — Index | Children of God by faith |
Urantian friends: I suppose the same thing will happen to you as to me. I have a great curiosity, one could almost say morbid, to know what our destiny and our occupations will be once death has finished retiring us; that is, four days from now. I try to make an extract of UB 47:3 and UB 49:6 that talks about this matter and I don’t quite see clearly the process of “terrestrial escape”. Let’s see if I succeed in transferring my doubts:
In UB 49:6.8 7 “cosmic circles” of progress are mentioned, and it is said: “Starting out in the seventh circle, mortals strive for the first, and all who have attained the third immediately have personal guardians of destiny assigned to them”.
In the next paragraph he continues: “But as the ages pass, more and more the personal guardians of destiny are assigned to the advancing mortals, and thus increasing numbers of these evolving creatures are repersonalized on the first mansion world on the third day after natural death”. UB 49:6.9
And in the following: “There are three groups of individual ascenders: The less advanced land on the initial or first mansion world. The more advanced group may take up the morontia career on any of the intermediate mansion worlds in accordance with previous planetary progression…” UB 49:6.10
From this it could be deduced that there are two different reception “stadiums”: the 7 “cosmic circles” on the one hand (the seventh being assigned to the platoon of the most backward) and, on the other, 7 “stay worlds”, in which progress begins in the first and culminates in the 7th. But it seems to me that both things can be the same, although this assumption does not fit with the literalness of the text.
Another matter: In UB 47:3.7 it reads: “On mansion world number one (or another in case of advanced status) you will resume your intellectual training and spiritual development at the exact level whereon they were interrupted by death. Between the time of planetary death or translation and resurrection on the mansion world, mortal man gains absolutely nothing aside from experiencing the fact of survival. You begin over there right where you leave off down here”.
This text is very consoling for me; but I would add a question to make it more forceful: “And nothing is lost either?” That is, our knowledge, our training for one job or another, our hobbies, which we enjoy so much, are they also maintained? That seems to be inferred from the text; but, on the other hand, perhaps all those past occupations are nothing more than “little things” that have been able to entertain us in this world, but are unworthy of maintaining in our new experience. Do you have any opinion on these two points?
Let’s get down to business. First about cosmic circles. Don’t think I have it completely clear, but this is what I think:
“These circles of mortal progression are levels of associated intellectual, social, spiritual, and cosmic-insight values.” (UB 49:6.8)
I understand that there is not a “stadium” for the host of the circles and another for the mansion worlds (in this forum we tend to use this expression or that of “mansion worlds” instead of mansion worlds, which is an unnecessary interpretation of mansion worlds instead of a simple translation). Circles are a classification rule of human evolution. It is clear that a human who is guided only by money in his life is in a different circle from one who guides his life by other more altruistic criteria. Or the human who has intellectual concerns and seeks the truth, compared to the human who only seeks to eat, have fun and enjoy. Or the human who seeks to help others in their social relationship, in front of the pure and hard egoist.
For me, this is the circles although in the UB not much is said about it. In UB 110:6.19 it is said: “There is only an indirect relation between cosmic-circle attainment and actual spiritual religious experience…”
The achievement of the seven cosmic circles does not equal Adjuster fusion. There are many mortals living on Urantia who have attained their circles; but fusion depends on yet other greater and more sublime spiritual achievements, upon the attainment of a final and complete attunement of the mortal will with the will of God as it is resident in the Thought Adjuster. (UB 110:7.1)
Though the cosmic circles of personality growth must eventually be attained, if, through no fault of your own, the accidents of time and the handicaps of material existence prevent your mastering these levels on your native planet, if your intentions and desires are of survival value, there are issued the decrees of probation extension. You will be afforded additional time in which to prove yourself. (UB 112:5.6)
What relationship do circles have with where and when they repersonalize us? Well, a relationship through the guardians of destiny. When you are at level 7 (the lowest), you assign a pair of guardians for 100 humans (if I remember correctly). As you go up the circles, the number of humans served by a pair of guardians is reduced. But until you reach circle 3 you don’t have a partner for each human.
Only humans who have a pair of guardians to themselves (those who have made it to circle 3, 2, or 1) repersonalize on the third day (or third period, and who knows how long that is). The humans of circles 7, 6, 5 and 4, are repersonalized at the end of a dispensation or when there is a special list call.
This was answering “when.” Now let’s see “where”. I copy my translation of the paragraph UB 49:6.10: “There are three groups of individual ascenders: The less advanced land on the initial or first mansion world. The more advanced group may take up the morontia career on any of the intermediate mansion worlds in accordance with previous planetary progression. The most advanced of these orders really begin their morontia experience on the seventh mansion world.”
In a first reading we can understand that according to your achievement of the circles you land in one world or another. I do not believe it. I believe that all humans except those of the modified secondary orders of ascension and those of the modified primary order of ascension (UB 49:6) who “are exempt from passing through the seven mansion worlds” (UB 49:6.15) , they land on mansion world number 1. If you look closely, it doesn’t say that they land on intermediate mansion worlds, but rather that the morontia race begins on them. This kind of thing is very typical of revelators: they seem to say something, but they don’t say it. Look at what it says in UB 47:3.10: “If you are not to be detained on mansion world number one, at the end of ten days you will enter the translation sleep and proceed to world number two, and every ten days thereafter you will thus advance until you arrive on the world of your assignment.”.
The “world assigned to you” is the one that corresponds to you/us according to the degree of advancement in cosmic circles. That is my interpretation. If our advance defines that we start in the mansion world 3, we will land in the world 1, we will spend ten days of rest, we will fall asleep and we will wake up in mansonia 2; another ten days of vacation, to sleep and wake up in mansonia 3 . Ten more days of rest and start working.
I can’t resist copying part of a paragraph that particularly excites me:
“. . .Regardless of the technique which may be employed on the individual worlds of time in connection with special or dispensational resurrections, the real and conscious reassembly of actual and complete personality takes place in the resurrection halls of mansonia number one. Throughout all eternity you will recall the profound memory impressions of your first witnessing of these resurrection mornings.” (UB 47:3.5)
I look forward to living “these resurrection mornings” with comfort.
And now there is what we take or do not take from this world. We take the soul that we have developed and the Adjuster we had on Earth finds us. The Adjuster has our memories with spiritual value. The others have disappeared. In any case, a kind of “matrix” of memories remains in the soul that facilitates the recovery of what our Adjuster has not taken away. You remember that Spirit-fused humans do not fuse with their Adjuster, which does not return on repersonalization. When they resurrect it is as if they were newborn beings. But “Such children of the local universe are enabled to repossess themselves of much of their former human memory experience through having it retold by the associated seraphim and cherubim and by consulting the records of the mortal career filed by the recording angels. This they can do with undoubted assurance because the surviving soul, of experiential origin in the material and mortal life, while having no memory of mortal events, does have a residual experiential-recognition-response to these unremembered events of past experience.» (UB 40:9.5).
And also: “When a Spirit-fused mortal is told about the events of the unremembered past experience, there is an immediate response of experiential recognition within the soul (identity) of such a survivor which instantly invests the narrated event with the emotional tinge of reality and with the intellectual quality of fact; and this dual response constitutes the reconstruction, recognition, and validation of an unremembered facet of mortal experience.” (UB 40:9.6)
Well, Adjuster-fused mortals immediately recover the memories their Adjuster has upon resurrecting, and can recover the others as before.
“Even with Adjuster-fusion candidates, only those human experiences which were of spiritual value are common possessions of the surviving mortal and the returning Adjuster and hence are immediately remembered subsequent to mortal survival. Concerning those happenings which were not of spiritual significance, even these Adjuster-fusers must depend upon the attribute of recognition-response in the surviving soul. And since any one event may have a spiritual connotation to one mortal but not to another, it becomes possible for a group of contemporary ascenders from the same planet to pool their store of Adjuster-remembered events and thus to reconstruct any experience which they had in common, and which was of spiritual value in the life of any one of them.” (UB 40:9.7)
I don’t remember where, but somewhere it is said that all relationships between people have spiritual value and their memory is immediately recovered.
Your clarifications clear up the doubts I raised, at least in principle; It will be convenient to carefully read the pages you quote because I think they are revealing regarding our future life -and almost upon falling-, once death retires us from retirement. Isn’t it extraordinary to be able to count on this information?
The truth is that the indifference of normal people regarding these matters is surprising; That stupid stance is on my mind daily, and I’d give a thing to know why they’re so armored against the “good news” they’re being offered. I wonder if these people are really “normal” or is it just us who are abnormal (I hope you don’t feel bad about that adjective; I very much like to include myself in this group of abnormal and candid souls)
To me, Juanjo, the answer to your question (why are normal people so armored about the “good news”) is very clear: this Urantia revelation is for all humanity, but today it is not for everyone. the world. Let me explain: the vast majority of humans who populate this planet today are not prepared for teachings as advanced as those found in the UB. For us it may be difficult to understand that not everyone accepts this revelation, but I think it is because we meet the necessary requirements for the revelation to penetrate our brains: we are seekers of Truth with an open mind. I don’t want to sound like an elitist nor do I claim to belong to the group of the “chosen ones”, but it is true that it takes a very open mind and a bombproof commitment to the Truth to accept this revelation both intellectually and emotionally.
We have commented on it many times: at the beginning of reading the “blue billet” we feel so enthusiastic that our first reaction is to try to make it known in our closest environment, but when we see how little enthusiasm it arouses in others (when I do not reject it) we we realize, to our astonishment, that the billet does not arouse the same sensations in everyone, and we wonder why. There are many people who have no spiritual concerns, or who continue to cling to “safety,” to the “dead truths” offered by traditional religions. But what I believe is that always, in all times, there must be people in the spiritual vanguard who somehow manage to “pull” others so that humanity progresses spiritually as a whole. UB readers should be in that vanguard group of the 21st century, of that I am convinced.
It is true, as Olga says, that it is difficult for us to understand the indifference towards this revelation of so many people, to us who as we read it caught us. There are them without any concern; there are some with an enormous fear that cling to the comfort of the usual ideas; there are comfortable ones that do the same; and there are also seekers to whom this revelation does not tell them anything.
We are chosen, but not in the sense of a higher elite. It is clear that we are part of the plan to make the revelation known to the world. When the other side planned the preparation and dissemination of the fifth epochal revelation, they counted on a number of early wackos like us to make it take root. The revelation is like a seed that needs a rich soil and well irrigated with the water of the future to pick it up and take root initially. That land is us. Later, when that seed sprouts, grows into a small plant, and then bigger and bigger until it becomes a huge redwood, it will have other needs and those will no longer be us (in fact we will be on the mansion worlds, I hope). Our mission is not so much to spread the revelation (which also, although within an order), as to receive the revelation and allow it to sprout. Go preparing it, activating it, so that it can sprout. That is why the preparation of secondary works seems important to me, even more than the diffusion itself. About the diffusion we have already talked some time in this forum. We must do it but with caution; more waiting for others to see in us something that attracts them, and ask, than being proactive before a world (a land) that is not yet ready to grow the seed. This is my opinion, and some may disagree.
We are chosen, but to be the initial land that receives and activates the seed of revelation. And this is more of a responsibility and an obligation than a privilege.
We are chosen, but more for being rare than for being better.
Luz y Vida — No. 32 — Presentation | Luz y Vida — No. 32 — March 2013 — Index | Children of God by faith |