© 2007 Mariano Pérez
© 2007 Urantia Association of Spain
Abridged transcript of an introduction based on a Power Point presentation
The revealed truth of the Urantia Book is sinking into our hearts. The teachings of the blue book become a way of thinking, seeing life and living it. When we understand the how and why of our life, the divine flame arises in our hearts and we feel the need to serve in the achievement of the great work.
In the “Mandate for publication”, a text where the revelators gave a series of instructions to the contact commission, it is said that, although The Urantia Book is not given at the time when it will be fully understood and accepted, an early publication has been decided that would be available for the training of guides and instructors. Also, they say, their presence is needed to attract the attention of people with means who can provide funds for translation into other languages.
That is, the celestial supervisors wait for guides, instructors, teachers to come out… for what? Well, to make known the revealed truth, to transmit the teachings of the Urantia Book and of Jesus.
Why publicize such teachings? So that human beings recognize a creator of all things, know the existence of a purpose of creation, a divine project… and wish to participate in it. In short, it is about “winning souls for the kingdom”, contributing to the evolution of the planet.
The general objective of the EDEN project is to awaken in individuals the desire to undertake the personal search for God. This project is aimed at all those who need to search, for these possible reasons:
They don’t find meaning in their lives.
They are the ones who have to come to us.
EDEN will be a training center where minds will be enlightened for the revival of the soul. These are the general ideas of the training method:
As for the rest of the courses, these would be their objectives:
For the development of the EDEN project, human resources, didactic and creative methods and means, and physical space are needed.
These are the characteristics that the physical space should have:
The following figure is a proposal for the layout of the physical space of EDEN:
We must be very alert to the danger of hierarchization, although this does not necessarily have to occur. It is assumed that 2,000 years do not pass in vain. On the other hand, this is a project that can be covered in stages; it is not necessary to tackle everything at once.
The symbology used (the 3 concentric circles) seems especially important to us. It must not be forgotten that the symbol is the language of the high spheres of thought.
As a suggestion, it must be emphasized that we are part of a project of God. It would be a good idea to take positive ideas from other religions: Buddhist meditation, overcoming attachments, Course in Miracles, etc.)
Regarding the way to carry out this school with the current means, a suggestion would be to create a virtual classroom on the Internet (for example, from Second Life). This virtual classroom would not cover 100%, since personal contact is vital, especially when dealing with spiritual matters.
In any case, the important thing is that the idea arises, because right after the means to carry it out appear.
It would be convenient for the students of higher courses to tutor those who are behind, and avoid that there are “authorities” of the Book.
It is evident that throughout the Urantia movement there is an interest in dissemination, which is reflected in the subject matter of the articles published in the magazines of the international association. It is possible to make a difference with respect to other movements, especially if we emphasize our anti-dogmatic attitude.