© 1958 Meredith Sprunger
May 2, 1958
Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger
307 Plymouth Street
Culver, Indiana
Dear Dr. Sprunger:
Thank you for your letter about Dr. Hubbard. It would seem that his associates were largely British and Canadian. I hope that some of them will get interested in the Book.
Now about the “Mind at Mischief” and Appendix. At the time that book was written we had not begun to receive the Urantia Papers. Our communications were varied and of miscellaneous nature, and furthermore, we had not been put under any restrictions about discussing the case. These were the times in which we could bring in magicians, physicians, and friends to help us observe this phenomena.
Theretofore, I had always made the statement that I had never met a psychic or sensitive, who was willing to submit to observation, that we had not been able to understand and classify.
Now when I made that statement several times in writing “The Mind at Mischief” it immediately occurred to me that it was not strictly true because until up to that date I had not solved this particular case. Therefore, in three or four statements I put in this footnote and referred to the Appendix.
At the time I wrote this Appendix I was puzzled and bewildered. I had been unable to solve my problem but I still regarded it as some new phase of natural psychic phenomena. This manuscript was prepared either late in 1927, or early in 1928 — more than thirty years ago.
We certainly enjoyed you all during your visit, and we trust you will, before too long, repeat it. I am very much interested in your work. It seems to me that you are the leading pioneer in the study and introduction of the Urantia Book to theologians.
William S. Sadler WSS/ar