© 2018 Michael Hill
© 2018 The Urantia Book Fellowship
by Michael Hill
Each year, the Fellowship gets over 15 0 letters from inmates across the county requesting Urantia Books. Last year, four of us - DJ Marshall, Dick Bain, Mike Schneider and myself, volunteered to respond to those letters, gather funds to purchase the books, package them up and send them off USPS priority mail. We call ourselves the Fellowship’s Inmate Correspondence Program team.
Between the four of us, we put up funds to buy the books. Earlier this year, we applied for and received a generous donation from the Fellowship’s Outreach Committee for 63 books.
Since we took over mailing the books in December, we’ve sent out over 170 books. All books are sent priority mail, and we pick up the cost for that, too; priority mail insures that the inmate gets the book. All letters get a reply, and some very rewarding pen-pal relationships have developed as a result of that first reply to their original letter. Sometimes, once the book reaches an inmate, he or she shares it with another inmate and that inmate’s friend will write us directly asking for their own copy, which we promptly send them.
Pause for a moment and imagine an inmate, one who has strayed far from truth, who is inside a prison, who has seen the book and has taken the time to write a letter asking for the best source of truth on the planet. What better service is there than to provide a copy of the Urantia Book to that soul who is striving to find truth.
I’m writing you to let you know of this wonderful ministry and asking for your financial support to help us continue this work. A case of six books costs us about $72.00. If this effort moves you, and your personal treasury is healthy, please send your check to the Fellowship noting “For ICP” on it: The Urantia Book Fellowship, P.O. Box 6631, Broomfield, CO 80021.
Here’s a recent letter we just got:
My name is XXXXXXX. I am being held at CCADC waiting to be sentenced and probably be For life. I am on the 4th Floor and my Father is on the 3rd Floor which he shoul be going home sometime this year. Richard Bain nd you of UB sent him and a few others the UB and that is all that I hear they talk about on 3rd. I need to Feel the same thing they are Feeling coul you please send me a copy of the U.B. Thank you. XXXXXXX
Thanks for your consideration,
Michael Hill for the I CP Team
What better service is there than to provie a copy of the Urantia Book to that soul who is striving to find truth.