© 1986 Neil Francey
© 1986 ANZURA, Australia & New Zealand Urantia Association
Vol 7 No 4 May 1986 | Vol 7 No 4 May 1986 — Index | Commentary On Scientific Statements In The Urantia Book |
Given the current rate of growth in book sales in Australia, it is reasonable to expect this increase world wide in English and French speaking countries. It is difficult to forecast a likely alternative. Numbers will demand significant measures to maintain the personal nature of URANTIA Book work.
With numbers comes public attention, and our international status will depend upon our commitment to Jesus’ teachings.
In these early days it has been possible to establish a readership family! In the years to come an integral part of our work will be to extend this family to more distant shores. If we can achieve this, our ties will strengthen, not weaken. This bond will shine out singularly in the midst of all differences, against all the odds. There are good reasons to believe this can be accomplished. Apart from the Master’s assurances, active communication programs will create goodwill, give purpose and discipline to lives, break down social, economic and age barriers, inform our concerned younger generation, and provide skilled teachers. An emerging world community, at the forefront of progress, will come into existence.
The URANTIA Book does have international appeal. It generates an interest in the nature of the world and the people who inhabit it. We can be aware of the general advance of civilization as we gain knowledge about our neighbours and an appreciation of their values and quality of life.
Issues of humanity, compassion, integrity, and social justice are also recognized as being relevant to the health and wellbeing of mankind. We can realize our spiritual nature as we strive for harmonious conditions.
The primary initiative of an international organization is to co-ordinate and advise while sensitive to local issues. The infra-structure on any society will determine the assimilation of the URANTIA Book teachings, and expectations for the future nature of the URANTIA movement should not be contained within too narrow a perspective.
As we require a more formal administrative structure to direct the progress of URANTIA Book outreach, we should consciously maintain our personal links. In this way we can draw upon the ideas and skills of dedicated people. We will not see divisions between an organizational hierarchy and a general readership.
Above all we shall see ourselves as fellow readers with a common goal and purpose.
An international group, comprised of individual members, must be ever resourceful in its quest to promote truth and knowledge as it plays a unique role with an independent voice in all countries of the world.
Neil Francey, Melbourne
Vol 7 No 4 May 1986 | Vol 7 No 4 May 1986 — Index | Commentary On Scientific Statements In The Urantia Book |