© 2020 Pierre Chicoine
© 2020 The Urantia Book Fellowship
by Pierre Chicoine
Intuition is the proof that we are more than creatures. UB 16:7.1
If you’re going to have an AI engine do anything like washing dishes, you would have to teach the machine a few million times how to wash dishes with all the types of dishes it will be washing until it would know how to do it. A human immediately grasps the meaning and then washes them right away without this lengthy procedure, even when they are dishes that you’ve never seen before. UB 34:4.10
We are physical, mental, spiritual and personal (which relates to brain) mind, spirit and being.UB 0:5.7, UB 0:5.8, UB 0:5.9, UB 0:5.10, UB 0:5.11
Mind escapes the physical. It is connected directly to the physical DNA level where the Universe Mother Spirit places her mind. When we die, this temporary piece of her mind leaves. UB 36:3.4
Artificial mind, so called AI, does not replicate mind. Let’s say you’re going to study the difference between wolves and cats. First, you plug in pictures of as many wolves into the AI engine as you can. You set up parameters such as color, height, and weight, or let the engine do so by itself. You set up the engine, let it analyze how much of each parameter is in every picture, and the engine saves the results in weights. For instance, a wolf has a longer snout than a cat. Longer snout weighs towards the picture being a wolf. You can think of these weights as little tanks from zero to 100 percent. A picture of a cat’s snout may only have a weight of 5% because it is shorter. Before it can decide what is weighted, the programmer has to tell the engine which is the cat and which is the wolf so that the engine can do the analysis. Sometimes the telling is done indirectly by reading the title of an internet picture. Some engines have their goals set by the end score. The goals are set by a human mind.
So, if the model that is created from all these weights looks at a picture of a cat and weighs the size of the snout as short, then the model reckons, with a percentage of reliability, that it’s probably a cat. It’s pure unadulterated logic. There’s no intuition. There are different pre-tabulated weights of different parameters. The color, size of snout and many other parameters of a picture of a wolf are analyzed and weighted. Then a model is created as a reference to be used later to make an assessment. Is this animal a cat or a wolf? The end result is called a model. But if the AI engine compares a picture of a dog in this created model, it may think the dog is a wolf. So, the model will need to have dogs fed into it, so as to learn the difference between dogs and wolves.
They have to pile in millions of wolves, cats, dogs with titles explicitly announcing them as wolves, cats and dogs so that the engine is able to differentiate the cat from the wolf or the dog. Again, the titles are entered from minds by countless humans.
Humans are different. Let’s say, a weird looking whatchamacallit creature comes into the room. Let’s say It’s half alligator and half squirrel. Once the human is told what this whatamacallit is by its owner, a human may say “Oh my God!” Now I know what a whatamacallit is. You don’t need all the analysis an AI machine needs to do to understand what a whatchamacallit is.
Meaning is something an AI cannot pick up, it needs pre-knowledge. Paper UB 9:4.5 It has to be taught and it still will not know the meaning of a conversation. It only uses its pre-evaluated weights of all the conversations it has analyzed. Then AI reacts with a response that has already been made by others who used the same words in that order.
Let’s say the AI engine is analyzing a conversation and you say something like: “I needed clean dishes, so I used the dishwasher and I’m running a bit late.” AI may think the topic of the discussion is dishwashers instead of time. You can try it on Siri or Google if you want. It will become unclear if you keep using more words that don’t relate to the meaning of the topic. If you say certain words, Siri doesn’t get the meaning. It tries to get the meaning from the words you throw together. Siri will not get the meaning, but a human will, because a human being uses intuition, which is not an electronic brain. The brain must have the ability to interact with the mind. An electronic set of switches does not.
Let’s say a human is rebelling against doing the dishes. The AI machine will not rebel like a human will. A human can choose not to understand the message that the dishes need to get done. An AI machine will have to learn one million ways how to rebel before it can react rebelliously. AI will still not get the meaning of rebellion. It will just react predictably based on the model it learned. AI measures proportional weights.
If science could prove that intuition escapes the physical, then it’s the first step to showing there is more to religion. This step then becomes a ladder to believing there may be a Father that created life. UB 16:7.1
We use intuition a thousand times a day. Intuition is the ability to get the meaning and look at the true intent of a conversation without having to analyze millions of conversations. UB 34:4.10
Another example would be why I throw a car headlight bulb in the glove compartment. An AI can learn from experience up to a point. You throw a lightbulb in the dash because you want to replace the headlight or tail light in your car. Lights will eventually burn out and you want to be safe if one does burn out. A machine would have to analyze a linear view for all the time that it took up to the burning out of the lightbulb and a million cars burning out lightbulbs before it knows this is a lightbulb that may be needed. It would have to understand the burning out of a lightbulb, its heat, thickness of filament and so on.
Your intuition knows that you wouldn’t “throw” the lightbulb. You know I mean replace it instead. Also, you know that you wouldn’t throw the lightbulb at the dash of your car. It’s all intuitive.
Mind escapes the physical. The artificial intelligence industry is trying to do everything that a human does but they cannot do it. Any AI system that they train has to have the parameters, and a goal of some kind. Once taught the AI is much faster than its human counterpart and far more accurate. When the Google AI system played the Go Game, the AI system beat the best human in the world at the game. Since that first set of games, it has continued to learn and beat everyone, all the time.
To build a model, the AI has to play itself millions or even billions of times to get the goal, the score, higher. A human sets the goal every time.
If a car moves faster than a human can run, it does not mean the car has duplicated the human being, and you know what I mean here. Intuition drives the understanding of meaning. It is virtually impossible for a machine to do so. You can think of an AI engine as a series of switches, which is exactly what they are, binary ones and zeroes. The switches are always set and if they reset to a different pattern, they still remain switches. It’s not that complicated.
The human body is also built of switches. DNA uses four switches instead of two like computers. So, the same theories apply to the brain. The difference is that organic matter, depending on its configuration, can be a vessel for mind. (the four bases of DNA are A T C G)
We are marvelous creatures. When you see the fruits of AI, which will free the world of toil, remember that there is more to life than the physical.
For a description of what AI will do for the world and how AI is already bringing abundance the world, watch “SU Global Summit 2019 | Keynote | Peter Diamandis” on YouTube