© 2019 Rabia Harris
© 2019 The Urantia Book Fellowship
Epochal Pathways | Volume 19, Number 1, 2019 (Summer) — Index | The Challenge of Revelation Based Education |
There was a time when the religion of a culture defined a person throughout life. No choice was presented as a part of his socialization. This was never to be questioned. Though there may have been doubt and skepticism, few in any established society dared questioned the dominant religious paradigm.
With the exception of the rare appearances of prophets with new revelations, questioning scholars and the experiences of mystics, this norm continued for most of the planet’s history until the early 20th century. During this time of enlightenment, new revelations arose, great spiritual teachers appeared, and esoteric knowledge blossomed. Many teachers of various religious orientations, such as Paramahansa Yogananda (a Hindu) and Hazrat Anayat Khan (a Sufi), both of India, came to the West and began to attract serious students. As this esoteric knowledge became more accessible and education improved, many people now had alternatives to the religions of their forbearers, as well as secularism. Into this fertile ground came the revelation known as The Urantia Book, first published in 1955.
Intended for future generations when individual spirituality would become the desirable goal, The Urantia Book has attracted people from diverse backgrounds and continues to be translated into many languages for truth seekers all over the planet. Still not widely known, an active community of readers has become established nevertheless, coming together to study, meeting in conference-style forums in university settings and in small groups in private homes. Because The Urantia Book is not a religion, there has been a strong resistance against making it into a formal religion or ‘church’ of Urantia Book readers. Most UB students are not traditional religionists, and there are those who choose not to participate in any formal religion.
As revealed in Part IV, “Jesus founded a religion of personal experience in doing the will of God and serving the human brotherhood.” He understood that human beings are social creatures and would naturally want to come together as fellow believers. Sadly, as the new religion called Christianity evolved, his profound teachings were watered down, replaced almost entirely by the facts of his life, death and resurrection. Even though “Christianity contains enough of Jesus’ teachings to immortalize it,” “the New Testament is a superb Christian document, but it is only meagerly Jesusonian.”
The Urantia Book introduces a cosmology and explains in detail the presence of God Within, called the ‘Thought Adjuster,’ a fragment of the Father Himself that indwells our minds. The Holy Spirit spoken of in the Christian gospels is actually the Spirit of Truth sent by Jesus at the time of Pentecost, which is en-circuited with the spirit of the Universal Mother Spirit, the Holy Spirit, within each human being. Through these concepts of the divine bestowals revealed in the revelation, we are given the framework within which to develop a true personal religion with a deeper relationship with the Father and with our Local Universe Co-Creators, Michael (Jesus) and the Universal Mother Spirit. Jesus’ teachings encourage us to worship and pray, making God’s Will our own.
How does this 2,097-page masterpiece become a spiritual path? It depends on each person’s dedication and the leadings from his own indwelling Mystery Monitor. The greatest influence is one’s spiritual hunger, whether he joins a study group and continues to focus on the book intellectually, or comes to internalize the truths over time, developing a personal relationship with the Father Fragment and the Local Universe Parents. Only then does doing the Will of the Heavenly Father become a true desire and therefore every effort made to know and submit to the Father’s will. ‘Thy will (not my will) be done.’
The psychic circles, as described in the book, are levels of spiritual attainment and are highly individualistic. Each person has his own soul plan, with his Thought Adjuster guiding, and his accompanying angels helping him with whatever life lessons he needs in order to climb the circles.
Initially, the person is immersed in life and is usually not actually aware of the presence of unseen assistance; however, as the individual develops his inner ‘observer,’ (soul) he can often begin to perceive God’s presence in his life, growing accordingly from his insights. He will then no longer evolve primarily through suffering and life shocks. Subsequently, life lessons can become gentler, though no less profound, bringing new wisdom and building ‘fruits of the spirit.’
It has been said that any new religion follows four stages of development: ‘The Man, the Message, the Movement, and the Monument.’ Although most great religions and authentic spiritual paths originate by divine revelation to a saintly human being, often called a prophet, The Urantia Book has no human teacher; rather, there is the historical Jesus and the Inner Teacher, the indwelling Thought Adjuster, a spirit fragment of the Father Himself.
The message is not typical either. It is a vast collection of profound truths, including esoteric concepts of the nature of God, extensive information about a friendly, highly-organized Universe and Hierarchy, a detailed history of the planet and its fall, and of course, the reintroduction of Jesus’ matchless teachings with a faithful retelling of his life on earth. This amazing revelation is authored by various Celestials who identify themselves at the end of each paper.
There is a loosely organized ‘movement,’ which has sometimes been fragmented, with little historical support for building one central institution (the monument). Publishing, translation, dissemination and study are the purposes of The Urantia Book Fellowship and The Urantia Foundation, the two primary organizations, with each student responsible for his own inner guidance and personal choice as to how he is to study, worship, serve, and pursue spiritual practices such as prayer and meditation. Smaller independent organizations with various focuses, such as spiritual retreats, youth ministry, outreach, validation of the revelation, continuing transmissions from celestials, formal education, and intentional community, continue to be created as expressions of service - the community in action.
According to the book, worship and service are both necessary to one’s spiritual life if the soul is to continue to grow closer to God. Indeed, more can often be accomplished spiritually through active service than through worship, according to the revelation. Jesus taught his disciples to pray alone, silently. The seeking for and communing with the God Within is encouraged over group worship and formal prayers.
Is it actually possible for a common set of religious practices to be developed and duplicated for those who read the book? Probably not, as each person’s soul plan is unique. However, support groups could be established based on a common need or desire to share one’s inner path with others. This seems to be the next logical step for some fully- developed study groups, along with occasional participation in spiritual retreats where the inner life is fostered, based on the truths of the revelation. True community can be enhanced through group service activities in addition to study, worship and sharing. Attending local groups and larger regional, national and international gatherings helps one to feel a part of the greater movement, developing strong connections to kindred spirits, which in turn helps to create a stronger Urantia Family of Believers.
When Urantia Book students come together as one in spirit, what would be the name that best describes this collective? The term,‘ Urantia Book readers’ sounds like members of a book club. Similarly, Christians are not called ‘Bible readers.’ The designation, ‘Jesusonians’ seems more desirable, denoting not a formal organization but the spiritual collective that naturally comes together when one believes and follows the original teachings of Jesus as revealed in The Urantia Book.
What Jesus called the ‘Father’s Kingdom’ is actually the vast spiritual brotherhood of all spirit-indwelt mortals who choose to do the will of the Father, not the human ‘church’ as it was conceived by the Apostle Paul. The ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ sounds archaic to a modern world where ruling monarchies have almost disappeared and the ideals of democracy and equality are valued, if not always practiced. Regardless of our religious affiliations, we are all part of that great ‘cosmic collective,’ which is experienced spiritually. No formal membership is required. In the term, ‘Universal Brotherhood,’ the word, ‘brotherhood’ is gender specific and therefore no longer ‘politically correct.’ Why not say, ‘Universal Unity?’ The Kingdom could become the ‘Father’s Family,’ as we are all brothers and sisters, his children, implying an even closer relationship than the word ‘kingdom,’ which denotes a form of human government.
Maybe it’s time to begin to use new words for our spiritual connections. The way we do that is to simply begin using them in our everyday language. A book that was first written in the English language of the 1930’s is still a mighty revelation, full of profound truth. It is suggested, therefore that the language be modified verbally to suit modern sensitivities and sensibilities.
Rabia Harris has been a student of The Urantia Book for twenty years. She participates in a local study group and also serves as the contact for her region. Rabia is also the retreat coordinator for the “Heart of the Mountains Retreat which gathers each August in the mountains of Western North Carolina, attended by Urantia Book readers of the southeastern United States. She resides in Mars Hill, NC, near Asheville and can be contacted at: rabiaharris@yahoo.com
Epochal Pathways | Volume 19, Number 1, 2019 (Summer) — Index | The Challenge of Revelation Based Education |
All quotes from the Urantia Book: