© 2012 Line St-Pierre, Gaétan G. Charland, Gilles Bertrand, Louise Renaud, Marc Belleau
© 2012 Association Urantia of Quebec
TO END THE YEAR, HERE IS the special edition of Réflectivité December-January 2013 with its eight pages.
In this issue, you will find reflections and sharing on study groups, the message from President Gaétan Charland, the third part of the article on worship by Marc Belleau, the invitation to the Annual General Meeting and also a reply envelope to help support the efforts of disseminating the revelation.
May the upcoming holiday season bring you joy and may 2013 bring you health and wonderful opportunities for service and spiritual growth.
Line St-Pierre
DEAR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS of the association,
During the year that is ending, the Urantia Association of Quebec has continued its mission, its goals and its objectives; it has been supported in this work by many of you including also the members of its board of directors. The work of the organization may seem trivial or superfluous to some of us, but let me reassure you on this aspect.
I often compare the mission of The Urantia Book as the building of the foundations necessary to support the spiritual brotherhood that must be present on our planet to receive the coming epochal revelation that will be inaugurated by a new Era in which men will be willing to seek truth and righteousness. What this revelation will be is open to our speculation, but one thing is certain: it cannot occur without our world being spiritually ready for its unfolding.
To reach this stage of preparation and goodwill, the Revelators have given us some simple directives to carry out, but which require a certain amount of coordination and organization. The creation of thousands of study groups as well as the training of leaders and teachers cannot be done without a minimum of organization and cooperation among the growing number of readers of The Urantia Book; these are the directives of the revelators and what the Urantia Association of Quebec is working on.
A little over twelve years ago, there were only four or five listed study groups in Quebec, most of them in large cities such as Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières. At that time, there were two to three thousand readers in Quebec, taking into account that approximately two to three hundred Urantia books are sold in Quebec each year, and this since the 1970s. Today, there are probably many more people in our province who have read The Urantia Book. This is why one of the objectives of the association is to establish contact with these readers and encourage them to participate in a study group.
The association currently lists nearly 20 study groups spread out around the major cities of Quebec. This number is far from sufficient if we wish to one day transform our society through the principle of attraction and influence and make it welcoming to a new revelation. To do this, the association organized this year a series of three meetings dedicated to study group hosts in order to cooperate with them and thus make their groups more effective in pursuing the mission of The Urantia Book, which is to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception.
This mission, which can be accomplished through study groups, cannot be accomplished without your help and participation in one of these groups; this is a simple way that is offered to you to live the extraordinary adventure of participating in the birth of a new age of religion in this world. Unfortunately, too many readers still refuse themselves this opportunity to exchange, share and learn in a group, preferring to isolate themselves in their reading and thus run the great risk of acquiring a narrow vision of the teachings and depriving themselves of the broader view that association with other personalities provides.
Of course, the work of the association does not stop there, the newsletter that you are reading now and which is published every month is part of this service and means of communication by which we try to reach all the readers of the Urantia Book in Quebec. We also publish an international newsletter, Tidings, every two months which is often included in our postal or electronic mailings with the UAI Journal which is published every three months. To do this publication work, we need a database that requires perpetual updating work and translators to translate certain texts from English to French.
There are also occasional meetings organized in different regions of the province. The next one will be the Annual General Meeting which will take place on February 10 at the Hôtel Le Dauphin in Drummondville. This meeting will be the ideal opportunity to learn more about the association and to learn how you could get involved in its mission. The association also actively participates in sending books to certain countries in Africa, South America and recently Haiti. All these projects require organization and also funds, we have a treasurer who keeps an eye on things and takes good care of your donations by associating them with the activities you wish to support.
The council is now comprised of six members who meet monthly for a planning and organizational meeting. This council includes a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, a communications officer and an archivist. The association also maintains a website at www.urantia-quebec.ca and will soon be the official organizer for the next UAI international congress which will take place in 2015. For this important project, we will need volunteers to assist us in this organizational work, we will soon publish a list of positions to be filled.
Finally, I join the entire AUQ management team in wishing you Happy Holidays and a new year filled with spiritual joy.
To love is to serve.
Gaetan G. Charland
President AUQ
THIS YEAR, AT OUR Annual General Meeting to be held on Sunday, February 10, 2013 at Hôtel Le Dauphin, 600, boulevard St-Joseph, Drummondville QC, there will be an election for the positions of President and Treasurer.
Job Description: (taken from our corporate statutes and regulations)
President: The President chairs the meetings of the Board of Directors and the annual general meetings of all members of the association, acts as spokesperson for the association and presents an annual written report of the activities of the association to the local and/or national association, as well as to the Chair of the Coordinating Committee.
The president of a local association also liaises with local constituent associations and participates, as a voting member, in meetings of the national association. The president of a national association liaises at the international level and, as a voting member, participates in international meetings.
Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for the association’s cash register and bank accounts; collects dues and contributions; and is responsible for fundraisers.
Any member in good standing wishing to submit their application may do so now by communicating their intention by mail to the following address:
Urantia Association of Quebec
c/o the secretary
C.P. 304, St-Jérôme,QC
J7Z 5L0
By email:
FIRST, THANK YOU FOR ORGANIZING this festive and fraternal activity. It is truly exciting to be able to share with people who have the same quest for the divine and the same desire to get closer to God our Father. On December 2, during the brunch gathering UB readers, the exchanges and conversations were going so well that the management was forced to invite us to vacate the room. We were the last to leave the premises and we lingered on the steps to continue other conversations and say our last goodbyes.
Many were surprised that I left my native Abitibi-Témiscamingue to participate in this Christmas Brunch. It is largely thanks to the hospitality of a great friend that I made this decision, but also because I had a need to share, and I admit, I really like “parties”.
Before making my decision, I naturally started by counting the losses: Devoting one of my precious full-time working weekends to this meeting, also meant my precious weekend with my lover flew away, my outdoor walks were postponed. I put a cross on a Christmas shopping trip, postponed household chores, etc. But hey, intuitively I thought I was making the right choice.
I am able to see that I was unable to anticipate all the positive that this commitment has brought me: strengthened bonds of friendship, edifying exchanges, budding friendships, recipes for Christmas, a deeper understanding of the teachings of the UB, certainties, self-confidence, possibilities of services, and I forget some. I deduced that I risk depriving myself of enriching experiences if I cling to my routine and my corner of the country.
In closing, I will tell you a secret. On rare occasions, I have felt moments of intense joy, as if bells were ringing in my heart. Well, you know what? On December 2, in your presence, they rang again in my heart.
A friend and a sister
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud
AT THE MEETING OF THE HOSTS of study groups organized by the A.U.Q. on November 4th in St-Jérôme, there was a continuation of the action plan to improve the focus of the Urantia Book study groups. The first meeting had taken place a few months before.
There were several suggestions for goals, objectives and strategies related to our own working group.
These ideas were developed by the eight animators gathered around the same table. However, some work tables seized and retained other means than ours. It was simply a matter of marking them out correctly.
In a subsequent meeting with our participants, we will submit for voluntary acceptance the choices and means described among all the suggestions listed below.
So this is the general outline we want to use to effectively manage our Urantia Book study group.
We will determine the steps to be taken and will be able to insert them into respective time frames, namely biannually, annually or variously timed. The whole thing is to insert into the activity framework the best procedure to take on the vision of our own study group.
Our goals
Our goals
Objective 1
Enhance intellectual and spiritual understanding
Objective 2
Facilitate the integration of lessons
-Study at home in addition to studying in a group.
-Respectfully stimulate reflection.
-Suggest already developed conferences (See A.U.I. Journal, Réflectivité and Tidings) or books of interest (Vipassana Meditation)
-Serve as a role model in our group and elsewhere. (Behavioral practice)
Objective 3
Promote the emergence of leaders and teachers.
Objective 4
To promote the dissemination of The Urantia Book and its teachings.
Objective 5
Help create new study groups.
Objective 6
3rd part
THIS IS THE THIRD PART of an article on worship that appeared in Réflectivité in October 2012. In the previous issue, we discussed how the Adjuster imprints its creations on the higher levels of the material mind, the area of superconsciousness. Let us now see how meditation enables us to be attuned to the Adjuster.
These creations are appropriated through meditation, what Peter Holley calls, in his text, Meditation in The Urantia Book — Jesus style. Some of the ideas that will be presented to you here come from this magnificent article that I urge you to read. You can consult it at the following address: Meditation in The Urantia Book — Jesus style. According to the author, the meditation that The Urantia Book talks about is different from the techniques proposed today. At the time of the publication of the book, in the middle of the 20th century, dictionaries defined meditation as the act of contemplating an idea, a sustained mental reflection of a religious nature. It is not a question, as in certain other techniques, of stopping the flow of thought, of emptying one’s mind, but on the contrary, of increasing its content through reflection. The activity is intense and all the resources of the mind are called upon. The methods of meditation that we know today have departed greatly from those proposed by the revelators. By favoring activities that involve reflection, we allow the Adjuster to communicate his directives to our minds. The more we reflect, the deeper our understanding of these directives becomes. Several activities allow us to exercise our capacity for reflection. Writing texts, whether in the form of a personal journal or publications in a monthly such as Réflectivité, to name only one, helps to structure our reflection and gives us a purpose, that of sharing our inner life with our brothers and sisters. Being a member of a reading group is another means of learning to listen to our Heavenly Father. Indeed, group reflection allows us to go beyond the limits of our personal vision by sharing what each one discovers about God. Preparing for these weekly meetings by reflecting on the readings in the papers on the agenda for the day with the aim of sharing what we have understood also gives us the opportunity to learn to formulate and express our thoughts well. Sharing our inner life requires not only that we understand the material on which we are reflecting, but also involves developing our ability to express our vision clearly. The Urantia Book reading groups are laboratories in which we can gain experience in the right expression of our vision of God, and this in a friendly environment. Finally, all these activities bring us closer to that zone where the human mind and the Adjuster can make contact. Not being acutely aware of this exchange in no way invalidates the reality of this phenomenon. Communication between the Adjuster and the human mind takes place through our times of deep reflection (meditation).
Jesus often communed with his Heavenly Father. In The Urantia Book, meditation and communion as he practiced them are generally associated with the idea of thinking. Here are some examples:
This hill, a little more than one hundred years previously, had been the “high place of Baal,” and now it was the site of the tomb of Simeon, a reputed holy man of Israel. From the summit of this hill of Simeon, Jesus looked out over Nazareth and the surrounding country. . . . And thus he recalled and turned over in his mind the historic and traditional events of his father Joseph’s people. (UB 126:1.2)
At that time, Jesus was 14 years old, and already he was meditating, he was going over in his mind (in other words, he was reflecting), the events that had shaped the history of the people of his father Joseph. He was learning about the history of this people in preparation for his upcoming public ministry.
That night Jesus did not sleep. Donning his evening wraps, he sat out on the lake shore thinking, thinking until the dawn of the next day. In the long hours of that night of meditation . . . (UB 137:5.3)
In this quote, the act of meditating is once again associated with reflection.
The forty days in the mountain wilderness were not a period of great temptation but rather the period of the Master’s great decisions. During these days of lone communion with himself and his Father’s immediate presence—the Personalized Adjuster (he no longer had a personal seraphic guardian)—he arrived, one by one, at the great decisions which were to control his policies and conduct for the remainder of his earth career. . . . (UB 136:4.10)
Here Jesus’ communion with his heavenly Father, in the form of the personalized Adjuster, is associated with the making of the great decisions which were to govern his actions during the remainder of his incarnation. Now, great decisions are not made without thought. Communion with the heavenly Father, as Jesus practiced it, involves the mobilization of the mind.
Jesus practiced meditation and communion on a regular basis. We all live in time-limited universes; therefore, we need time to understand what God expects of us. In this sense, the repetition of this activity as a habit of life is an important factor in this whole process of communication with God. The more time we give ourselves to think, the clearer become to our consciousness the creations that the Adjuster impresses upon the higher mind. When I decide to write a text on a theme that I have chosen, I begin with an idea that inspires me to write. As I read and think, I discover other ideas and new meanings are added. The more time I give myself, the deeper my thinking becomes and the richer the text becomes. Here I would like to give you an image to help you visualize this process of searching and discovery. To me, writing a text is a bit like walking through a forest in a fog. At first it may be difficult to discern the forms of things; we guess more than we see; but as we proceed, the landscape eventually emerges from the fog, and what seemed hazy at first becomes clearer and clearer. Speaking figuratively, I would say that meditation as just defined in this text enables us to pierce the fog that surrounds the area of superconsciousness (remember, we are unconscious of this part of our minds) in order to bring forth the creations that the Adjuster impresses upon that area to our conscious mind (our work table) and thus to have a clearer vision of them; in the light of our understanding of these directives, we can choose to apply them in our daily lives. In my opinion, this is the way in which we can be attuned to the Adjuster. That is why I think it is best to make meditation a habit of life. Still not convinced of the role of thought in contacting God? Let us read another quote from The Urantia Book:
So few mortals are real thinkers; you do not spiritually develop and discipline your minds to the point of favorable liaison with the divine Adjusters. (UB 110:7.6)
The Thought Adjuster has no special mechanism through which to gain self-expression; (UB 101:1.2)
As we said earlier, it is difficult to communicate with a being who does not have the means to express himself in a personal way as we do ourselves. If the Adjuster cannot express himself in the way we do, he must use our mental processes (during our periods of meditation) to be able to transmit his creations to our conscious mind (our work table). If we accept this idea, we must consider the problems that this situation can generate. Indeed, how can we distinguish between the creations resulting from our own reflection and those presented by our Adjuster? The ground is very slippery indeed!
The Thought Adjuster is engaged in a constant effort so to spiritualize your mind as to evolve your morontia soul; but you yourself are mostly unconscious of this inner ministry. You are quite incapable of distinguishing the product of your own material intellect from that of the conjoint activities of your soul and the Adjuster. (UB 110:4.2)
The best way to deal with this problem, in my opinion, is not to try to discriminate between Adjuster-origin creations and those of our intellect. It is a waste of time to inquire whether a concept, idea, or action was inspired by the Thought Adjuster. There seems to be no objective, that is, demonstrable, evidence of the origin of our thoughts. Furthermore, to believe in the divine origin of an idea would possibly lead us to impose it on others. There is great danger of yielding to spiritual pride, intolerance, and even religious fanaticism. In reality, we need only act with the insights we possess into the truth without inquiring into the source of our conceptions. We must take each idea that arises in our minds for what it is, an incomplete concept that evolves over time and contains both truth and falsehood. Our ideas, concepts, plans, and ideals are the result of our interpretation of the Adjuster’s directions and not the Adjuster’s exact thinking. The contact personality, the one who brought the fifth revelation to us, is a fine example of the best attitude to adopt in all these matters.
The Adjuster of the human being through whom this communication is being made enjoys such a wide scope of activity chiefly because of this human’s almost complete indifference to any outward manifestations of the Adjuster’s inner presence; it is indeed fortunate that he remains consciously quite unconcerned about the entire procedure. (UB 110:5.7)
Let God do His work and we can be assured that He will do it. Instead, let us focus on ensuring that ours is done by taking time to commune with our Creator as Jesus of Nazareth did. This communion will allow us to better understand who our Heavenly Father is and what He expects of us in order to put His directives into practice in our daily lives. In this way, we can become true partners with God by allowing Him to express Himself through our lives.
We have just explored the first two manifestations of worship: veneration and understanding. In the next issue, we will discuss putting into action what we have understood through meditation. This will be the fourth and final part of this article.
If you have any comments on these thoughts, please feel free to write to me at belleaumarc@hotmail.com. I will be happy to read them.
Marc Belleau
THE IDEA OF HOLDING A STUDY GROUP came about in 1999 as a result of a discussion between my husband and me. Since then, we have welcomed over thirty people around our kitchen table to read, discover, explore and share our understanding of the truths contained in The Urantia Book.
Every Monday evening since September 1999 we have been welcoming students of the revelation and we are almost at the end of our first reading, to booklet 195 to be precise. Of course, throughout our meetings, we have studied very specific themes such as faith, personality, the Thought Adjuster, the life and teachings of Jesus. Together, we have prepared theme days to present the fruit of our labors. We have also taken a break for the months of July and August, when people are on vacation and want to take advantage of the beautiful weather.
Our group is called “Discovery” and each week, we meet between 4 and 9 people, all equally interested in learning more and exchanging their intellectual and spiritual points of view.
Each member of the group benefits from the understanding of the whole and increases in each of the participants this quality of divine research, but also of spiritual development; a better way of living one’s human life with the aim of what is highest in value in human nature.
Here are some testimonials from students during our meetings.
“I feel privileged to be able to be in a study group and hear the questions and explanations of others, because it allows me to question myself and to be able to change my way of thinking for the better. I am also cleaning up my beliefs. I have learned to know God and his son, the trinity and especially where we come from. This is what allows me to understand why we are where we are and act this way, because I asked myself a lot of questions about humanity and its stupidities. I have learned to make peace with our nature because now I understand the human being better. I am no longer afraid of death, because I know that there is a sequel, I am convinced of it! I meet wonderful people who want to deepen their spirituality and for me I hope that each reader can live this experience!”
"I am still a novice at reading The Urantia Book. I realize that the catechism has not told us everything and that our cobwebs are difficult to dislodge.
Reading teaches me to be wiser, more tolerant of others; that something else alive exists in the universe, impresses me, intrigues me and interests me. Reading in a group allows me to have exchanges, comments or explanations to better understand the meaning.
“The group study has enlightened me on many subjects. It has debunked old beliefs that were still present in my consciousness, not understanding all the beautiful truths of The Urantia Book. I feel today that I must be more involved in the group to grow. I have much to learn from the teachings of The Urantia Book and alone I will not succeed. I feel like I missed the train somewhere and I thank God for putting me on the path of my study group. It is as if he said to me: “Hela wake up! We can help you.”
“The progress I am experiencing is partly due to my involvement for many years in the Discovery group. I have discovered an understanding of higher concepts, discovered a greater meaning to life, discovered deep friendships and discovered brotherhood. It is always a happy meeting to see each other again week after week.”
Why is it desirable to participate in a study group? For all these reasons and more. The revelators urge us to read the life of Jesus, to study it in depth and to extract from it the ideal of the model of life and to be inspired by it so that we in turn become beings with a noble nature and in the service of others.
The Thought Adjuster who indwells each human simply awaits their willingness to act and advance his subject. Studying the divine panorama in groups then becomes a mark of worship to our Heavenly Father.
Line St-Pierre
Ste-Sophie, Quebec, Canada
A FEW MONTHS AGO, THE FOUNDATION got rid of some 120 cases for the Little Urantia Books.
The AUQ only had to pay the shipping costs and therefore can sell them to you for $5 plus postage.
Let me know your interest, either by email at line.stpierre@gmail.com or by phone at 450-565-3323.
The Urantia Association of Quebec (U.U.Q.) is affiliated with the Urantia Association International (U.I.A.) and supports Urantia Foundation in its mandate as described in the Urantia Foundation Declaration of Trust and assists it in the dissemination of the teachings revealed in The Urantia Book. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All are elected for a two-year term at the Annual General Meeting. Membership in the Association may be as a Regular Member or a Friend Member, according to eligibility criteria specific to each.
The Urantia Association of Quebec reserves the right to revoke or refuse any application for membership if the applicant does not meet its requirements and regulations or those of Urantia Association International.
Eligibility criteria:
Benefits of being a regular member:
Eligibility criteria:
Benefits of being a friend member:
NAME : _____
ADDRESS : _____
CITY: _____ PROVINCE: _____ POSTAL CODE: _____
TEL. RES.: ( ) _____
Signature : _____
EMAIL: _____ Date: _____
I am requesting membership as: regular member friend member I would like the monthly Réflectivité: printed digital Enclosed, a check in the amount of $50.00 made payable to the Urantia Association of Quebec.
Ship to: Urantia Association of Quebec, P.O. Box 304, St-Jérôme QC, J7Z 5L0
THIS ACTIVITY ALLOWS MULTIPLE READERS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF UNDERSTANDING TO SHARE AND STUDY THE TEACHINGS OF The Urantia Book TOGETHER. It promotes spiritual progress by enabling its participants to find practical applications of the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important practice helps to maintain a broad perspective on concepts of truth.
You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
Group: Découverte
Every Monday from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Laurentians Region Gaétan Charland and Line St-Pierre
Tel.: 450-565-3323
Group: Étoile du Soir
Every Wednesday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Laurentides region
Carmen Charland
Tel.: 450-553-3601
Group: Le Pont
Every Thursday from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
South Shore of Montreal
Guy Vachon
Tel.: 450-465-7049
Group: Mauricie Readers
Every Monday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Three Rivers Region
Madeleine Boisvert and
Tel: 819-376-8850
Roger Perigny
Group: Veritas
Every Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Montreal area, near the Church metro station
Lise and Pierre Routhier
Tel.: 514-761-2378
Sherbrooke Group
Every two weeks, Tuesday or Wednesday (to be confirmed)
From 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Helene Boisvenue or Denis Gravelle
Tel.: 819 569-6416
Group: The Ascendants
Every two weeks on Sunday from 13 h 00 to 3:30 p.m.
South Shore of Quebec
Guy LeBlanc
Tel: 418-835-1809
Group: The Agondontarians
Every two weeks on Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. North Shore of Quebec
Guy & Rolande L. Martin
Tel: 418-651-3851
Group: Les Débonnaires
Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Montreal region
Julien Audet
Tel: 514-315-9871
Group: Urantia Fraternity
Wednesdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Lanaudière region
Richard Landry & Gisèle Boisjoly
Tel: 450-589-6922
Group: Vers les Sommets
Friday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Regions Ormstown & Valleyfield
Louise Sauve
Tel: 450-829-3631
Group: The United Urantia Family
Monday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Montreal region
Mrs. Diane Labrecque
Tel: 514-277-2308
The Partners of the Supreme
Monday from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Quebec region
Richard Lachance
Tel: (418) 614-2520 or (418) 933-0244 (cell)
At Maisonia
Every two weeks on Monday from 7:15 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Quebec region
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud
Tel: 418-871-4564
Group: Uni-Terre
Every Sunday from 9:00 a.m.
Lanaudière region
Eric Martel
Tel: 450-756-9387
Group: Laurantia
Every Sunday from 9:00 a.m.
Petite Nation region in Outaouais
Denise Charron & Jean-Claude Lafreniere
Tel: 819-983-2113
Group: The Precursors of Divine Reality
Every two weeks on Tuesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Laurentides region
Mrs. Johanne Séguin
Tel: 819-327-3237
Group: Sans Frontiére
Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.
Hawkesbury region
Yvon and Irene Belle-Isle
Tel: 613-632-5706
Group: from Outaouais
Sunday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Ottawa Region
Maurice Migneault
Tel: 613-789-6833
Group: The Alphée Brothers
Thetford Mines region
Sylvère Marcoux
Tel: 418-332-3560
Group: The South Shore Lighthouse
Every Monday from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
South Shore region of Montreal
Luciano Camellini and Dominique Marchessault
Disclaimer: Any interpretations, opinions, conclusions or artistic representations, stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of Urantia Association International or local and national level associations.