© 2016 Pierre Routhier, Alain Nielsen, Éric Messier, Guy Perron, Gaétan G. Charland, Line St-Pierre, Alain Cyr, Normand Laperle
© 2016 Urantia Association of Quebec
Special Edition
Hello readers of The Urantia Book,
This special edition is a tribute to a pillar of the Urantia movement in Quebec, Pierre Routhier. With his wife Lise Charbonneau, in addition to having been founding members of the group of readers of the Urantia Book of Quebec, they were for a long time editors of the newsletter Réflectivité. It is now their turn, Pierre and Lise, to let themselves speak of love.
We have gathered testimonies from readers who know them and who wanted to pay tribute to them.
To love is to serve.
Pierre Routhier
(published in the July 2006 Réflectivité)
At a young age, I developed an attraction to the truth. My parents raised their children in mutual trust, respect and the search for truth. By confessing our mistakes, we were sure to be understood and forgiven. We loved our dear parents so much that we would never have wanted to cause them the slightest sorrow. We wanted so much for them to be proud of us at all times.
In my spiritual search, the filial love I had for my biological father was spiritually transposed to our Heavenly Father. And I became aware that His love could not be less than the love my earthly father had for me. This was the backdrop against which my search for truth took shape.
Being raised in the Roman Catholic religion by such good parents, I could not question their religious teachings until I perceived for myself that much of it was dissociated from the love of my earthly parents and even more from the merciful love of our Universal Father. I had just found the key that opened the box of tricks to scatter them to the four winds. Everything that was not in accordance with the most beautiful and greatest love had to be swept away, rejected, to allow me to approach the Truth.
After a bookish tour of various religious philosophies and a few biographies of illustrious figures, I came to read “The Lives of the Masters” by Spalding, translated by Louis Colombelle — Jacques Weiss’s pen name — and published by Robert Lafont. On the inside cover of this first edition, Mr. Weiss informed us about his most recent translation, which was called: “The Cosmogony of Urantia.” It was even, he claimed, the most extraordinary translation he had ever made! I had to read this famous Cosmogony and I fell into it like a fish in its element. I could not help but get my fill of this extraordinary narrative and it took me three months to swim across it in sublime delight.
Were it a science fiction book it would beat them all! Could it really be a revelation from our invisible friends? That was to be seen… Personally, what convinced me were the chapters on the Thought Adjuster that harmonized so perfectly with my soul like two tuning forks vibrating in unison, like a chord of truth on a staff of love.
Now, I am convinced of the need to make this 5th Revelation known and to gather readers to work. With my wife Lise, we have joined others to work in the Lord’s vineyards by publishing Réflectivité free of charge, since March 1986, in the form of a leaflet, and by collaborating in the establishment of two readers’ associations in Quebec. We have participated in several book fairs to make known this gift from heaven that is “The Urantia Book”, because we hope that others will also know how to benefit spiritually from it.
Alain Nielsen
February 16, 1986, Pierre Routhier offered to become the person responsible for the new publication formula of Réflectivité.
March 1986, birth of the monthly Réflectivité, in the form of a letter 8.5 x 14 in eight columns recto/verso. The manager is Pierre Routhier, assisted by his wife Lise and a few resource people.
December 2005, the monthly Réflectivité is twenty years old! More than two thousand copies distributed!!! Bravo to the project’s mastermind, Pierre Routhier, and his collaborators.
Pierre wrote several texts included in Réflectivité throughout these years.
Descriptive texts of activities, but also texts to teach great truths.
September 2006, publication of the last issue of the monthly Réflectivité. The Tidings newspaper will take over in October, including Réflectivité.
Veritas Group
September 1989 to February 2014: The reading group meetings took place at Lise and Pierre Routhier’s house.
Book Fair
From 1988 to 2001, Pierre and Lise organized a kiosk at several Montreal Book Fairs, for the dissemination of The Urantia Book. Pierre even gave a conference at the Montreal one and they were volunteers at the ones in Outaouais.
Pierre Routhier attempted to provide some answers to certain fundamental questions by giving several conferences during the 1990s, at the University of Quebec in Montreal, at book fairs and at the restaurant “Le Commensal”.
June 1995, Pierre conducted a survey through the monthly Réflectivité. The first question asked was: “Do you see an interest, for readers, in having a URANTIA association in Quebec?” The second question was: “Should this association be part of the great Urantia Association International?”.
July 20, 1997, the Urantia Association of Quebec (AUQ), receives from the representative of the Urantia Foundation International (UAI), the authorization to use the logo of the three concentric circles with the name URANTIA. It receives from the representative of the “International Urantia Association”, its official recognition of affiliation.
July 1997 to March 24, 2002, Lise and Pierre Routhier took care of the treasury, then he took over the management of the Communications Committee on June 14, 2003.
October 1987, Pierre participated as a founding member with 16 other people in the first meeting of the “Groupe Action des Lecteurs du Livre d’Urantia du Québec” (GALUBQ).
Pierre and Lise were members of GALUBQ for several years. From 2002, they were presidents and vice-presidents, until Pierre’s retirement in 2007.
September 8, 2007. A small ceremony of transfer of responsibilities took place. Lise and Pierre Routhier (on the right in the photo below) were, with Jacques Lafrance, among the founding members of the first Urantian group recognized as a charitable organization in Canada. They passed on to Hélène Boisvenue & Denis Gravelle, as a symbol, the official flag of GALUBQ.
Pierre organized the “Fête de Michael” from the 90s until August 2013 when he transferred the posters of the concentric circles to Bertin Perron and Julien Audet who took over the organization of the picnics.
May 2007, retirement of Pierre Routhier. His health requiring more care and rest, it is not without regret that we see Pierre Routhier take a well-deserved retirement and leave his place as head of the communications committee at the AUQ. However, he guarantees us his participation on the board of directors as an advisor.
It is with great love for God and men, generosity, dedication, work and continuous efforts that for more than 20 years Pierre Routhier has served the Revelation. His limitless commitment to giving his time and a little of his life to the Urantia Association of Quebec, to Réflectivité and to his weekly study group, remains all the more significant and enriching for all those who have worked with him and who rub shoulders with him from week to week.
He is a true model for us, who are only just beginning our service to this same Revelation.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart dear Pierre.
April 2008 to May 2015. Pierre participates in the study of the Master Universe as well as its appendices with a group from Montreal where he was able to bring his concepts of the master creation, to the great delight of the other participants.
December 2014. Moving, Pierre and Lise leave their headquarters at 4071 Edna, Verdun, Montreal for the Cité Rive residence.
Peter, after reading your history since you began reading The Urantia Book, we can assure you that you have truly “worked in the Lord’s vineyards” as you so aptly put it in your July 2006 article.
Well done and thank you for your hard work, perseverance, great dedication and love of the truth.
Mission accomplished!!!
Alain Nielsen
As a study group of the master universe, in which you have been a member for several years now, we are in a union of souls, to live and share this moment of eternity with you.
Our brother, your humanism, your spirit of spiritual brotherhood as well as your commitment to us, your group, have served as a foundation stone “in order to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception” (UB 0:0.2).
Our friend, by your loyalty to God’s plans as well as to us your brothers in spirit, and this, despite all the vicissitudes of life, you are for us an example of perseverance and courage. You have been able to transmit in each of us the energy and motivation of an old spiritual Routhier.
Our traveling companion, through your open-mindedness, your sense of humor and your concrete examples, you have demonstrated great humility in handling the art of being both master-student and student-master.
Now, Pierre, each of the people in the Master Universe study group wants to share what you represent for them by giving you a personal testimony about this relationship:
My very dear Pierre,
Claude Flibotte
I have known you for many, many years. Today, I am asked to say a few words about how I feel about our relationship. So I will begin by saying what you represent, in my eyes, for the Urantia movement in Quebec. Two thousand years ago, Jesus asked his disciples to express what they thought of him and who he really was? Peter answered that he was the son of the living God. Then, Jesus expressed that this truth had been revealed to them by the spirit of the Father who dwelt in them and that on this rock, he would build the living temple of the spiritual community in the eternal realities of our Father’s kingdom.
Today, Pierre, if you asked me to tell you who I believe you are, I would say that you are the rock on which the Quebec spiritual community was built and maintained. Thanks to you, believers in the good news were gathered, informed, taught, unified and guided on the eternal path that leads to the Father in paradise. Despite many trials and pitfalls, you have never ceased to proclaim the reality of the love of the Father of all and the universal brotherhood of all these beloved children. You are and will be for eternity the flame that illuminated the beginnings of the Urantian movement in Quebec. Your name will go down in history and will still be pronounced in a thousand years by our descendants who will remember you and your work!
It is with great emotion and sincere admiration that I recognize you as the cornerstone in my spiritual journey and for that I say thank you. You are my brother, my father, my instructor, my guide, my mentor, my friend, my example of courage and perseverance in proclaiming the truth. My dearest big brother, I will be eternally grateful to you for all that you have done for me, here below, and all that we will continue to do in the ages to come!
Just know that I love you so much!
Tribute to Pierre and Lise Routhier
Bertin Perron
The first time I met you was at Michael’s party in 2004 on Mount Royal. You welcomed me with open arms and since then, I have made my great evolution.
You brought me to several themes organized by the foundation and you, Pierre, we met again in the Master Universe Study group.
Thank you for passing the torch of organizing the party to Michael, me and Julien.
Pierre and Lise, you will always live in my heart.
My dear brother in spirit
Julien Audet
Pierre, I often think of you, even outside of the meetings at Alain and Chantale’s. A thread of memories runs through my head, especially when you were with us to share your knowledge and know-how, your understanding of the passages of the fifth revelation, and your love of God. I miss your presence, although you are in my heart. I miss your dynamism and enthusiasm in the union of our souls, as well as your wisdom. Thank you! for participating in the exchanges and again for your motivation although you are very tired. My brother, you are an inspiration to me.
Thank you! for being with Alain and Chantale for several years.
Thank God! That you are on my path.
I love you.
Dean of Urantia
Your Norman friend xxx
For me, Pierre, you are a friend that everyone should be around.
You are an example of courage despite illness.
You have always kept your good humor, your desire to always learn more, a curious person by nature.
Pierre, I am happy to have shared the group study with you.
Thank you for being.
I met Pierre in 1993
Chantale Chartier
He was the one who sold me my first Urantia Book.
I went to see his lectures that he gave at the “Commensal”.
For me, at the time, Pierre was a great reader and researcher of The Urantia Book. I could not have imagined that one day we would study together “A Study of the Master Universe” and its appendices. It was the discovery of a man of great humility, wisdom and greatness of soul. Of a man who knew how to remain both master and student, despite his great knowledge. Pierre, you are an example of perseverance, open-mindedness and love.
Pierre thank you for being who you are.
Pierre; I am because you are!!!
Alain Nielsen
Together we have climbed conceptual mountains of beauty, truth and goodness.
With you my friend, I was able to touch the glory of the greatness of God’s plans.
You have directed, like a beacon, the light of the 5th epochal revelation in order to guide your brothers in spirit to safety.
Your spiritual heritage is inestimable. Its cosmic value rests on the experience of ascending to God the Father and daring to try to be like Him.
Pierre, thank you.
Thank you for being in my life!!!
So to conclude, Pierre, we all want to tell you in unison that we love you.
Signed: The Master Universe and its Appendices Study Group.
N.B.: It has been written that “Behind every great man, there is a great woman”.
Thank you Lise.
Eric Messier
Pierre was important to me. When I met him, I had only just discovered the book and had not had the opportunity to discuss it with anyone.
I discovered Pierre’s reading group and contacted him, because I had several questions about the book, of course.
Around the same time, I went to work in Africa and couldn’t bring the book with me because my luggage wouldn’t allow it.
So Pierre made me copies of some of the booklets that he considered most relevant for a beginner.
I must say that it was in 1997 and I had not yet discovered the Internet, I was still in the paper age.
I communicated a lot with Pierre by email, in addition to the phone and my occasional presence at the reading group. His writings helped me a lot to advance in my study of the book, and also helped me when I approached the book with other people.
One of the first questions I discussed with Pierre was the meaning of suffering. I must say that even today, the book has not given me complete satisfaction on this subject; but Pierre has done his best to enlighten me on this subject.
The other even more important question I shared with Pierre is: “Did we choose to be on this planet, otherwise why are we “forced” to be here?”
Pierre shared his thoughts with me as best he could on this very difficult question. He seemed to believe that if we are on this planet, it is because in some way we wanted it.
Peter’s answers have partially satisfied me, but I think I will know for sure only once I arrive in Jerusalem.
The answers to the question of suffering came to me in great numbers during the trip, almost always by opening a book or other printed matter at random. When I returned I wrote a book about this trip. Here is a chapter where I recount some of these coincidences: http://www.ericmessier.com/continent/inconnu/08bamhas.htm
I have been reading the book much less in recent years. Why? I feel that the book has given me all it could, that I have learned most of what I wanted to know. It has brought me powerful revelations, but my thirst for understanding is far from being satisfied; for example, the cruelty of a great many of God’s human children.
So Pierre, thank you very much, you have already done a great work during this life and it is all to your credit. No doubt it will continue, and I hope we see each other again soon.
Guy Perron
What can be said about Pierre Routier except that he lives up to his name: Pierre is rock solid in his living faith and has been a true morontia trucker throughout the early part of his eternal career as an ascending mortal on Urantia.
Pierre was a long-time member of the TLM, “always the same ones” who do everything.
Thank you Pierre, for your exemplary dedication to the Urantia Movement.
Isabelle Lefebvre and Stéphane Boucher
Thank you Pierre, for being part of our life. We thank you for your great generosity in sharing your spiritual experiences with us.
See you soon!
Maurice Migneault
Nothing we possess belongs to us, except the enriching experience of giving ourselves for others. No doubt, my dear Pierre, that you have a very good bank account from which you will withdraw compound interest for eternity.
Your friend.
Andre Pominville
What a pleasure to come into contact with the Urantia movement, passing through the door of Pierre’s house.
Nineteen hundred and ninety. The Urantia book enters my life and the following year it is Lise and Pierre’s turn to enter. A couple of exemplary modesty and fraternal, parental affection.
A dedication to the search for Truth. An investment of everything for Everything.
Dear Pierre, you are writing the last paragraph of your Urantian life and your tender companion will close the first book of your eternity, of your infinity.
Personally, you are part of the meeting that was not obligatory in my ascension but how OH! delicious and on what a planet!
My adjusted thoughts accompany you. My gratitude to Our Father who by his Love through your personalities has taken on a color, a flavor and an enrichment with us that you have served so generously, fraternally, parentally.
See you soon, beloved. Affectionately.
Francine Fortin
I met you more than 10 years ago, when I joined your study group. I had received The Urantia Book as a birthday present, when I turned 50, completely lost, I didn’t understand anything. That’s when my friend Line recommended me to your study group, the one with Lise and you.
Pierre, I will be eternally grateful to you for guiding me through my
readings of this wonderful Book. I remember, during our weekly meetings, your patience in explaining to me what was difficult for me, in repeating your explanations when I did not understand, you always made sure of my understanding.
It is because of you, your patience, your generosity, your hospitality and your welcome, that I have persevered in reading “The Urantia Book” and will continue until my earthly death.
I have always read with great interest all your writings in Réflectivité. You have been able to inspire me and lead me on new paths of reflection!
Your time on Urantia will leave an indestructible mark. Always in service to your brothers and sisters, you have inspired the desire to love and help. I admire the human being that you are and the Life that you have led here below.
If my heart is sad, it’s because I’m going to miss you. This is just goodbye my brother, we’ll see each other again in eternity.
My prayers accompany you on the journey that remains for you to make among us. May God bless you, as well as Lise, your partner of a lifetime, who accompanies you.
With all my affection, gratitude and love.
Gaétan G. Charland
It was, I believe, in 1988 when I was participating in the study group at Roxanne Proulx’s that I met Pierre Routhier. He had left a deep impression on me with his gentle way of explaining things. It was only later, in the 90s, that I had the opportunity to get to know Pierre and Lise better. I would periodically visit them to help them modernize the computer equipment they used to publish Réflectivité. From these meetings, I was able to observe on many occasions Pierre’s great qualities, first his gentleness, then his patience, then his unalterable goodness supported by a great desire to serve, associated with these qualities, there is also his deep faith in the truths contained in The Urantia Book which characterizes him so admirably.
I got to know Pierre better by working with him in various activities and all these occasions allowed me to see how authentically faithful Pierre was to his faith and beliefs. Pierre is the one who does good in passing, he expresses very well in his life several qualities of our master Jesus and it is this disposition to do good, wherever he is, which will forever mark the memory that I will keep of him, when he has left us for the other world. In his busy life, as much in the service to others as in that of his family. Lise was for him an ally and an incredible support, they are both a powerful example of a couple who have practically lived and continue to live the teachings of The Urantia Book.
Pierre was the rock on which our association of readers in Quebec grew and will continue to progress.
To love is to serve.
Ginette Kavana,
Pilgrim of time, Granby
Once upon a time there was a man who showed the way, who lit the path to follow to guide the new pilgrim, it was a street lamp. It was you Pierre at the end of the line. Thank you for answering and welcoming. Even if I am still looking, the road was good to follow.
Good continuation.
Guy Breton
The news that fate has you firmly cornered touches me deeply. But at the same time, I am full of hope for you!
You originally dedicated your life to God and then came back to the world and took a wife and deliberately and intensely lived the teachings of Jesus from The Urantia Book. Your life is a great inspiration to me and your journey played a large part in my decision to be reborn of the Spirit and develop an intimate relationship with God.
I’m in Florida until the end of April and I don’t know if I’ll have the chance to see you again before you leave for the great adventure of Paradise. But one thing is for sure, we’ll see each other again one of these days.
Thank you Pierre, for everything you have brought me!
Guy Le Blanc
Thank you Pierre, for knowing you. You made me very attentive to your way of sharing knowledge about the teachings of the great Blue Book. It was a joy to meet you and discuss with you your experience in the field of SPIRITUALITY. If I can add a touch to what you will soon experience, I would say that it is the most sublime of experiences to leave this world.
Pierre, I love you and wish you a good trip and see you soon.
Jacques Lafrance
I first met Pierre Routhier on May 27, 1984, at the last meeting of the Group of 20 in Montreal. It was the first time I had met readers outside of the Urantia Book Study Group, of which I had been a member for several months.
What struck me immediately about Pierre Routhier was his great simplicity and his easy approach. From the first contact, one feels at ease with Pierre.
From 1988, as part of the activities of GALUBQ (GA) and the monthly Réflectivité, I had the chance to cooperate with Pierre Routhier for almost 18 years. When I say “… with Pierre …”, you have to understand “… with Lise and Pierre …”, because Lise and Pierre form a couple that well illustrates the passage from the Urantia Book which says that “… a man and a woman who cooperate are, in most of their actions, far superior to two men or two women.”
Lise and Pierre’s home, 4071 Edna, in Verdun, served, for all intents and purposes, as the “head office” of the Urantia “movement” in Quebec for a fairly long period of time (1986-2006 ± ). I was often very warmly welcomed by Lise and Pierre at 4071 Edna for work periods of one or two days. I have very fond memories of it.
When I think of Pierre, a number of qualities that Pierre displays come to mind: sincerity, creativity, ingenuity, resourcefulness, tenacity … Pierre is enterprising and does not hesitate to do what it takes to achieve his goals. Pierre has put these qualities at the service of the dissemination of the teachings of the Urantia Book and Lise and Pierre have been the pillars of a host of activities related to the dissemination of these teachings in Quebec: study groups, Réflectivité, GALUBQ, thematic days, annual picnics, the Urantia Book Fellowship conference in St-Hyacinthe in 1993 …
To be honest, I am very happy to have crossed paths with Pierre Routhier and his wife Lise.
Jean Thomas Nelson, Jean Gary Julme, Joseph Bruny,
We Urantia of Haiti would like to pay special tribute to Our brother Pierre Routhier for his services. May Michael of Nebadon grant him the grace to go to Jerusalem.
Johanne Seguin
Dear supra human, because you became one long before your departure. You knew how to radiate the fruits of the Spirit and inspire more than one. And not only did you inspire but you are also a model who guides in the darkness, who still clings to this planet. You will always live in our hearts regardless of the distance and absence. Thank you for opening your doors to me, for welcoming me, always with sympathy and warmth. I pray that when your illness ends, it will be done gently and serenely.
Have a good trip. We’ll see each other again soon, and for eternity.
Marc Belleau
I met Pierre and Lise Routhier when they were the hosts of the Veritas study group. I have wonderful memories of this period of weekly meetings. But beyond Pierre’s great knowledge of The Urantia Book, what impresses me most about him and his wife is their great devotion and commitment to the development of the Urantia movement in Quebec. Pierre and Lise have rendered great services to the revelation and for me, they have been and will always be an incredible source of inspiration.
Paul Tsekar
My name is Paul Tsekar. We have not met face to face, but we know each other as readers of The Urantia Book.
I am writing to you from Cameroon, Africa, to encourage you and tell you that death does not exist for the children of GOD. It is only a change of envelope and space.
We are passing through here on Urantia. You have had the chance to do what is essential, the duty of man on this earth. Be proud of having done your duty.
I like.
Robert Cedilot
It is with the greatest pleasure that I respond to the invitation to come and pay tribute to you during your lifetime, my dear Pierre. We have not met very often, but each time I have had the chance to be in your presence, I have had the opportunity to appreciate your warm, humble and serene personality, your great wisdom guided by a rich experience of evolutionary life, your humor, your always fair words as much in your writings as in your speech, you have been for me a character who has been able to inspire me. Now, you seem to have reached the end of the road that you had to travel on Urantia and I am convinced that you are ready for the great step so desired by our Divine Father, and which is this passage towards Heaven, this eternal world of Love, Power, Joy, Happiness and Peace.
Dear Lise and Pierre, you can count on my most sincere thoughts of prayers of serenity, comfort and love. May God bless you!
Your brother and friend in God.
Roger Perigny,
Three Rivers
Good morning,
I first met Pierre and Lise at the founding of the AUQ in Montreal with Cathy Jones and Georges Michelson Dupont on July 20, 1997. I immediately realized that he was a humble and knowledgeable man. I felt that he did not judge anyone. He welcomed each member as the most important person in the Association. When the photo was taken, he had to be convinced to be in the photo at the last minute. During an annual meeting at Angrignon Park, for the feast of Jesus, I had the opportunity to see at work a devoted and inspiring man for the most worthy cause on earth: building a human and spiritual fraternity in camaraderie. We discussed various subjects without judgment. A man of personal, spiritual and universal wisdom, I am blessed and honored to have met a cosmic citizen.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you again on the path to the Absolute.
Your Brother Mark
I still remember folding reflectivities with you and Lise.
To know and share unconditional love, which is the joy and privilege of God’s Children.
Thank you my brother for welcoming me into your humble home, my sister Lise and you, out of pure kindness. Through your unconditional love, I have found the God who is in me, in the other.
You have been the spark with which I set fire to every heart I meet.
If every human gave a little moment of their time, like you did for me, the world would be saved.
I always remember that little phrase you told me as soon as we met; “I have plenty of time, but I have no time to waste”.
I immediately understood very well, because it agreed with me! I apply this
philosophy also with those who are given to help me on the way.
Since my discovery of the Revelation, my experience with you shows me that it is necessary to open our hearts to the needs of individuals who have also recognized the authenticity of this same Revelation, regardless of their circumstances.
Even though Urantia Books are distributed, study groups must always open their doors to those who are thirsty. We must always have in place a potential to help understand this revelation.
In the “Father’s House” it is always warm in winter.
Thank you Pierre.
Divine Love,
Mark & Kathy,
Sailor Son & Daughter,
On The MotherShip,
Setting The Sails,
The Captain Is Aboard
Line St-Pierre
So many people pass through our lives, but few leave us with the impression of a life of accomplishments of all kinds.
Having adopted with Lise three children whom you loved and educated as if they were your own, is exemplary and demonstrates your great generosity.
I saw in you, Pierre, the greatness of a man whose love of God was shared on a daily basis. The word service has become intrinsic to your personality. From picking up papers from the ground on Edna Street, to answering readers who called you at all hours and wanted to discuss The Urantia Book, to helping with carpentry at one and another’s homes, to organizing readers’ meetings, to sending out Réflectivité for 20 years, and the list goes on. Always available to help and as you said so well: “I have time to give, but no time to lose”.
Dear Pierre, you will remain a model of inspiration in my heart!
Alain Cyr
City of Lemoyne
Pierre, my big brother, you are an inspiration to us all. I first met you and Lise in 2000, and since then you have continued to inspire me with your patience, wisdom, generosity and perseverance.
Our many meetings in your basement or elsewhere for the AUQ Council allowed me to savor your presence more intimately and benefit from your clairvoyance for eight years. Added to this are the many thematic meetings, the picnics where you made it your duty to welcome everyone, taking care to place the three concentric circles here and there to situate us, and the sharing of your vision of this world and the next.
And when I was asked to work on the production of the AUI journal in 2005, I was inspired by your devotion to the newsletter Réflectivité and I think it is partly because of you that I am still doing this work.
In the spring of 2015, I had dinner with you and Lise in your new home on the banks of the Rivière des Prairies and you showed me around this beautiful residential complex. I hope to have the privilege of visiting your next home.
With friendship, I wish you a good trip.
Normand Laperle
Often, when we travel we bring back an object as a souvenir.
Last summer, when I went to the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, I came back with a souvenir—one I didn’t expect.
I heard the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. A 360-voice choir that has been touring the world since 1847.
There is one song in particular that I would like to share with you, if you are interested. It is the song “God Be with You till We Meet Again,” which can be understood in both senses: from us to you, but also from you to us.
Version 1:
Version 2:
This activity allows several readers of different levels of understanding to share and study together the teachings of The Urantia Book. It promotes spiritual progress by allowing its participants to find practical applications of the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important practice helps to maintain a broad perspective on concepts of truth.
You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
Outaouais Group
Gatineau Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Maurice Migneault:
(613) 789-6833
Group : “Sans Frontière”
Hawkesbury Region
Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Yvon and Irene Belle-Isle: (613) 632-5706
Group : “Laurantia”
Petite Nation region in Outaouais
Sundays from 9:00 a.m.
Denise Charron & Jean-Claude Lafrenière Tel: (819) 983-2113
Group: “Découverte”
Laurentides Region
Mondays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gaétan Charland and Line St-Pierre
Tel.: (450) 565-3323
Group : “Étoile du Soir”
Laurentides Region
Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Carmen Charland: (450) 553-3601
Group : “Vers les Sommets”
Ormstown & Valleyfield Regions
Fridays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Louise Sauvé: (450) 829-3631
Group: “Fraternité-Urantia”
Lanaudière region
Wednesdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Richard Landry & Gisèle Boisjoly Tel: (450) 589-6922
Group: “The United Family of Urantia”
Montreal Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Ms. Diane Labrecque: (514) 277-2308
Group : “Le Pont”
Montreal South Shore Region
Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Guy Vachon: (450) 465-7049
Group: “At Maisonia”
Quebec Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud:
(418) 871-4564
Group: “The Ascendants”
Quebec South Shore Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Guy Le Blanc: (418) 886-2366
Sherbrooke Group
Sherbrooke Region
Every 2 weeks: Tuesdays or Wednesdays (to be confirmed) from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Hélène Boisvenue and Denis Gravelle Tel.: (819) 569-6416
Group: “Readers of Mauricie”
Trois-Rivières Region
Mondays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Roger Périgny: (819) 379-5768
Group : “Les Débonnaires”
Terrebonne Region
Every 2 weeks: Thursdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Julien Audet: (514) 315-9871
Group: “The Agondontarians”
Quebec Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 13 h 00 to 4:00 p.m.
Guy & Rolande L. Martin: (418) 651-3851
Responsible: Normand Laperle
Assisted by: Gilles Bertrand.
(418) 835-1809 (Normand Laperle)
(418) 871-4564 (Gilles Bertrand)
Publication (monthly)
In the first week of the month
To submit your articles:
Send them to: reflectivite.auq@gmail.com
Add: Your name and city of residence.
Any interpretation, opinion, conclusion or artistic representation, stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the UAI or local associations.