© 2016 Normand Laperle, Maurice Migneault, Marc Belleau, Gilles Brien, Réal Demers, Jean-Claude Lafrenière, Jacques Loranger
© 2016 Urantia Association of Quebec
Normand Laperle
Editor of Réflectivité
The members of the AUQ Board of Directors join together to offer you their best wishes for 2017.
May this new year inspire you with love, brotherhood and the essential values in life.
To serve is to love, God loves.
Saturday, February 11, 2017 at 10 a.m.
Hotel Le Dauphin, 600, boulevard St-Joseph, Drummondville QC, J2C 2C1
Your Board of Directors
Dear members,
Please be advised that your participation in this meeting is highly requested. This meeting will allow us to present to you the report of the decisive actions taken by the Urantia Association of Quebec concerning the mission of the Urantia Book and its projects for 2017.
Afternoon Activities
First part:
The size of the mountain can only be seen from afar. With this in mind, we will sketch a portrait of the Urantia movement throughout the world and thus gain a better understanding of the magnitude of the growing movement of which we are a part. We will discover how readers from different cultures have managed to develop a sense of belonging in their own way.
Second part:
We will have an open discussion stemming from this world vision, questioning ourselves on the means to take to bring back, on a Quebec scale, the discoveries of our Urantia family throughout the world. We will question ourselves about what The Urantia Book can teach us about the importance of the feeling of belonging, the involvement of believers, the means to make more room for women, and even how we can find ways to use social media more humanely.
Thank you in advance for your participation,
Maurice Migneault
AUQ President
A new year is approaching; we can focus on the one that is ending or the one that is coming up, it is each person’s choice. We can reflect on what we have accomplished or what remains to be done, it is each person’s choice. For my part, I spend very little time looking at the furrows that the ship leaves behind. I prefer the view offered by the bow of the sailboat. I could always try to go back, but I will never be able to sail in the same waters, because everything is in motion. The important thing is to open your sails to the winds when they come.
On February 4, at our Annual General Meeting, my term as President of the AUQ will end. Unfortunately, due to upcoming personal availability, I will not be able to run again. It is important to carefully assess your commitments to ensure that you carry them out. On the other hand, it is also important to take advantage of every opportunity to serve, because they rarely come twice. This is why I urge you to volunteer, to offer your services for the smooth running of your association, you will have very enriching experiences there.
It is not necessary to sign a lifelong contract to serve well, continuity can also be expressed in diversity “Personality is continuity in change.”
I wish you all health and spirituality, and many friendships to share it with.
Marc Belleau
Your treasurer
The annual meeting of the Urantia Association of Quebec (AUQ) will be held on February 11, 2017 at 10:00 AM at the Hotel Le Dauphin in Drummondville. During the morning, we will present you with an overview of the financial situation of the AUQ, we will talk to you about the work accomplished by the various committees and we will take the time to fraternize. We will also proceed with the election of the positions of president and treasurer.
During the afternoon, Gaétan Charland will talk to us about the activities of the Urantia Association throughout the world. It is important to be informed of the progress of the 5th revelation on our planet. The creation and evolution of study groups as well as the number of conferences and activities that take place during the year are good indicators of the health of the Urantia movement on our planet; believe me, the Urantia movement is in great shape and in good health. We, who are in Quebec, are part of a rapidly expanding spiritual movement; remember, not so long ago, perhaps thirty years ago, study groups were found mainly in North America and in a few European countries. Today, they exist in both Americas, in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Since the publication of The Urantia Book in 1955, about sixty years have passed; We can rightly speak of a rapid advancement of the teachings of the Urantia Book on our planet. With the translations that Urantia Foundation is working on and that will soon see the light of day, Urantia Association International will be called upon to welcome an ever-increasing number of new readers, new souls thirsting for a broader revelation of God. We, the members of Urantia Association Quebec, are not alone; we belong to a group, to a family of increasingly numerous believers.
This dimension of our spirituality, our belonging to a movement, will be the subject of a plenary discussion that will follow Gaétan’s presentation. We will reflect on questions such as: what is belonging to a group? Is this belonging necessary? Is it a hindrance to the spiritual unity of human beings? How can this feeling of belonging be expressed in the Urantia movement in Quebec? Does belonging to a group mean the exclusion of any other group?
During our Paradise ascent we will change status many times and in so doing will belong to different groups: faith sons of God, ascending mansion world sons, citizens of Jerusem, ascending Havona circles, Paradise citizens, and Finaliters. At each stage we will be required to be loyal to those with whom we are associated. Teamwork is one of the important lessons of our universe careers; I am deeply convinced that group membership is a feeling that will remain with us throughout our ascension. I believe it is worth our time to consider it at this time.
Hoping to see many of you at this annual meeting.
Marc Belleau
[This text is the transcription of a conference given in May 2016 by the Urantia Association of Quebec during a theme entitled “Born of the Spirit”.]
“WITH God the Father, sonship is the great relationship. With God the Supreme, achievement is the prerequisite to status—one must do something as well as be something.” (UB 115:0.1)
To be born of the spirit is to become aware of our filiation with God, but it is also and above all to invest oneself in the divine plan, to engage in our partnership with God, to serve the great divine family.
It is our relationship with the Heavenly Father that enables us to be something. Even before we are truly aware of it, He makes us sons and daughters by faith, potential ascenders. This potential that He places in our hands must be actualized by our own will, and to do this, God grants us free will, the capacity to make moral choices. By these choices we create our being, in collaboration with the Thought Adjuster. But what choices are they? These choices concern the areas of our life that have an impact on our ascending career, for example: the profession we have chosen to exercise, the artistic activities we practice, the philosophical and spiritual concepts we adopt and develop, the general and specific knowledge we accumulate. Knowledge, to take only this last category, is infinite and we choose it according to our passions and our personal inclinations; it therefore enters into the definition of what we are. Our being is therefore built by the choices we make.
And God does not stop there because he also ensures our future. And what will we become? We will become morontia beings, spiritual beings, Paradise ascenders, finaliters and this list is endless. In reality, our eternity is woven from an infinity of becomings. I must tell you that all this seems very exciting to me and this perspective seems much more coherent to me than all this conceptual vagueness proposed by institutionalized religions.
Our relationship with the Heavenly Father is based on our ability to freely choose what we desire to be and become, and He has made it His rule to always respect our choices. Is this not the most beautiful proof of love we can receive from our God?
It is our relationship with the Supreme that enables us to do and act. In its simplest form, doing something means living our daily lives: solving problems and providing solutions, meeting challenges, improving the quality of life of the people we encounter through our daily work, serving God and the divine family. In itself, this is not difficult to understand. But that is not what I would like to talk to you about today. Instead, I would like to approach “doing” from another angle by suggesting the idea that service, our action in the divine plan, allows us to become aware of our relationship with the Supreme. But before we approach this idea, let us take a moment to recall a few important notions about this fascinating being.
The Supreme is an experiential deity. Like the creature, he evolves during the universe age to which we belong and within the confines of the Grand Universe in which we now live. He seeks to express his potential; he does so through us, with us, and in us. Without the cooperation of all creatures in the Grand Universe, the potential of the Supreme cannot emerge. The successes of the Supreme, therefore, depend in part on our accomplishments and our willingness to act and do something.
“And so, as we strive for self-expression, the Supreme is striving in us, and with us, for deity expression. As we find the Father, so has the Supreme again found the Paradise Creator of all things. As we master the problems of self-realization, so is the God of experience achieving almighty supremacy in the universes of time and space.” (UB 117:4.6)
When we solve the problems of our daily life, whether on a material, intellectual or spiritual level, we transform the environment in which we evolve by our decisions and actions; we leave a trace behind us. I find it inspiring to know that God loves us to the point of allowing us to transform his own creation by the power of our actions knowing full well that we will necessarily make mistakes. Thus, he allows our participation in this great adventure by allowing us to add our little Stone to the building.
“The progressing personality leaves a trail of actualized reality as it passes through the ascending levels of the universes. Be they mind, spirit, or energy, the growing creations of time and space are modified by the progression of personality through their domains. When man acts, the Supreme reacts, and this transaction constitutes the fact of progression.” (UB 117:5.6)
Indeed, when we act, the Supreme reacts and I would add that this operation constitutes not only the fact of progression, but also the essence of our relationship with this divine being and even a certain form of communication. When there is action-reaction between two beings, we can certainly speak of communication. Are these reactions of the Supreme Being to our actions means of helping us to correct the course when we act in a way that is not in accordance with the will of God? For example, when life seems to put spokes in our wheels, or when it seems to make things easier for us, is this the way in which the Supreme tries to direct our steps? This seems plausible to me and although there is nothing in The Urantia Book that specifically supports this idea, I like to think that the Supreme Being actively participates in our progression in one way or another.
We might wonder about the importance of our relationship with the Supreme. After all, it is an important revelation in The Urantia Book and a relatively new concept in our human consciousness. This relationship is important to us because it is related to the passage of the psychic circles of human achievement. These circles measure our level of consciousness and indicate our degree of maturity. We enter the 7th circle when we receive our thought adjuster and from this lowest level we progress to the first circle (the highest level) where a certain degree of maturity is reached, a prelude to fusion with the adjuster. The passage of these circles measures not only our degree of God consciousness, but also and more importantly the degree of consciousness of our relationship with the Supreme.
“These circle attainments are only relatively related to God-consciousness. A seventh or sixth circler can be almost as truly God-knowing—sonship conscious—as a second or first circler, but such lower circle beings are far less conscious of experiential relation to the Supreme Being, universe citizenship.” (UB 110:6.16)
We can become aware of our experiential relationship with the Supreme through our service to the divine family: our brothers and sisters in the flesh and the spirit beings charged with the welfare of our planet. It is through our commitment to service that we establish a close relationship with this fascinating being. Of course, we can choose to do nothing, but sooner or later, the events of life (or perhaps it is the reaction of the Supreme Himself) will compel us to react, to do something. But this attitude is far from that of a creature who takes his or her cosmic responsibilities before God. We have another choice, which is to commit ourselves body and soul to service. This commitment requires the choice of the individual who commits himself or herself as opposed to the one who waits until life compels him or her to do something. The choice to commit oneself requires a higher level of consciousness. Voluntary, deliberately chosen service is the essence of the “doing” spoken of in this text, it is the basis of our relationship with the Supreme and the key to the passage through the circles of human achievement.
I would like to give one more reason to emphasize the importance of our relationship with the Supreme. We understand why the first person of the Trinity becomes our Heavenly Father since he sends a part of himself to inhabit our human mind to fertilize it and create the human Soul that will survive physical death. We could use a similar image, that of the mother, to describe our relationship with the Supreme since we draw from the resources of this divine being to build ourselves physically, intellectually and spiritually, much as the embryo draws from the resources of its mother to build its body.
“Mortal man and all other finite creatures are created out of the living potential of energy, mind, and spirit existent in the Supreme. It is upon the Supreme that the Adjuster-mortal ascender draws for the creation of the immortal and divine character of a finaliter. It is out of the very reality of the Supreme that the Adjuster, with the consent of the human will, weaves the patterns of the eternal nature of an ascending son of God.” (UB 117:4.8)
Thus the Thought Adjuster and the Supreme Being, like human parents, work together to bring their entire creation to full maturity. Our Heavenly Father, like a beacon, points us in the direction we should take, and the Supreme, in addition to providing us with all the materials we need to build ourselves up and become accomplished finaliters, responds to our actions in order to direct our steps and help us to correct our course. Of course, we use familiar imagery here to illustrate our relationship to these two divine beings. We have all had a father and a mother, and in many cases we too will become parents. While these images have their limitations, they are a good way of explaining our relationship to these various persons of Deity. Such is their one and only function.
Being, developing our relationship with the heavenly Father, probably seems easier to grasp. Jesus spoke of it with great eloquence and demonstrated it to us with great clarity during his incarnation, but our relationship with the Supreme, our action in the divine plan, is a relatively new and little understood concept which we will have to explore further. It is true that without us the Supreme cannot become factual, but it is also true that we can never fulfill our destiny without him. In reality, we must do something as well as be something, and if we fail to engage in service now and thus develop a greater awareness of our relationship with the Supreme, we will have to make up for these deficiencies when we awaken in the morontia life.
(2nd part, of 2)
Gilles Brien
[The first part appeared in Réflectivité #300 November 2016, on p. 2.]
It is sometimes said that everyone has a mountain to climb. For others, it is an ocean to conquer. In my case, it would be more like a desert to cross. My inner pilgrimage as a reader of The Urantia Book (UB) is certainly different from yours. Our itinerary is different, but our direction is the same.
I started reading the book in the fall of 1976. It’s been 40 years now. And although I’ve read the book 3 or 4 times, I don’t feel like I’ve finished reading it yet. The UB is, for me, without a doubt, the most beautiful and powerful book I’ve read in my life. It has deeply affected my vision of the world, of life, of my origins and my destiny. The problem is that such knowledge that was freely given to me requires me to try to share it just as freely. I have no choice. The pilgrim’s staff is still not far away. But over the years, the staff has grown old and breaks more easily due to people’s indifference. There are no crowds on the paths that lead to the spiritual life. It would be more like a desert…
Alas, the world has become a kind of desert. Everyone is running after their mirage. Now, the desert is a revealer of all possibilities. The desert refers to humility, to the awareness of the fragility of human existence. If the Urantia Book was made for the generations to come in the next 1000 years, it is up to us to carry it into the desert of the present century. The first of ten centuries to pass before seeing the flowers and fruits of the UB nourish the world. It may be a long time coming, but such a gift is worth the wait.
And speaking of gifts, I wish all UB readers a 2017 filled with wonderful surprises.
“The courage of the drop of water is that it dares to fall into the desert.” (Lao Tse)
Real Demers
[1st: in Réflectivité #297, July 2016; 2nd: in Réflectivité #298, September 2016; 3rd: in Réflectivité #299, October 2016]
Today I am taking these few minutes to tell you about my old tree at the bottom of the garden which still sings lullabies to the birds without worrying that winter has made them flee to more clement skies.
He remembers the flowering season when his branches were full of happy birds that squawked and squawked. Watching them flutter around and come to rest on his branches, he found himself dreaming that he too was fluttering with them and that he would then stop to rock them gently.
He also remembers the long period full of fruits that the birds happily ate. It was there that he learned that giving brings more joy than receiving. He delighted in the bickering and joyful frolics of his little world teeming with life to the extent of the food and shelter he could offer his winged guests. Even in the silence of the night, when each bird slept, its head under a wing, nestled against its trunk at the base of its branches, he breathed in their rhythm while wondering what tomorrow would bring.
He knew that not all days were sunny; he had seen rainy ones, gray ones where it was hard to distinguish the passage from night to day and where noon looked more like a twilight that was hurrying to arrive; he had seen some where the wind came to chill its guests, being well aware that its large branches did not protect them from everything.
However, my old tree at the bottom of the garden still proudly raises its branches high in the air and because, by happy coincidence, lightning has spared it until now, it persists in believing that the birds that came to nest there were under its protection while the latter have always been under the impression that nothing bad could happen to them as long as they were hidden in its foliage, perched on its highest branches… My old tree then felt protective and all its birds did not have to worry about the bad blows of fate.
When my old tree speaks of its seasons, it remembers the time when the dream filled its springs with branches laden with brand new leaves and buds announcing the imminent arrival of flowers, it remembers the time when a multitude of flowers transforming into fruits made its summers a privileged time of meetings for the neighboring valetaille, it remembers the time when the progressive stripping of its autumns had led it to abandon all that remained of its fruits while the reddening of its leaves announced the beginning of a transformation of the ground into a colorful carpet like so many words of love placed there to give color to everyday life.
This uninterrupted succession of highlights during the summer season and of meditation extending throughout the winter seems to be gradually going out of control: winter is stretching out more and more, and even the warm rays of the summer sun have less effect on it. Its leaves are fewer, its fruits are rare and the few birds that visit it never stay very long. This is what my old tree thinks about as the present winter arrives, which is slowly taking its course while its vanished summer dreams punctuate its days less and less.
Applying to himself the succession of seasons that he has experienced several times, he realizes that he is arriving at the last period of his life, that he is arriving at a winter which will not be followed by any spring to deliver him from an encroaching torpor.
It is then that a new perspective on life settles in him, a vision of a future that grows endlessly with time, a break in the uninterrupted sequence of seasons as he has experienced them, a window opened onto a new spring, a long, very long spring, followed by an even longer summer.
The autumn that would follow this very long spring-summer would not resemble what he knows of autumn, because it is rather a summer that extends by making the summer greenery and the varied colors of autumn coexist; it is a wise force, a strong wisdom, nothing that resembles a decline, an endless summer-autumn that replaces a long spring-summer, an endless summer-autumn where flowers and fruits coexist, a summer-autumn that allows one to live with the strength of summer and the maturity of autumn; it is a new perspective where winter will no longer have its place.
Long after the beginning of this first summer-autumn, a growth spurt foreshadows, to my old tree, the addition of a new spring where a new beginning is superimposed on an old experience that continues again and again. Thus, while a first cycle of summer-autumn is unfolding, a second cycle begins with an even more extended spring that has just settled in; subsequently, a new summer is added to the old summer and a new summer-autumn then comes to crown it all.
Each time a new spring force is added, a new extension of its size allows the old experience to coexist with the new. Thus, cycles after cycles, the ever-dominant summers-autumns are superimposed without losing the freshness of each new spring. Then flowers and fruits are always there, each harvest giving way to another even larger one allowing ever more numerous birds to feed there, to have fun there and to live there in complete safety.
My old tree contemplates this new vision of a wonderful future and this is what makes its winter sweet to live. Indeed, where the cold settles outside, it finds, in this vision, warmth and comfort. This prospect of endless growth rejoices it and the decrease in its activities gives it time to dress its heart in preparation for this new beginning which will one day finally arrive.
Even now, while waiting for this new beginning, when he watches a great number of birds fluttering in unison and sees all his branches invaded by them for a moment of pause before leaving again, he is happy. The rustling of their wings and their cries, each one better than the other, draw him out of his meditation and project him into the present. A happy din is worth all the therapies to cure nostalgia for the past or anxiety about the future.
In some time, while at the bottom of my garden people will see that my old tree, numbed by its winter, no longer responds to the awakening of spring, do not cry, because, unknown to all, having become young again, it experiences a new awakening which makes its dream a reality where trees talk among themselves about their endless growth, about protecting the birds which they feed during the day and which they shelter on their branches during the night.
They also talk about all sorts of things that we cannot even imagine now, but which will have become new dreams that can only come true in an even more distant future.
Old tree I am… Big tree you are!
These words I offer you like a good wine: they will gain strength with time. However, a wine can only be drunk once, while these words, which now taste like a new wine, will have a flavor again and again that will increase with age.
While the thought of these ideas can be intoxicating, I assure you that there is no danger in hovering above the daily grind and then walking on the pavement feeling as light as a feather.
With the love of a grandpa.
“Ideas may take origin in the stimuli of the outer world, but ideals are born only in the creative realms of the inner world.” (UB 111:4.10)
Jean-Claude Lafreniere
Saint-Andre-Avellin, QC
[During the theme in Drummondville on May 14, 2016, Jean-Claude sang us his personal compositions inspired by “The Urantia Book”. His previous compositions appeared in the following Reflectivités: #296, June; #297, July; #298, Sept., #299, Oct. And #300, Nov. 2016]
I first composed parts a and b, then I wanted to show the deviance and its consequences, continuing.
Some groups have reverted to simply affirming their faith to be part of the commentary group. Ex.: Bahai, Muslim.
When I was still a Rosicrucian (Order of the Rose Cross), I became aware that this movement stemmed from the 3rd revelation, for Pharaoh Akenaton and Moses. So, I decided to resign immediately, and to devote myself to the 5th revelation.
To the tune of: “Mozart — Piano Concerto No. 21, in C major, K. 467: Second movement”
Jacques Loranger
Most experts agree that adolescence is the most difficult period in a human’s life.
A meaning to life
“Like many teenagers, several of the people we met are looking for meaning in their lives and are searching for a sense of identity.” (Extract from a La Presse investigation)
This is the period of life where changes related to lack of experience are the most drastic; even if you are not ready you no longer have the right to be a child (especially among your friends) and no right to be an adult either.
They then have to adopt new rules, with new groups — just think about entering high school or CEGEP. In 2016, we saw desperate teenagers who tried, others succeeded, to join the Islamic State. Others join street gangs and sometimes end up in prostitution.
It is known that at this age not only the body changes, but also the brain. Teenagers mature, developing their own ideas on many issues. Often their relationships with their families become complicated, they often have to work to pay for their studies and on top of that they are asked to choose a career. Phew — let’s admit that they don’t have it easy.
In 1995, with 4 other people, I wrote a course on leadership, which was given for about ten years across Quebec, from Valleyfield to the Magdalen Islands to about 450 teenagers. The imponderables and necessities that life brings meant that there was no succession and everything stopped.
So I started dreaming of using the foundations of this course to write one in English and this time, to present it at the various Urantia events held across America, thus allowing the readers’ teenagers to benefit from it. You will tell me that it is a big dream “The Dream Never Dies, Just the Dreamer” (The dream never dies, only the dreamer.)
It is obvious that the content of the course written in the early 90s no longer holds up. Since then, the dazzling evolution, whether in communications or social exchanges, has made the learning exercises of that time, to say the least, obsolete.
I am thinking more of an approach closer to the teachings of the Urantia Book; subtly establishing the paths to use through the fifth revelation. In this sense, I would very well see introducing the theme of “Service” as presented by Conrad Lavallée during the last AUQ theme held in Drummondville last October. There are certainly other subjects in this order of ideas that could be part of this course. The content of the Urantia Book presents interesting approaches that can be presented to today’s teenagers to not only help them get through this difficult period of adolescence, but also to subtly introduce them to the benefits that studying the book can bring them. I note that the next generation for the dissemination of the book and its teachings is no longer young. I believe that any attempt to promote our common goal is wise.
In a recently published book, — “Le ccur des Québécois” written by Marie Grégoire, Éric Montigny and Youri Rivet — it is mentioned that history shows us that revolution is the prerogative of young people; I firmly believe in this, and I also insist on saying — and this is personal — that if we have the tools to help educate teenagers and facilitate their entry into the adult world, we must do so. I would even allow myself to add that we must look at the situation of teenagers through today’s lenses; the number of CEGEP graduates is not very encouraging.
However, we Baby Boomers (because the majority of readers belong to this group) can contribute a lot to the growth and progress of teenagers, not only through our personal experiences, but also through the knowledge we have acquired through the study of The Urantia Book.
In closing, I would like to ask for your assistance with this project. I am sure that some of you have skills and knowledge and see how the teachings of The Urantia Book would be appropriate for the development of this course.
The project is in its embryonic stage, but the structure of the 1995 course can be used very well; it is the educational content that needs to be adapted.
So if you are interested in boarding the boat, I provide the oars.
New Year 2016 Meeting in Quebec City
It has become a tradition in Quebec. Every year we invite readers of “The Urantia Book” to a sharing brunch to start the new year.
This year, it’s happening at the Hotel Bernières in Lévis, 535 rue de Bernières, Saint-Nicolas, QC, G7A-1C9, on Saturday, January 21, 2017, 09:00. (http://hotelbernieres.qc.ca).
It is best to reserve with Guy Le Blanc at leblanc94@videotron.ca or at 418-886-2366 (home: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.).
AUQ Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Mark your calendar for the AUQ General Assembly, Saturday, February 11, 2017, 10:00 a.m., at the “Le dauphin” hotel, 600 boul. St-Joseph, Drummondville.
Even if you are not a member, you can attend this meeting.
You will hear, among other things, an account of the activities and projects that took place in 2016 and those to come in 2017.
In the afternoon, there will be an overview of the activities that took place at the international level, followed by a presentation of the various AUQ committees.
The Urantia Association of Quebec (U.U.Q.) is affiliated with the Urantia Association International (U.U.I.) and supports the Urantia Foundation in its mandate as described in the Urantia Foundation Declaration of Trust and assists it in the dissemination of the teachings revealed in the Urantia Book. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All are elected for a two-year term at the Annual General Meeting. Membership in the Association may be as a regular member or as a friends member, according to eligibility criteria specific to each.
The Urantia Association of Quebec reserves the right to revoke or refuse any application for membership if the applicant does not meet its requirements and regulations or those of the International Urantia Association.
Eligibility criteria:
Benefits of being a regular member:
Eligibility criteria:
Benefits of being a friend member:
NAME : _____
ADDRESS : _____
CITY : _____
TEL. RES.: ( ) _____
Signature : _____
E-MAIL : _____
Date : _____
I request membership as: regular member friend member I want the monthly Réflectivité: digital print Enclosed, a check in the amount of $50.00 made payable to the Urantia Association of Quebec.
Ship to: Urantia Association of Quebec, P.O. Box 304, St-Jérôme QC, J7Z 5L0
This activity allows several readers of different levels of understanding to share and study together the teachings of The Urantia Book. It promotes spiritual progress by allowing its participants to find practical applications of the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important practice helps to maintain a broad perspective on concepts of truth.
You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
Outaouais Group
Gatineau Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Maurice Migneault:
(613) 789-6833
Sherbrooke Group
Sherbrooke region
Every 2 weeks: Tuesdays or Wednesdays (to be confirmed) from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Hélène Boisvenue and Denis Gravelle Tel.: (819) 569-6416
Group: “Découverte”
Laurentides Region
Mondays, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gaétan Charland and Line St-Pierre
Tel.: (450) 565-3323
Group: “At Maisonia”
Quebec Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud:
(418) 871-4564
Group: Vers les Sommets
Ormstown & Valleyfield Regions
Friday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Louise Sauve
Tel: 450-829-3631
Group: Laurantia
Petite Nation region in Outaouais
Every Sunday from 9:00 a.m.
Denise Charron & Jean-Claude Lafreniere
Tel: 819-983-2113
Group : “Le Pont”
Montreal South Shore Region
Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Guy Vachon: (450) 465-7049
Group: The Agondontarians
Quebec region
Every two weeks on Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. North Shore of Quebec
Guy & Rolande L. Martin
Tel: 418-651-3851
Group: Sans Frontiére
Hawkesbury region
Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.
Yvon and Irene Belle-Isle
Tel: 613-632-5706
Group: “The United Family of Urantia”
Montreal region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Ms. Diane Labrecque: (514) 277-2308
Group : “Étoile du Soir”
Laurentides region
Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Carmen Charland: (450) 553-3601
Responsible: Normand Laperle
Assisted by: Gilles Bertrand.
(418) 835-1809 (Normand Laperle)
(418) 871-4564 (Gilles Bertrand)
Publication (monthly)
In the second week of the previous month.
To submit your articles:
Deadline : The penultimate Sunday before the month to appear.
Send them to: reflectivite.auq@gmail.com
Add: Your name And city of residence .