© 2017 Normand Laperle, Réal Demers, David Tavita Nui
© 2017 Urantia Association of Quebec
Normand Laperle
Once again this year, in the Quebec City area, we had our traditional “Urantia Book” readers’ brunch meeting to start this new year. This activity is open to all who want to join us: members, non-members, readers and non-readers, children and friends.
This year’s meeting took place on Saturday, January 21, at the Bernières Hotel in Lévis. There were 17 of us who exchanged informally. Among us, there were 2 non-readers, a reader who had already attended a reading in one of our groups and who wanted to give us some feedback.
[For information: in the AUQ comic strip, the region of Quebec has about 40 readers of the “Urantia Book” — about 25 of whom are part of a study group.]
This New Year’s gathering is an opportunity to socialize as a group. It is also an opportunity to see and get to know each other outside of a formal activity directly related to “The Urantia Book.”
It’s easy to organize and always very much appreciated.
Online: Click HERE — to view the group photo (in panoramic).
(5th of 5)
Real Demers
[The 1st: in Réflectivité #297, July 2016; The 2nd: in Réflectivité #298, September 2016; The 3rd: in Réflectivité #299, October 2016; The 4th: in Réflectivité #301, January 2017]
I read a long time ago a text written by a French romantic poet whose name I have forgotten. This text was about a white dove looking for a soul mate. This dove was looking for another white dove who, it hoped, would be interested, like it, in something other than food during the day and the safety of a hiding place at night.
But this dove had, in its entourage, only gray pigeons, very common in their plumage and in their habits of life. It happened one day that it saw in the distance a white bird like itself. “At last, another white dove,” it said to itself, while approaching with eager beats of wings.
Our dove hoped to break her solitude by communicating with this new white bird, by discussing with him topics that no one else wanted to hear, by comparing their mutual views. This new dove remained motionless, perched on a fence post at the edge of a vegetable garden, behind a house. She seemed to be waiting for something, perhaps a friend to break her solitude, as if we were judging the situation of others in relation to our own concerns.
But now the rain, drop by drop, begins to fall. Little by little, the whiteness of this new dove gave way to the gray of its feathers as the white flour in which it had fallen a few minutes ago went away with the water that slid down its back to fall to the ground.
We are always looking for the soul mate who, once we have found it, turns out to be different from us. It is true that it is by our similarities that we feel attracted to each other, but it is by our differences (let’s say rather our complementarities) that we decide to stay together. Indeed, as much as we tend to compete by our similarities as we collaborate by our differences. Life together represents a crucial stage in our life where, while sharing the same things, we seek mutual support on the strengths of the other to attenuate our corresponding weaknesses.
This search for complementarity is expressed through our life by the desire to share with others what we have best, hoping that others will fill what we lack the most. When it comes to business relationships, we do not care if it is a gray pigeon that offers us what we want, but when it comes to weaving personal ties, when we are looking for a soul mate, when it is a love bond that we wish to establish, we look for another white dove.
When we know that it is perception that distinguishes white from gray, we must admit that there are no two white doves alike, each defining itself, in its relations with the others, as the same as white in the eyes of some, different as gray in the eyes of all others. If I see myself as a white dove, others do not all see me that way. We then discover that pigeons or doves are not distinguished by their real appearance, but are perceived differently according to the dispositions of those who look at them. This is why we often see two gray pigeons cooing in the manner of white doves, as if perception took precedence over reality, gray pigeons for those who look at them, white doves for themselves.
The more I talk to you, the more I feel like I’m talking about each person’s soul, a soul that can be sister, a little, a lot, passionately, madly… Not at all! Those who have chemistry, those who feel like they’ve known each other forever since the first glance, “Alter egos”, but with nuances in the same register, discover themselves, become doves.
The love that one feels when one believes oneself in the presence of the soul mate is always first, even after several disappointed loves, still as strong now, but with different perspectives of action. Indeed, love is first looking at each other’s eyes and then coming to look together towards the realization of a common goal.
To speak of love is to speak of a notion that changes with each person’s age; it is to speak of a vision of the world that goes from selfishness to self-giving, it is to speak of a mixture of romantic feelings and the deep state of mind that pushes one to open up to others; it is to speak of love that extends from the most peripheral to the most central, from the most skin-deep to the deepest part of the soul; it is to speak of the ages of love that time purifies at the same time as our personal maturity develops. We then move successively from a feeling of egocentric love to an enriching mutuality to finally arrive at a state of mind that pushes one to self-giving.
The following text is taken from the speech I gave for Anne and I’s wedding anniversary. “It is in the order of things that a child loves those who care for him and that, for him, love blossoms when his needs are met. The order of things that when we leave this childhood, we understand that, in order to receive, we must also give. Then the sweet bargaining of complementarity of life sets in, each person bringing what they have and drawing what they need from the baggage of love of the community around them. Finally, it is in the order of things that for the child to receive without giving, the adult must give without hope of return, even if there are often returns and the most sublime ones.”
Until we understand that only the gift of self without return can bring the sweetness of lost childhood and the wisdom of the adult, we wander in search of a happiness that tirelessly flees before us. Khalil Gibran also speaks of love when he evokes, for those who love each other, difference, openness of thought, mutual aid, union, with the aim of acting together on the world.
“ Love one another, but do not make love a chain; rather let it be a sea rocking between the shores and your souls.
Fill each other’s cup, but do not drink from the same cup, […]
Sing and dance together and be merry, but know how to remain alone,
Like the strings of the lute which are alone, but often know how to vibrate together in music.
Give your hearts, but let one keep the other. […]
And stay together, but not too close to each other;
For the pillars of the temple stand at a distance,
And the oak and the cypress do not grow in each other’s shadow“ (”The Prophet", by Khalil Gibran, p 31, 32)
True consolation for all our sorrows comes to us when we console others, and we can then compare our state of mind to an overflowing well; in fact, to be able to overflow, a well must first be full, and only this fullness brings enough happiness to give it to whoever wants it without fear of lacking it.
With love, Réal Demers
David Tavita Nui FAGU
Polynesian Tahiti
Our Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, August 10-23, 2016, was an unforgettable journey filled with memories, knowing inwardly that this was where our Brother Creator Father Michael of Nebadon was born, lived his entire childhood, adolescence, and adulthood until his death and Resurrection. What a privilege we had to walk this Earth constantly remembering the Life and Teachings of our Beloved Creator, “JESUS OF NAZARETH” about the Kingdom of Heaven within us and the Brotherhood with all men of our beautiful Planet “URANTIA”.
My children, if you had been there with us, you would vibrate and feel the presence of his SPIRIT, “The Spirit of Truth” through this reading, because he was truly present. Here is my story.
Upon our arrival at the airport of “BEN GURION” in “TEL AVIV” we already feel the joy of treading this Sacred soil, the Holy Land where Jesus walked and grew up. I can tell you that it was a unique moment in our life because my sister Brigitte and I have just realized for the first time that our childhood dream is going to come true - we have arrived in ISRAEL. “ISRAEL, ISRAEL here we are. Welcome us.”
I feel like crying, excuse me! As we went out into the large arrival hall, our sister Diane Labrecque was waiting for us with a small “URANTIA” flag, accompanied by two other pilgrims. What happiness and joy to find ourselves for the first time with other readers of the Book of the Fifth Revelation, who had the same Spirit, the same Thought and the same Faith as us; true Brothers and Sisters in the union of our Souls. Diane put us in a small bus with our luggage to take us to “JERUSALEM”. What surprised me when I arrived was to see for the first time the citadel and the wall that surrounded the old city of Jerusalem, my eyes were wide open and I could no longer find the words; everything was centered in my Thought where my “BELOVED ADJUSTER” lived, my sister and I held hands while thinking strongly of JESUS. The driver stopped us at the Damascus Gate and another smaller car came to pick us up with our luggage to take us to the Lion’s Gate, because it was in this small narrow street “La Via Dolorosa” that we have our home “At the Convent of the Sisters of SION” at “ECCE HOMO” which means “HERE IS THE MAN”. When I went down in front of our Guest House and learned right away that this was where our Lord JESUS passed carrying his cross more than 2000 years ago, I was very emotional and I said to my sister while quickly taking pictures “This is where he passed to climb the mountain of Golgotha (Calvary)”. What emotions that evening, and it wasn’t over. When we went up to our room, the view at the top was magical; In front of us the Dome of the ROCK or the “Mosque of OMAR” was all lit up, right where the first Temple of SOLOMON was located. For me it was unique and invigorating, our pilgrimage to the Holy Land had just begun.
The next day, it was the big reunion with the whole group. I felt this brotherhood that rose in my Soul, we did not know each other at all, but the Spirit of Truth was there to show us the way, the way of true brotherhood, because we all returned without exception to the Kingdom of the Father, we are all Sons and Daughters of GOD, and thus began our Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
That morning I realized that we have the best organizer, the best translator of the Urantia Book into Hebrew, the best guide, the best bus driver and the best group, conscientious, obedient children, happy to visit, to know and to learn more about the Life and Teachings of JESUS; true disciples and contemporary Apostles of JESUS “Michael of Nebadon”.
Already on the first day, we visited BETHLEHEM and the cave where our King, the Child of the Promise “JESUS BEN JOSEPH” was born. It was a strong and emotional moment; all those beautiful moments since his birth, his childhood, his adolescence, his entire journey accompanying all his brothers to Passover in Jerusalem. He who became a Father to them, his entire life and teachings in Tiberias, Capernaum and other cities of the Decapolis, until his Last Supper and his arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, his judgment, his flagellation, his crown of thorns and his cross that he courageously carried to Calvary, his crucifixion, his imminent death, until the burial belonging to Joseph of Arimathea, his resurrection and his many visits to his Apostles and disciples until his Ascension above the Mount of Olives. “I have kept them all secretly in my heart so that I can honor and glorify Him forever in my everyday life. I am happy to know Him, love Him, serve Him and follow Him all my life, until my last breath.”
There is still much to say about our Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, but it is in a Book that I must write all this, because it takes several pages to complete this magnificent document on our visit to ISRAEL.
What I could add is this brotherhood between us and this group harmony that we experienced, we were all united with each other and we loved each other during this journey like true children of GOD, true Brothers and Sisters.
And you know, at Mount Hermon we celebrated the birthday of Michael of Nebadon “JESUS for us on URANTIA”. It was a memorable day this August 21, 2016, a unique day when we all signed our names on the little URANTIA flag with the three concentric circles and we planted it in the ground of Mount Hermon, where JESUS faced his enemies over 2000 years ago and won the victory of his Sovereignty over them in his Local Universe of Nebadon. I blew my “Shofar”, “Pü” in Polynesian, in homage to our CREATOR GOD “JESUS” and for his Victory over his enemies and since that day, I always hear the sound of the open sea coming from Mount Hermon, the sound of the Shofar “Pü” which reminds me that the Spirit of Truth is always there and will always be present in my life forever, even in the Worlds of Morontia progression.
And finally came the last evening where we all met together in TEL-AVIV for our last supper and after it was time for goodbyes. We sang for our URANTIAN Brothers and Sisters, we had supper together for the last time and we parted for the night, because the next day each had a different flight to his Country, his City and his Island never to see each other again, or who knows.
Thus ended our Magnificent Pilgrimage to the HOLY Land. May GOD keep you all in his Great Mercy. “I LOVE YOU”
Your Polynesian Brother,
AUQ Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Mark your calendar for the AUQ General Assembly, Saturday, February 11, 2017, 10:00 a.m., at the “Le dauphin” hotel, 600 boul. St-Joseph, Drummondville.
Even if you are not a member, you can attend this meeting.
You will hear, among other things, an account of the activities and projects that took place in 2016 and those to come in 2017.
In the afternoon, there will be an overview of the activities that took place at the international level, followed by a presentation of the various AUQ committees.
for Urantia Book Readers!
“The United Urantia Family” is pleased to invite you to join us on a journey of renewal in the Spirit of Easter to the Land of Jesus!
This pilgrimage will take place from April 20th to May 5th, 2017 (16 days) and is part of the 2017 Easter Retreat during the period when all of Israel is in bloom and the weather is most pleasant.
The cost of $2,095 US includes: registration fee, accommodation, all breakfasts and dinners, transportation by luxury air-conditioned bus, all site entrance fees during our Israel tours.
The price does not include your plane ticket which you have to buy by yourselves, due to the fact that participants come from different cities and countries.
For more information, visit our Facebook Page
If you have any questions, please contact:
We look forward to sharing this exceptional experience together with you and with our Master, Jesus Christ Michael!
Registrations are currently limited to 22 participants.
This activity allows several readers of different levels of understanding to share and study together the teachings of The Urantia Book. It promotes spiritual progress by allowing its participants to find practical applications of the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important practice helps to maintain a broad perspective on concepts of truth.
You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
Outaouais Group
Gatineau Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Maurice Migneault:
(613) 789-6833
Group : “Étoile du Soir”
Laurentides Region
Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Carmen Charland: (450) 553-3601
Group: “At Maisonia”
Quebec Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud:
(418) 871-4564
Sherbrooke Group
Sherbrooke region
Every 2 weeks: Tuesdays or Wednesdays (to be confirmed) from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Hélène Boisvenue and Denis Gravelle Tel.: (819) 569-6416
Group : “Le Pont”
Montreal South Shore Region
Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Guy Vachon: (450) 465-7049
Virtual Study Group, French
Every Monday from 5pm to 7pm Eastern Time
Via Zoom:
Responsible :
Guy Penon (438) 494-7747
Group : “Étoile du Soir”
Laurentides Region
Wednesdays, from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Carmen Charland: (450) 553-3601
Group: “The United Family of Urantia”
Montreal Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Ms. Diane Labrecque: (514) 277-2308
To see the official list of study groups, visit the AUQ website
Go to: Activity, Groups
study, (on the left bar List of study groups ”
Or click directly on the following link: http://urantia-quebec.ca/activites_liste_des_groupes.php
Responsible: Normand Laperle
Assisted by: Gilles Bertrand.
(418) 835-1809 (Normand Laperle)
(418) 871-4564 (Gilles Bertrand)
Publication (monthly)
Last week of the previous month.
To submit your articles:
Deadline: the penultimate Sunday before the month to be published.
Send them to: reflectivite.auq@gmail.com
Add: Your name and city of residence.