© 2024 Rey Sotolongo
© 2024 Urantia Association of Spain
This choosing of the Father’s will is the spiritual finding of the spirit Father by mortal man, even though an age must pass before the creature son may actually stand in the factual presence of God on Paradise. This choosing does not so much consist in the negation of creature will—“Not my will but yours be done”—as it consists in the creature’s positive affirmation: “It is my will that your will be done.” And if this choice is made, sooner or later will the God-choosing son find inner union (fusion) with the indwelling God fragment, while this same perfecting son will find supreme personality satisfaction in the worship communion of the personality of man and the personality of his Maker, two personalities whose creative attributes have eternally joined in self-willed mutuality of expression—the birth of another eternal partnership of the will of man and the will of God. (UB 111:5.6)
Eureka! The goal is crystal clear, the choice even seems simple to me; but… mmm. I was born in a country where there was no social space for God. My grandmother baptized her grandchildren in secret, and religion was rarely discussed at home. With a scientist father and a philologist mother, my only link with God was the idea my grandmother had of Him. As a teenager in Spain, and without looking for it, The Urantia Book came into my hands.
I “chose” my Father very early, just as I soon tried to cultivate my relationship with Him. I grew in awareness of being human and a child of God in a way I never thought possible. I met my life partner, and I know how fortunate we are to embrace this common spiritual purpose. An important mental and “physical” movement originated in me, which seemed uniformly accelerated… but it was not.
The passing of the years, the stable routine, the discouragement, the cancer, the disappointment, the apathy; the mud of the mundane, up to the eyebrows in mud… the Paradox. Why, Father? If I think of you every day, why did I forget? When did I get lost? When did I put my purpose in an attic? Why? I long for you…
I have to choose you every day. Every worldly decision seems to be “the choice”: it is part of it, it will be part of me, it will nourish my soul. And I seek your embrace, the comfort of your Path, knowing myself in It. Being aware that it is my volitional desire that your will be done. It seems simple to me, nothing less than the purpose of my existence.