A Beloved Urantia Book Scholar and an Ordained Priest for 60 Years
Father Robert Schuer.
God is love and love is the desire to do good to others.
There are lots of sources of pleasure in this life, but only one source of happiness; doing good for others.
Everything a person does is either an act of love, or a cry for help.
We Are Co-Creators with God.
What you think, you create; what you create, you become; what you become, you express; what you express, you experience; what you experience, you are; what you are, you think.
God says celebrate self, health and wealth, and you’ll attract those things to you.
Show others you see the greatness in them.
You have the chance to show the world what Father Robert Schuer God would do if he were you.
Faith is a free gift from God and he’ll give it to anybody who asks for it
The way a dog relaxes and enjoys a ray of sunshine is how we should relax and enjoy the presence of God, like rays of warm sunshine; bask in it
If you allow God to use you, he will!
Right now you are showing men and angels how God would conduct himself if he were you in your position
The spirit of truth is with every present, complete situation
Whatever happens to us is a gift from God to help us in some way
He really is a good God. He really is!
If you pray for things God wants you to have, you’ll have them!
“Fear of God” was a bad translation. It should say “respect of God.”
In every situation be as Godlike as you can
God knows what you’ve gone through and understands you completely
Be open to all truth coming from anywhere
God loves us very much and wants us to be happy!
Give everyone help, love and forgiveness, without regard to race, religion and mistakes made in life.
God looks down and sees just one family; his family.
Give everyone respect, acceptance and help.
It’s very important that we see the good in people. That helps their self-esteem. God sees the destiny of everyone, so he sees everyone’s great value.
The way a young mother keeps a watch on her young baby to make sure it’s warm, clean and well fed. We need to be like that with our own souls, keeping them warm, clean and well fed!
Salvation doesn’t depend on what you know, but on what you want. When you decide to want what God wants, then you have got it made!
We are spiritual beings being physical.
I am, I know, I love and I enjoy!
Whatever situation you find yourself in, just be as Christ-like as you can, in that situation.
The most important thing for people to know is the life of Jesus.
The Urantia Book has told me everything I want to know.