© 1988 Satu Sihvo
© 1988 The Urantia Book Fellowship (formerly Urantia Brotherhood)
Good morning, brothers and sisters:
Did you enjoy having a little talk with our heavenly Father this morning? Did you get refreshed, inspired and renewed? Are you conscious of his presence right now?
While living on Urantia Jesus had unbroken communion with our Father. The secret of this intense communion was prayer and worship. All the manifest and seen life of Jesus was based on restful meditation; it was rooted in his strong relationship with God.
We mortals are often compared to plants, Each of us is growing according to the potentials hidden somewhere inside of us. But we are very special plants, because we have been given free will, which can be used to get water and nutrients.
Reading The URANTIA Book is like getting beneficial nutrients for our growth. But as we know from botany, no amount of fertilizers can replace water. Water brings life.
Plants get their water through their roots. Prayer and worshipful meditation is willingness to be deeply-rooted, to establish “everyday-proof” communion. Prayer and worship is reaching towards the source of joy, love and service.
Satu Sihvo
Espoo, Finland