The Future of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, Meredith Sprunger
Do We Really Need Another Church
An Introduction to the New Mission of The Spiritual Fellowship Journal
Balanced Outreach
Transition Times
What is God-consciousness?
Spiritual Affirmations to Enhanced Religious Living
My Introduction to Jesus
Sermon: Sharing Our Spiritual Experience
Book Review: Stealing Jesus, by Bruce Bawer
¶ The Spiritual Fellowship of Students of The Urantia Book
A Journal Established to Promote Theological, Philosophical, and Polity Discussions Germane to An Appropriate Symbolism and Socioreligious Expression of the Fifth Epochal Revelation.
The central objective of a group of people interested in initiating a new religious organization based on the teachings of the Fifth Epochal Revelation should be to create a polity with maximum flexibility that would function with small groups or large congregations, utilize lay leadership and/or ordained clergy, have crosscultural adaptibility, and broad theological inclusiveness.
Such an institution would be “ a gathering of persons who have accepted a common purpose, and a common discipline to guide the pursuit of that purpose, to the end that each involved person reaches higher fulfillment as a person, through serving and being served by the common venture, than would be achieved alone or in a less committed relationship.”[2]
Editorial Committee
Bud Bromley
Judy Smith
Irene Sprunger
Jack Williams
Editorial Consultants
Larry & Joan Mullins
Joe Foreman
Don Green
Merritt Horn
Andre Radatus
Resource Consultants
Tom Choquette
David & Rebecca Kantor Steve Dreier
Victor McGonnegal
Sue Tennant
David Biggs
Rosey Lieske
Dianne La Brecque
The Spiritual Fellowship Journal is an ecumenical publication published twice yearly jointly by The Christian Fellowship of Students of The Urantia Book in Fort Wayne, Indiana and the Christ Michael Corps for Publishing and Outreach in Boulder, Colorado.
Subscription donations and changes of address should be sent to:
The Spiritual Fellowship Journal
P. O. Box 11227
Boulder, CO 80301
Articles and editorial correspondance should be send to:
The Spiritual Fellowship Journal
4109 Plaza Dr.,
Fort Wayne, IN 46806
Balanced Outreach
What we are now attempting to do in the Journal is broaden and balance our outreach agenda and discussions.
Transition Times
As the third millennium nears, apocalyptic visions are everywhere.
What is God-consciousness?
Achieving God-consciousness is genereally recognized as the highest
Parallels in Epochal Revelation
Billy Graham’s autobiography suggests parallels in epochal revelation
A Critical Approach to The Urantia Book
The central objective in evaluating The Urantia Book is to assess the quality of its spiritual truth and insight.
Guest Editorial : Positive Qualities.
Jim Downs observes that although new religious organizations may be inspired by the Fifth Epochal Revelation
Spirituality Between the Times
Spiritual and religious expression s of the Fifth Epochal Revelation are in their infancy, mere buds responding to the first warm currents of a wholey new spring.
Spiritual Affirmations
Spiritual affirmations can strengthen even a grain of faith. Material reality is ultimately subject to the power of the mind and the sovereignty of the spirit.
Human Values
Excerpt from the introduction of Nina Bravo’s book Human Values. We are facing a total revitalization of values.
The Future of the Fifth Epochal Revelation
It is now time to promote research in discovering an appropriate symbolism and socioreligious expression of the Fifth Epochal Revelation.
Columns and Features
Interface: Do We Really Need Another Church?
Creative Outreach: Introduction to the New Mission of the Journal
Book Review: Stealing Jesus
The Urantia Book and Spiritual Renewal:
My Introduction to Jesus
Sermon Series (pt.4): Sharing Our Spiritual Experience