© 1993 The Fellowship for readers of The Urantia Book
WE ARE REQUESTING submissions of your journal writings to God, your Father, special prayers that you have written down to use again and again; even the prayers your family uses at the dinner table or bedtime. Send to: Stephen Zendt, Editor, Ascending Currents, feature of The STUDY GROUP HERALD 4130 Army St. #51, San Francisco, CA 94131.
ADVENTURES IN SPIRITUAL LIVING would like to put on a weekend spiritual retreat or a one-day intensive in your area. Contact: Kaye Cooper, P.O. Box 680857-H Houston, TX 772680857, (713) 586-9109.
THE JOURNAL of The FELLOWSHIP seeks any good photos or high quality poetry. The Editors are also interested in fiction or other creative prose. Contact The JOURNAL of The FEL LOWSHIP. 529 Wrightwood Avenue. Chicago, IL 60614.
THE INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE needs Urantia Books to send to readers in Russia and other regions of the planet. Contact John Lange Care of The FELLOWSHIP. (312) 327-0424.
FLOWERS PROGRAM of The Fellowship can lend a large helping hand to groups wishing to engage in out-reach for readers of The Urantia Book. Write: The FLOWERS Program, The Fellowship, 529 Wrightwood Ave. Chicago, IL 60614.
THE STUDY GROUP HERALD received a FAX MACHINE from an anonymous agondonter which has been used in the production of this section. We still seek a PHOTOCOPIER for the purposes of production of The STUDY GROUP HERALD. Write if you have a spare machine to contribute to speed up our procedure and save money. All of our staff donate their time and talent to this, your STUDY GROUP HERALD. Thank you.
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in having information about organizing “A Women’s Corps” in your community, the Boulder Women’s Corps of Boulder, Colorado will share their experience and inspiration with you. Write: Shelly Anderson, 2120 Edgewood Dr., Boulder, CO 80304 or call (303) 443-9806.
IF YOU ARE FORMING a new study group or would like to have information about study groups in your area, write THE STUDY GROUP HERALD, 529 Wrightwood Avenue, Chicago, IL 60614.
A REVISED EDITION of the RESOURCE GUIDE FOR SECONDARY WORKS of The Urantia Book has now been published. Secondary works are based on, inspired by, or designed to supplement The Urantia Book. They include study aids, introductory materials, slides, tapes, films, videos, software, graphics, literary works, and publications. The Resource Guide contains listings of titles, authors, and short summaries of the secondary works and how to obtain them. To obtain your copy, contact The FELLOWSHIP at 529 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago IL 60614, (312) 327-0424. Fax (312) 327-6159.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Grand Canyon Society for Readers of The Urantia Book has recently gone to press with a cookbook containing 150 recipes from readers, friends, and relatives.
Contact Peggy Johnson, Cookbook Chairman, Grand Canyon Society for Readers of The Urantia Book, P.O. Box 2621, Scottsdale, AZ .
FOR UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN. August 21, 7 B.C. to August 211994 A.D. - Join in a celebration of the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus in Israel August 19 through August 29. An extended trip to Egypt is planned for August 29 through September 5. - Estimated price for the Israel Trip is per person and for those going to Egypt, an additional $1207 per person. 126 people have already made reservations with room for a total of 200. Contact Berkeley Elliot, 14 SW 97th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405)8434900.
HELP! HELP! Our computers were stolen along with all of our back-up records for The GOOD CHEER PRESS. If you would like to be on our new mailing list send your name and address to Jesusonian FDN, P.O. Box 18764 , Boulder, CO 80308
WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE your own, original, home-made study aids with the rest of us? Sharen Clampitt, Unit 1, 81 Seabrook Ave., Auckland 7, New Zealand is The STUDY GROUP HERALD’s new Feature Editor for study aids. She is trying to find you and your creations to share in these pages. Please write and send her your study aids and a photo of yourself. We will all appreciate it very much.