© 1993 The Fellowship for readers of The Urantia Book
Issue number 3 was more than eighteen months in production. Some of the letters that were published in the International Readers section were that old. Please accept our sincerest apologies for the delay and be assured that we are working very hard at solving our production problems.
We wish to thank an anonymous agondonter from Pennsylvania for his generous donation of a fax machine to The STUDY GROUPHERALD. This will save us considerable time and has already been used in getting last-minute ads and notices for this issue.
Several more hands are needed in production of The STUDY GROUP HERALD; Illustrators, Editor of Calendar of Events, Bulletin Board, and of Topical Studies, a Copy Editor, and others that we haven’t thought of yet. If you are inclined to participate in this amazing experience please let us know by writing or calling the Fellowship office. As for the monies that are needed to get this publication produced and mailed, don’t forget your annual donation of $5.00. The telephone, postage, delivery services, photocopying, and materials of production, in addition to printing and bulk-mailing costs of The STUDY GROUP HERALD must be covered even though we have a volunteer staff. Please remember to send your check.
We would add a note about the Study Group Movement as it emerges into view in this medium. The many letters from isolated readers who have no one to read and study with and whose yearning for fellowship is so clearly expressed causes one to reflect in appreciation of the privilege of study group participation. It is a truly joyful and nourishing spiritual experience that we are sharing. One that is treasured but one that is not necessarily easy.
Many study groups disperse because of personality friction, many never get underway for lack of leadership, others wither on the vine for lack of commitment or due to unwise structuring. Those of us who have experienced disruption of our study group or other difficulties in study group participation know that a successful study group requires wise leadership, takes effort, commitment, and even disciplined participation.
The STUDY GROUP HERALD invites letters and articles about study group development: successful and unsuccessful study group techniques and structures, schedules, activities, modes of study, worship, socializing, study aids, problems of hosting and the like. We have already seen much of this in letters and invite others to share in this important area.
Readers who have any inclination to seek the study group experience might be able to find each other and get together however frequently or occasionally if they knew of each other’s whereabouts.
Let us take a moment to meditate in inexpressible gratitude and in joyful brotherhood on the great blessing of the Fifth Epochal Revelation to each of us personally and for all of us together.
The STUDY GROUP HERALD is published by the Fellowship for readers of The Urantia Book twice annually (Spring and Fall). Quotations are from The Urantia Book unless otherwise specified. All opinions herein expressed are those of the individual authors and do not represent policies of the Fellowship or of the editorial staff.
Written material, artwork, classified advertisements, notices, or announcements should be mailed to The STUDY GROUP HIRALD, c/o The Fellowship, 529 Wrightwood Avenue, Chicago, IL 60614.
The STUDY GROUP HERALD Editorial Advisory Board: Leonard D. Massey (Education Committee), Melissa Wells (Publications Committee), Mo Siegel (Domestic Extension Committee). Managing Editor: Martin Greenhut. Art Director: George Lallas. Associate Editors: Janet Farrington (Family Life), Adrienne Jamagin (Classified, Bulletin Board, and Calendar of Events). Typography by Nancy Johnson. Feature Editors: Allen Collins (Comics), Brent St Denis (Light-en Life News), Cece Forrester (Periodicals of the Movement), David Glass (Social), Mark Kulieke (From The Archives), Michael S. Smith (Young Readers), Chilufya M.K. Thompson (International Readers), Stephen Zendt (Ascending Currents). Proofreaders: Lynn Ellis, Beth Bartley, Mary Anne Uranowski.
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