© 1990 Terry Hovaghimian
© 1990 ANZURA, Australia & New Zealand Urantia Association
As usual, since I began expanding my quest for truth with the aid of The URANTIA Book and just attended my second conference, the time together has passed so fulfillingly quickly, with such a delight in events and people sharing a similar basic experience of truth, which we are embracing from all angles of our spiritual intuitive presence and states of America and Australia, that I am no longer surprised by the speed of reply to my questions, especially to questions that I have forgotten to ask whilst at the conference.
All I have to do is to open my eyes and my awareness and my communicating skills with sincere loving trust, and the answer appears there and then, as simple as in the next paragraph of the book, which most of us have so often found while reading. I don’t believe that I am such an unique individual who has any special talents or gifts or who might be different to anyone else that is existing on this planet. Apart from certain physical and customary individual characteristics, we are all the same. I only want to share my personal discoveries of truth, not only with you but with as many other people as I can, and to be able to discover ways to communicate these and other messages and to be flexible in the use of the limited medium of language, that it becomes extremely frustrating and especially when you the reader have the choice.
It is very comforting to know that TRUTH IS and will be and that we cannot change it — we attempt to but all we do is to distort it or prolong its discovery.
So by slowly introducing a new habit into our lives we can change and start to experience a new, exciting way of living our so called boring, mundane lives that has managed to survive the test of time, and we don’t have to go out of this world. We can start from where we are. There will initially be some costs — firstly you will have to make some time in your daily experiences to include truth. You will have to be careful because it can be addictive, so don’t overdose from the beginning. You can start alone, when no one is watching. You can do it in the privacy of your own room and eventually after you start applying it into your daily life you can move into the next phase which is called sharing. Here you have to be careful who you share it with, because it can cause problems for you and it might mean going out of your way to be with people who are willing to join you in a session of truth and you might want more and more and develop new friendships with others and then you are eventually labeled a ‘truth junkie’. You find that you might have to move out of the society that you have fallen into and if you are lucky discover a group who are involved in truth worshipping and occasionally have weekly or fortnightly sessions and perhaps have national and probably international sessions.
If this happens to you, count your blessings because this will be the best experience that will happen to you, especially since it will have cost you the purchase of one book that is filled with over 2000 pages of truth, and if you are lucky it will take you at least one lifetime to experience all the basics of truth, not to talk about any other side effects such as love, joy, and maybe Godliness and possible perfection.
Having shared a four-day conference at Arrabri Lodge in East Warburton in Victoria with a group of over 50 people from all over Australia and from the USA who are such fascinatingly simple individuals of different ages and experiences who happen to have been brought together through a book called “The URANTIA Book”, I can honestly say that this has been the most rewarding time in my life on so many levels and with so many people in such a short period of time, that the friendships that have been experienced through the Fatherhood of God and in the Brotherhood of Man are everlastingly united in eternal love.
Terry Hovaghimian, Sydney