© 1979 Henry Begemann, David Glass
© 1979 The Urantia Book Fellowship (formerly Urantia Brotherhood)
The URANTIA Book reveals that our personality is of such a majestic grandeur that, unchanged, it can function even on the borders of the absolute! (UB 112:0.15) That same personality which we have now does not evolve to that unimaginable level, nor grow up to it. Personality remains unchanged.
To reconcile this supernal truth with reality as we know it, it seems inevitable to conclude that personality does not know itself, or, at least, only very incompletely. And it takes all that long, long time, and even more than time, for personality to get that actual self-knowledge and attain that level of self-realization where it can be truly said: i am that i am. (Capitals would be presumptuous here.) Even the authors of The URANTIA Book are not sure if there is such a finality for a son of an Infinite Father.
Henry Begemann
Wassenar, Netherlands
All reality has but One Centered Source, the Universal Father, the pre-reality of the I AM. The manifested time-space realities of matter, mind, and spirit display a spectrum of varied and interpenetrating levels of reality. But each level of reality, each form of manifestation, is centered and grounded in a corresponding, perfect Paradise reality which controls and upholds the sustained creativity of God.
We may perceive our progress through such a universe toward the original realms of perfection and eternity as one which progressively transcends material levels, traverses mindal levels, and achieves spirit levels. We may alternatively see evolution as the process by which spirit gains control and ascendancy over matter through the mediation of mind.
A third interpretation is one in which the manifestations of matter, mind, and spirit are being displayed equally before a witnessing consciousness which at some point discovers or realizes that it is identified with a non-evolving perfect, divine entity which exists as a fragmentation of that Deity reality which is pre-existent and ancestral to all matter-mind-spirit differentiation and manifestation.
— David Glass
Bradenton, Florida
“Sooner or later all universe personalities begin to realize that the final quest of eternity is the endless exploration of infinity, the never-ending voyage of discovery into the absoluteness of the First Source and Center. Sooner or later we all become aware that all creature growth is proportional to Father identification.” (UB 106:9.11)