© 1980 Wesley James, Gene Joyce, Annis M. Warsh, Victoria Urban
© 1980 The Urantia Book Fellowship (formerly Urantia Brotherhood)
One function of revelation is to sort out, clarify, and emphasize the truths which have evolved over the years as men seek to harmonize what they know and what they can believe. Angels have been a part of religious revelation, evolution, tradition, myth, and legend for thousands of years. Some of the most interesting narratives in The URANTIA Book deal with the relationship or connection between mortals and angels.
Seraphim, being the closest to us during our mortal existence, are our guardians, companions, inspiration, and conservators of the best we have achieved individually and as a planet. The URANTIA Book describes the particular relationship of guardian seraphim and the efforts of the master seraphim or planetary supervisors. We read that while they can’t implant new or better ideas or concepts in our minds, they often act to intensify a higher ideal someone has already conceived. They also train and mobilize the reserve corps of destiny.
— Wesley R. James
Forest Park, Illinois
Guided, guarded, inspired, and assisted as we all are by the seraphim assigned to our watch-care, certain highly endowed and motivated mortals can also be involved in the plans and projects of the master seraphim whose activities are directed by the resident governor general on Urantia. The extent of this involvement probably depends primarily upon their origins and choices. Although the method of selection may be somewhat obscure, the lives of certain individuals stand out like beacons casting beams of influence and power across the planet. Such a person was Charles Lindbergh.
Lindbergh’s influence upon aviation from 1927 when he made his historic flight across the Atlantic until his death in 1974 may have involved the angels of progress, nation life, the races, the future, industry, and diversion. And many could have been the conferences scheduled to handle the overlapping influences and consequences of his various endeavors. The watchword may even have been, “And what of Lindbergh?..” Imagine the far-reaching effects of his friendships and contacts as they brought the rulers of various countries together, the interchange of trade and finance, the inventions of industry, the mixing of peoples and cultures, the stimulation of travel and change, and the general education and training resulting from this activity in this field alone. This is not to mention his very considerable contribution in the fields of genetics, pollution, conservation, surveying, endangered species, medicine, wilderness exploration, and writing. He also served for long periods as an advisor to various industries and governments.
— Gene Joyce
Richardson. Texas
The following article was presented at the Midwest Regional Conference, June 6 and 7, 1980.
On UB 195:9.2 of The URANTIA Book it says:
“Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment.” UB 195:9.2
I believe it. And this is quite a challenge, being asked to talk about renewing and revitalizing society — even with The URANTIA Book as a point of reference.
Even as I say this, I realize that it would be an impossible challenge for me without The URANTIA Book. For twenty-five years it has been the measure against which I hold all the wonderful bits and pieces of information that come to me as I read philosophy, psychology, biology, and physics. Without this marvelous revelation, my ability to absorb new understandings would have been severely limited. With it, I read, and my heart leaps up in recognition of truths and I keep saying. “Of course! Of course!”
It has always seemed of prime importance to me to keep informed to whatever degree is possible about what is going on in the world. A lot is going on out there that would have been completely foreign to the world into which The URANTIA Book was introduced.
—Annis M. Warsh
Western Springs, Illinois
The following article was written by an Episcopalian minister who has NOT read The URANTIA Book and wishes to remain anonymous, as this expresses his personal opinion only.
A Christian, no matter how modern in viewpoint, should be open to the fact that God’s creation extends beyond his comprehension or experience, Because of this, and because angels have been part of scripture and teaching throughout the years, a Christian is open to the possibility that angels exist and that they serve a special function in creation.
For the most part, Christians under modern influence tend to view angels as Protestants do praying to the saints. That is, they “eliminate the middle man.” Most people experience God interceding directly into their lives rather than through some celestial being.
Many people who believe in the world of spiritualism and parapsychology believe that those who have died can continue to hover around people they love, and can be experienced and known by some gifted few. These “survivors” are rarely thought of as angels. Some of them are still very earthy and worldly and many are from pagan cultures. They aren’t experienced as “angels” even by the gifted people to whom they appear.
— Anonymous
I have elected myself and have been given a share of participation in our Universal Plan; spiritually I know that my guardian angel beckons me in a manner that is. delightful, but persuasive.
A body of 144 seraphim serves on an evolutionary sphere of creature habitation: “These angels preside over all seraphic assemblies pertaining to the line of duty or call to worship.” (UB 39:1.16)
The spirit of brotherhood survives on Urantia because of the seraphims’ work of achieving racial harmony and social cooperation among our diverse races. “Without the work of these seraphim the efforts of the Material Sons to harmonize and advance the races of an evolving world would be greatly delayed. And had your Adam adhered to the original plan for the advancement of Urantia, by this time these spirits of brotherhood would have worked unbelievable transformations in the human race. In view of the Adamic default, it is indeed remarkable that these seraphic orders have been able to foster … even as much of brotherhood as you now have on Urantia.” (UB 39:5.4)
— Victoria Urban
Santa Rosa, California
“Seraphim function as teachers of men by guiding the footsteps of the human personality into paths of new and progressive experiences. To accept the guidance of a seraphim rarely means attaining a life of ease. In following this leading you are sure to encounter, and if you have the courage, to traverse, the rugged hills of moral choosing and spiritual progress.” (UB 113:4.3)