© 1982 David Glass, Daniel Love Glazer
© 1982 The Urantia Book Fellowship (formerly Urantia Brotherhood)
“‘The persistent preaching of this gospel of the kingdom will some day bring to all nations a new and unbelievable liberation, intellectual freedom, and religious liberty.’” (UB 178:1.9) These words of the Master foretell the coming someday of a great spiritual renaissance, and they invite and enjoin us to assist in bringing about this enlightenment by proclaiming the Master’s gospel of man’s spiritual sonship with God. We might wonder whether we are not also invited to speculate about the sequence of events whereby this spiritual renaissance may come about by reviewing the information which has been newly given to us in The URANTIA Book.
When we speculate about such matters, are we pursuing a unilateral and unjustified advance beyond the frontier of current knowledge, or are we participating in a trend of thought which is as common to universe citizenship as any other mode of thinking? I believe it is the latter. The URANTIA Book is replete with the speculations of universe creatures from the superuniverse level right down to the United Midwayers of Urantia… The midwayers tell us in Part IV how Jesus spent an enormous amount of time in communion and consultation with his Father. Jesus must have been then, as we are told he did at other times, working out a wise perspective of expectations as to just how he might expect the progress of the spiritual “kingdom” to proceed among mankind.
Jesus, of course, had the advantages of superhuman insight into such considerations, but we too have been afforded considerable superhuman-level perspectives on the expectations regarding Urantia’s future. I believe that we are performing both justifiable and godly tasks when we seek to review and probe further the implications of the revelatory information which has been given to us.
—David Glass
Bradenton, Florida
Revelation. The Book tells us, is designed to bridge the gap in human experience between the material and the spiritual, Through our reason we ascertain facts, the knowledge of science. Through our faith we apprehend values, spirit realities presented to our super- conscious mind by the divine Thought Adjuster within. And through the logic of philosophy we try to coordinate and integrate the material knowledge of science and the spiritual truths of religious experience. But this philosophic effort of integration is doomed to fall short. Between the spiritual and the material is a reality level which do not know, a reality level which The URANTIA Book calls “morontia.” During his life in the flesh man lacks the mola of morontia with which he will later be able to apprehend morontia realities. The URANTIA Book says, “Revelation authoritatively clarifies the muddle of reason-developed metaphysics on an evolutionary sphere.” (UB 103:6.8) Further, “Revelation is evolutionary man’s only hope of bridging the morontia gulf.” (UB 103:6.13) And “Revelation is a compensation for the frailties of evolving philosophy.” (UB 103:8.6)
We are also told that “It is the mission of revelation to sort and censor the successive religions of evolution. But if revelation is to exalt and upstep the religions of evolution, then must such divine visitations portray teachings which are not too far removed from the thought and reactions of the age in which they are presented. Thus must and does revelation always keep in touch with evolution.” (UB 92:4.1)
The Foreword of The URANTIA Book says that “Successive planetary revelations of divine truth invariably embrace the highest existing concepts of spiritual values as a part of the new and enhanced co-ordination of planetary knowledge.” (UB 0:12.12) In this article I will discuss some noteworthy examples of contemporary thought and philosophy. In our examination we can expect to find some of the frailties and fallacies of evolutionary thought which require illumination from revelation. At the same time we can hope to find, in man’s noblest expressions, sublime thoughts which, like The URANTIA Book itself, point the way to our spiritual transformation.
— Daniel Love Glazer
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“Science sorts men; religion loves men, even as yourself; wisdom does justice to differing men; but revelation glorifies man and discloses his capacity for partnership with God.” (UB 102:3.7)