© 1976 Urantia Foundation
Enclosed with this issue of “URANTIAN News” is a copy of a new publication of the URANTIA Foundation. It is a small pamphlet entitled “Guide to Pronunciation of Names and Words in The URANTIA Book.” An older version of this guide was originally prepared by Marian Rowley, who is currently Secretary of URANTIA Brotherhood, and was given limited distribution in mimeographed form for some years. In 1975, Marian and others revised and expanded the guide to its present form, and this new guide has now been printed and copyrighted by URANTIA Foundation.
For the most part, the pronunciation guide is intended to include only those words which would not ordinarily be found in dictionaries. We hope you find it helpful and we will welcome your comments on it. Those who are not on the regular mailing list but who would like copies can obtain them free of charge by writing URANTIA Foundation or URANTIA Brotherhood.
As most of you know, The URANTIA Book is the principal publication of URANTIA Foundation. “The URANTIA Book” is magnificently complete and self-contained, using an economy of words and a clarity of expression heretofore unknown. The Trustees believe that “The URANTIA Book” is fully capable of speaking for itself without need for systematic and/or comprehensive interpretation. Indeed, even the best of human interpretation or explanation runs the very real risk of appearing as presumptuous as that of a candle trying to illuminate the way for a search light.
However, from time to time creative efforts may appear which—while certainly not of epochal significance—may promise, with certain safeguards, a respectable degree of assistance in the study of “The URANTIA Book.” The Trustees either have published or have authorized the publishing of a few such supportive works, when, after careful and considered deliberation, it was thought that the work itself would contribute directly to the study and comprehension of “The URANTIA Book.”
However, where a proposed work based on “The URANTIA Book” was nothing more than a restatement of the teachings of “The URANTIA Book,” and hence tantamount to a new version, the Trustees have declined to participate or to give approval.
It seems especially unwise at this early stage of the presentation of “The URANTIA Book” to our world that there be hundreds or thousands of works (perhaps reflecting a decided western cultural bias) all claiming to tell what “The URANTIA Book” is saying, when “The URANTIA Book” speaks for itself so splendidly.
Once the primary and fundamental position of “The URANTIA Book” is widely recognized, the matter of secondary works (as opposed to new versions) will be of less concern. Until the primacy of “The URANTIA Book” is safely established, there is the worrisome problem of “The URANTIA Book’s” submergence in a clutter of derivative works, some of which may well delimit the universality of the URANTIA message through restrictive and/or formalized interpretation, or the inextricable association of “The URANTIA Book” with so-called western culture. In any event it appears that there is no more need for a proliferation of second hand or interpretive works concerning “The URANTIA Book” than there is for the creation and maintenance of a pervasive institutional religious hierarchy.
“The URANTIA Book” can and does speak for itself.
It is significant that the Revelators saw fit to present “The URANTIA Book” as it is. Had there been a better or more efficient way by which they could have accomplished their mission, we are confident they would have done so.
In comprehending “The URANTIA Book” there is nothing more productive or of more lasting promise than the serious and applied study of “The URANTIA Book” itself. Each of us should have first hand contact with the teachings of “The URANTIA Book.” Consistent with the copyright laws, each reader is encouraged to develop his or her own study aids (for his or her own personal use), the value of which will depend on one’s personal application to the study of “The URANTIA Book.”
But study the Book. If one wishes to appreciate an object, one studies the object, not its shadow.
The past year has seen a number of changes at 533 Diversey Parkway. The entire Foundation-Brotherhood office has undergone redecoration in the form of painting and some new furniture, some of which was donated. With regard to new personnel, David Renn and Lisa Carr Renn have worked at the Foundation in the past year to help offset the increasing work load. They have been of considerable help to the Foundations operation.
The Trustees are keenly aware of the need for more direct communication with “URANTIA Book” students everywhere. The Trustees or their Special Representatives have attended most of the regional conferences held this year, as well as the 1976 URANTIA International Forum. Even more concerted efforts will be made by the Trustees or their representatives in the future to attend all of the various conferences and thereby gain the valuable personal contact and exchange of information which is not possible through our written communications.
Through the generous and widespread support of many readers and through the careful monitoring and reduction—where feasible—of printing and other costs, it has been possible to maintain the price of the English edition of “The URANTIA Book” at its current price of $20.00 since 1971. However, it is well known to all of us that inflation has ever been augmenting. Since 1971 the consumers price index has increased from 121 to 161 in 1975, for a 33% increase. The Trustees have made no decision as to a price increase for “The URANTIA Book,” but an increase is under consideration.
Once again the Trustees wish you a happy holiday season and a spiritually fruitful new year.