© 1959 William S. Sadler
© 1961 Urantia Foundation
Yahweh was the god of the southern Palestinian tribes, who associated this concept of deity with Mount Horeb, the Sinai volcano. Yahweh was merely one of the hundreds and thousands of nature gods which held the attention and claimed the worship of the Semitic tribes and peoples. UB 96:1.3
The Satania day equals three days of Urantia time, less one hour, four minutes, and fifteen seconds, that being the time of the axial revolution of Jerusem. The system year consists of one hundred Jerusem days. UB 46:1.2
The Nebadon year consists of a segment of time of universe swing in relation to the Uversa circuit and is equal to one hundred days of standard universe time, about five years of Urantia time. UB 33:6.7