© 2009 Xavier Francisco
© 2009 Urantia Foundation
By Xavier Francisco, Barcelona, Spain.
I have been reading The Urantia Book for nine years. I can still remember the first thoughts that came into my mind after reading the Foreword and the first two or three Papers: “Wow, this is big!” I loved the way the Foreword was written! After I read the first 10 or 15 Papers, I felt that the language in El Libro de Urantia was less natural to me. As was noted in the cover page, the translation was being revised and corrected; so I decided to read the English edition.
I started over from the beginning. Again, I loved the Foreword. As I kept reading, I felt that the language was natural - as if someone wanted to make things easy. I must say that English is not my first language; so it was a difficult task for me to read a book of such magnitude in a foreign language, but I noticed that it was easy. So I kept reading the book in English - until now.
A few days ago I received a copy of El Libro de Urantia: Edición Europea. For me, reading it was easy; the flow of the text was natural. The names of the different personalities were clear. The grammatical structure of the text was beautiful. I hope that this book will reach more and more people in Spain.