[London, John Murray]
This small book is a collection of traditional sayings and stories attributed to Jesus taken from Islamic literature. Islam has alway considered Jesus to be one of the greatest of prophets, second only to Mohammed, and this beautiful collection is illustrative of some of the ways he is perceived in the Islamic world. As stated in the introduction, this was not the first time that collections like this had been presented in Western languages, but it was the most extensive ever presented in English until 2001, when The Muslim Jesus, by Tarif Khalidi was published. Khalidi’s book is about 3-4 times as large as this one, with 303 different selections, and full documentation of the sources from which they are derived. It cannot be recommended highly enough to anyone interested in comparative religion or alternative views of Jesus.
The book is presented here as one large (196K) file, although there are extensive anchors to make it navigable.
Notes on the hypertext transcription: ’ and ´ represent left and right apostrophes ('ayn and hamza) in Arabic words, circumflexes represent macrons, and underlines represent dot-unders. I have changed the word Pentateuch used by Robson to Torah, which is the word used in the Arabic originals and which is also standard usage in English. As references to Torah in Arabic works are almost always directed at Jews, it makes more sense to refer to it by its Hebrew rather that its Greek name. There was one footnote in the entire book, on page 105. I embedded it in the text inside square bracket with the initials ‘JR’.