I. Books and Articles, General and Fundamental, for the Study of Islam | Title page | III. On Muslim Traditions and Law |
[p. 361]
AUGUST MÜLLER: Die Beherrscher der Gläubigen. Berlin, 1882. A very brightly written sketch based on thorough knowledge.
GUSTAV WEIL: Geschichte der Chalifen. 3 vols. Mannheim, 1846-1851.
SIR WILLIAM MUIR: The Caliphate, its Rise, Decline and Fall. London, 1891.
THEODOR NÖLDEKE: Zur tendentiösen Gestaltung der Urgeschichte des Islâms. ZDMG, lii, pp. 16 ff. All Nöldeke’s papers on the early history of Islam are worthy of the most careful study.
G. VON VLOTEN: Zur Abbasiden Geschichte. ZDMG, lii, pp. 213 ff. On the early Abbasids.
R. E. BRÜNNOW: De Charidschiten unter den ersten Omayyaden. Leyden, 1884.
EDUARD SACHAU: Über eine Arabische Chronik aus Zanzibar. Mitth. a.d. Sem. f. Orient. Sprachen. Berlin, 1898. On Ibadites.
GEORGE PERCY BADGER: History of the Imams and Seyyids of Oman, by Salîl-ibn-Razîk. London: Hakluyt Society, 1871. Valuable for Ibadite history, law and theology.
M. J. DE GOEJE: Mémoire sur les Carmathes du Bahraïn et les Fatimides. Leyden, 1886.
JOHN NICHOLSON: An Account of the Establishment of the Fatemite Dynasty in Africa. Tübingen and Bristol, 1840.
QUATREMÈRE: Mémoires historiques sur la dynastie des Khalifes Fatimites. JA, 3, ii.
SYLVESTRE DE SACY: Exposé de la religion des Druzes et la vie du Khalife Hakem-biamr-allah. 2 vols. Paris, 1838.
F. WÜSTENFELD: Geschichte der Fatimiden-Khalifen. Göttingen, 1881.
STANLEY LANE-POOLE: A History of Egypt in the Middle Ages. New York, 1901. For the origin and founding of the Fatimid Dynasty, the Khalifa al-Hakim, etc.
H. L. FLEISCHER: Briefwechsel zwischen den Anführern der Wahhabiten und dem Pasha von Damaskus. Kleinere Schriften, iii, pp. 341 ff. First published in ZDMG for year 1857.
[p. 362]
E. REHATSEK; The History of the Wahhabys in Arabia and In India. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal. No. xxxviii (read January, 1880).
Turkey in Europe, by “Odysseus.” London, 1900. The present situation, with its historical antecedents in European Turkey and the Balkans generally.
H. O. DWIGHT: Constantinople and its Problems. New York, 1901.
A. S. WHITE: The Expansion of Egypt. London, 1899. The present situation in Egypt and its historical antecedents.
W. W. HUNTER: Our Indian Mussulmans. London, 1871.
SIR LEWIS PELLY: The Miracle Play of Hasan and Husain. London, 1879.
W. S. BLUNT: The Future of Islam. London, 1880.
I. Books and Articles, General and Fundamental, for the Study of Islam | Title page | III. On Muslim Traditions and Law |