ALL counsel may be summed up in the simple Counsel. words, My friend, rely not on life, health, or riches. Nothing over which the firmament of heaven revolves maintains an unchanged existence, but every hour assumes some new form. Every moment a fresh picture is presented to the view; and one appearance is scarce complete ere another supervenes, obliterating all traces of the first, as wave follows wave upon the shore. No wise man would seek to build his house upon the waves, or hope to find a foundation for it there. To quote the words of Hafiz:
In hope’s unstable palace no foundations shalt thou find,
Then seize the passing hour, for life but rests upon the wind.
The wisest of mankind are those who have renounced all worldly desires, and chosen the calm and peaceful lot of a recluse’s life. Behind every pleasure lurk twenty pains; far better is it then to forego one fleeting joy and spare oneself a lifetime of regret. Life, health, riches, and happiness, may be our portion to-day; but God alone knows what the morrow may bring forth.