[p. 82]
’Abdallah ibn ’Abbás, 39
’Abúdiyat, 66
Abu Hanífa, 10, n.
Agencies, 31
Agents, 31
Ahl i wahdat, 5
Ajrat, 57
Alexander the Great, Mirror of, 12
’Alí, 51
Allah, Name of, 29
Apostle, 59
Aquinas, St Thomas, verse quoted, 2
Arabic Language, Pre-existence of, 28
Ar Rahmán, 29
Ascent, 65
Attraction, 19
’Awárif al Ma’árif, 20
Babis, sect of the, 44
Bayán, 30
Báyazíd Bístámí, 23
Believer, 58
Chaos, 36, n.
Christian Scriptures, Mohammedan beliefs about, 30, n.
Christian Scriptures, quoted, 30, n.
Counsel, 21
Corán, Pre-existence of, 28
„ quoted, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 54, 15, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 51, 55, 56, 63, 64
Cosmogony, Table of Mohammedan, 32, n.
Descent, 65
De Tassy, M. Garcin, 2
Devils, 32
Devotion, 19
Doctrine, 7
„ Marks and Practice of the Followers of, 9
Element, the Primal, 33
„ Idea of, how originated, 35 n.
Emanations, 31
Faculties, the, 54
Faith, Confession of, 17
Faná, 67
[p. 83]
Fellowship, 14
„ Rules to be observed in, 15
Firdausi Sháh-Náma quoted, 47
„ Satire of, 48 n.
Fishes, Parable of the, 48
Fourfold Mothers, the, 36, n.
Fusús el Hikam, 55
Gabriel, the Holy Spirit, 31
Genii, 32
Goal, the, 4
Hadís quoted, 5, 7, 13, 18, 31, 43, 57
„ Interpretation of, 67
Hakíkat, 66
Hál, 66
Hanefite, 10
Humanity, Spirit of, 55
Iblís, 32
Inclination, 19
Intelligence, Primal, 35
’Ishk, 66
Jam’, 67
Jemshid, Cup of, 11
Káf and Nún, Lord of, 28
Karr, 30
Kazem-Beg, Mirza, 44
Khizar, 12
“Know Thyself,” 50
Kursí, 32, n.
Law, 7
Life, Elixir of, 63
Love, 19
Maláïk Muhaymeh, 31
Ma’rifat, 66
Mehdí, Last of the Imams, 44
Muhiy-uddín ibn al Arabí, Sheikh, 55
“Pen, The,” 34
Perfect Man, definition of the, 11
Perfectly Free Man, the, 13
Power, Night of, 36
Powers, 32
Prophet, 59
Prophetic Office defined, 43
Proximity, 23
Psalms, quoted, 34
Recluse, 59
Renunciation, 16
Sa’ad-ud-dín Hamawí, Sheikh, 27, 43
Sa’adi, Quotation from Bústán of, 30, n.
Sadr-ud-dín Rúmí, Sheikh, 27
Sáhibu ’zzemán, 44
Saint, 59
Saintly Office defined, 43
Saladin, 10
Sale’s Corán, Preliminary Discourse to, 5
Sálik, 65
Seal, the, 59
Senses, The, 53
Sevenfold Sires, The, 36, n.
[p. 84]
Shafiite, 10
Sheháb-uddín, Sheikh, 20
Sirát al Mustakím, 51
Solomon, 12
Soul, Destination of the, 59
Sources, The Four Universal, 38
Spheres, The, 35
Spirit, Concomitant, 58
„ Constructive, 51
„ Instinctive, 63
Sulúk, 65
Tálib, 65
Taríkat, 65
Tennyson’s “In Memoriam,” 61
Threefold Offspring, 35
Traveller, Definition of the, 4
Truth, 7
„ Marks and Practice of the Followers of, 10
Unitarian. See Preface.
Universe, Treasuries of the, 37
Upward Progress, The, 52
„ „ of Man, 58
Wasl, 67
Wejd, 66
Worshipper, 68
Zuhd, 66