IN the name of the merciful and compassionate God.
READ, in the name of thy Lord!
Who created man from congealed blood!
Read, for thy Lord is most generous!
[5] Who taught the pen!
Taught man what he did not know!
Nay, verily, man is indeed outrageous at seeing himself get rich!
Verily, unto thy Lord is the return!
Hast thou considered him who forbids [10] a servant [2] when he prays [3]?
[p. 337]
Hast thou considered if he were in guidance or bade piety?
Hast thou considered if he said it was a lie, and turned his back?
Did he not know that God can see?
[15] Nay, surely, if he do not desist we will drag him by the forelock!—the lying sinful forelock!
So let him call his counsel: we will call the guards of hell!
Nay, obey him not, but adore and draw nigh!
336:2 The five opening verses of the chapter are generally allowed to have been the first that were revealed. See Introduction, p. xx, and note 1, idem. ↩︎
336:3 I.e. Mohammed. ↩︎
336:4 The allusion is to Abu _G_ahl, who threatened to set his foot on Mohammed’s neck if he caught him in the act of adoration. ↩︎