[p. ix]
I have used the following manuscripts and lithographs in the preparation of the text:—
(1) Br. Mus. Add. 25329. Foll. 298, 7 ¾" x 4 ¾", 15 ll. 2 3/8" long, in small Nestalik, with gold headings, dated Safar A.H. 890 (A.D. 1485) [Adam Clarke].
There are marginal additions by two other hands; f. 1 is on different paper, by a different and later hand. The letters #, #, #, # are often not distinguished, # never; # and # are often not distinguished from # and #; the small letters are often without dots; the scribe usually writes the modern undotted # with three dots below. There are large omissions as compared with later MSS. and the lithographs.
I denote this MS. by C.
[p. x]
(2) Br. Mus. Or. 358. Foll. 317, 6 ¾" x 3 ¾", 17 ll. 2" long, in small Nestalik, in two gold-ruled columns, with two 'unvâns, apparently written in the 16th cent. [Geo. Wm. Hamilton].
There are many marginal additions, mostly by one, a later, hand,: the MS. as a whole has been subjected to a great many erasures and corrections. The writing is good, the pointing of the letters fairly complete; the scribe usually writes and the # and #, the # rarely appears with three dots below. The MS. contains the prefaces of Raqqâm and of Sanâ’î himself, but, like the preceding, shows omissions as compared with later MSS. and the lithographs.
I denote this MS. by H.
(3) Br. Mus. Add. 16777. Foll. 386, 10 ¾" x 6 ¼", 15 ll., 3 ½" long, in fair Nestalik, with gold-ruled margins, dated A.H. 1076 (A.D. 1665) [Win. Yule].
This is a clearly written MS., the pointing of the letters usually full, #, and, # are frequently distinguished by their dots, and the pure # usually written with three dots below. Erasures are not frequent; the marginal corrections usually by the original hand. This MS. gives a very large number of divergent readings as compared with the others; its order is very different from that of the others; it is, as regards its extent, not so much defective as redundant, long passages appearing twice, and some passages not to be found in any of my other sources are also included. Some of these latter I have found in subsequent chapters of the Hadîqa, and it is possible that a more thorough search might have shown that they are all contained there.
This MS. is denoted by M.
(4) Ind. Off. 918. Ff. 395, 2 coll. each ll. 15; Nasta’lîk; the last four pp. written by another hand; 9 ½" by 5 ½". Written at Isfahân A.H. 1027 (A.D. 1618); occasional short glosses on the margin.
A clearly written and well-preserved MS., closely related to the following. The letters # and #, are frequently distinguished; the sign madda, is usually omitted.
I denote this MS. by I.
(5) Ind. Off. 923. The description given in the Catalogue is as follows —"Sharh-Hadîkah. The revised and collated edition of Sanâ’î’s Hadîkah with a commentary and marginal glosses by 'Abd-allatîf bin 'Abdallâh al-‘Abbâsî, who is best known by his revised [p. xi] and annotated edition of Jalâl-aldîn Rûmi’s Mathnawî, his commentaries on the same poem, and a special glossary, Latâ’'f-allughât (lithogr. Lucknow under title Farhang-i-Mathnawî 1877). He died 1048 or 1049 (A.D. 1638, 1639) in Shahjahân’s reign. The present copy, which is the author’s autograph, was finished by him 20th Jumâdâ alawwal A.H. 1044 (=Nov. 11th, 1634), and represents an abridgement from a larger commentary of his, the Latâ’if al Hadâ’ik, from which also the glosses are taken (marked #). According to the dîbâca he began the larger work 1040 and completed it 1042 (1630-33) supported by his friend Mîr ‘Imâd-aldîn Mahmûd al Hamadânî, with the takhallus Ilâhî, the author of the well-known tadhkirah of Persian poets the Khazîna-i-Ganj.’
The following is an account of the contents of this MS. First comes a short preface by 'Abdu’l-Latîf, introducing Sanâ’î’s own preface, which is stated to have been written to the complete collection of his writings; it is frequently, states 'Abdu’l-Latîf, not to be found in copies of his works. After Sanâ’î’s preface comes another, called Râsta-i khiyâbân, by 'Abdu’l-Latîf, described as a short preface to this writer’s commentary; this concludes with a reference to Ilâhî and his share in the work, and two târîkhs by Ilâhî, giving A.H. 1040 as the date of its commencement, and 1042 as that of its completion. A few more lines by 'Abdu’l-Latîf introduce the work itself. The original numbering of the folia commences with the text; there is also a pencil numbering, in English characters, beginning with the first preface The poem closes with 59 verses, in the same metre, which form an address to Abû’l-Hasan 'Alî b. Nâsir al Ghaznawî, named Biryângar, sent to him at Baghdâd, because of the accusations of the traducers of the book. The date of completion of the text is given as A.H. 535; and, in a triangular enclosure of gold lines, it is stated that “this honoured copy was completed 20th Jumâdâ al-awwal, 1044 A.H.” A few pages at the end, written by the same hand, give an account of how the book was sent to Biryângar at Baghdâd, on account of the accusations that were brought against it; how it was found to be orthodox, and a reply sent to Ghaznî.
This MS. I denote by A.
(6) The Lucknow lithograph published by the Newal Kishore Press, dated A.H. 1304 (A.D. 1886). This is an edition of the whole, [p. xii] work, including prefaces and 'Abdu’l-Latîf’s commentary. It comprises 860 pp., of 15 verses to a page; the paper, as usual, is somewhat inferior; the text is on the whole easily legible, but the same cannot always be said for the commentary, written in the margins and in a much smaller hand. It contains first a list of the titles of all the sections of all the chapters, followed by some verses setting forth the subjects of the ten chapters each as a whole. The ornamental title-page follows, stating that the Hadîqa of Sanâ’î is here accompanied by the commentary Latâ’ifu’l-Hadâ’iq of 'Abdu’l-Latîf al-'Abbâsî. On p. 2 begins the ‘First Preface’, called Mirâtu’l-Hadâ’iq, by 'Abdu’l-Latîf, dated 1038 A. H.; this is not included in A; an abstract of it is given later (v. p. xxi). After this comes Sanâ’î’s preface with 'Abdu’l-Latîf’s introductory words, as in A; this is called the ‘Second Preface’. The ‘Third Preface’, which is ‘Abdu’l-Latîf’s Râsta-i khiyâbân, is here written in the margins of the ’ Second Preface’. Then comes the text with marginal commentary, introduced as in A by a few more words from 'Abdu’l-Latîf. At the conclusion of the work is the address to Biryângar; and finally some qit’as on the dates of commencement and completion of the printing of the book.
I denote this lithograph by L.
(7) I obtained from Bombay, from the bookshop of Mirzâ Muhammad Shîrâzî, another lithograph, which comprises only the first chapter of the work accompanied by a copious marginal commentary. Pp. 15 + 4 + 31 + 188, 15 ll. to a page; published at Lûhârû (near Hi_ss_ar, Punjab) 1290 A.H. (1873 A.D.). The title-page states that this is the commentary on Sanâ’î’s Hadîqa by Nawâb Mirzâ 'Alâu’d-Dîn Ahmad, Khân Bahâdur, chief (###) of Lûhârû, called 'Alâ’î, the scribe being Maulavî Muhammad Ruknu’d-Dîn of Hi_ss_ar. Ruknu’d-Dîn states (p. 2) that he himself was doubtful of many words, and did not understand a number of the verses; he took his difficulties to 'Alâ’î, who explained all; and “Praise be to God, there never has been such a commentator of the Hadîqa, nor will be; or if there is, it will be an imitation or a theft from this king of commentators.” This reads rather curiously when considered in connection with the fact, to be mentioned hereafter, that the authors have incorporated in their commentary the whole of that of 'Abdu’l-Latîf, and that their original contributions to the elucidation of the [p. xiii] text are of slight value. Ruknu’d-Dîn was asked one day by the printers (###) to bring them his copy (###) of the Hadîqa on its completion, for printing and publication. Pp. 4-10 are occupied by an Arabic preface by Ruknu’d-Dîn, again in extravagant praise of 'Alâ’î and his accomplishments as a commentator. There follows (pp. 11-14) another title-page, and a short poem by 'Alâ’î; and then (p. 15) a qit’a, giving the dates of commencement and completion of the work. Four pages of introduction (pp. 1-4) follow, and again with separate paging, 31 pp. of commentary on the first 28 pp. of the text, the reason apparently being that the whole of the commentary on these pages could not conveniently be written in the margins. The text comprises 186 pp., and includes (though I cannot find this stated anywhere) only the first book of the complete Hadîqa; the volume is concluded by some lines of 'Alâ’î in praise of Muhammad, and a benediction. At the end of the marginal notes on every page is written “'Alâ’î sallamahu,” or “Maulânâ 'Alâ’î sallamahu Allâhu ta’âla.”
[p. xiii]