This task is currently ended and closed for the 25 languages available.
Adding footnotes to The Urantia Book requires to previously complete the following tasks:
Translation of Paramony from English to the target language. The result of this task is a file for each language (input / json / footnotes-book-xx.json).
Previous task of converting The Urantia Book from HTML to JSON without footnotes. The result of this task is a set of 197 files in a folder for each language (input / json / book-xx).
To add footnotes to JSON files, follow these steps:
Open Urantiapedia Tools.
In Process select: Update Bible Refs in Urantia Book (JSON).
Folders are automatically filled: for JSON files one like input / json / book-xx.
Click Execute.
If everything is correct Conversion executed successfully will appear. In case of errors, the list of errors will appear. In this case, it is advisable to notify one of the developer users the error.
The output files are different from the input files to avoid that if there is any problem they are unusable. The output is saved in input / json / book-xx-footnotes folders, where xx is the language code equal to the one used as the input folder.