Here it is described how to obtain the study aids of The Urantia Book, that have been cataloged following the task Creating a catalog of study aids.
Everything said about books in Get Articles also applies here. Study aids are usually found as articles, in the form of a web page that already hosts them, as a PDF without text, or as a PDF with text. In any case, the first step is to convert the study aid to Markdown format.
The study aid catalog is located here: Planned Study Aids.
The task now is to use the content of the study aids to obtain the Markdown files we need.
If you are a “Editor-in-Chief” and will be using the GitHub platform, study aids should be saved in these GitHub project folders: /output/wikijs/en/article
for English study aids, /output/wikijs/es/article
for Spanish study aids, etc.
As you can see we use the same folders for articles as for study aids. This is done so that all the works (other than books) made by the same author are gathered in the same project folder.
Inside the article
folders we will create another one, if it does not exist, with the name of the author (with whitespace replaced by underscores). Finally, inside the author folder, we will create the study aid as follows:
Both the Markdown file in the short study aid case, and the folder for an extensive study aid, will be named with a unique name following this criteria:
. If the title were Las enseñanzas de Jesús (Spanish), the name would be Jesus_teachings
.If you are an “Assistant Editor” and you are not going to use the GitHub platform to send files, simply create any folder on your PC in which to leave the study aids that you create. Then when you send your work to an Administrator he or she will take care of creating the correct folders.
The format to use is Markdown, which is extremely simple to format compared to other alternatives.
The “Assistant Editor” should review the text and add the following:
All these elements have already been explained when talking about how to format book chapters: Get “source” books. All the instructions given there also apply here in the case of study aids.
If you are a “Editor-in-Chief” using GitHub you can submit study aids as detailed in the Editors-in-Chief Help; if you are an “Assistant Editor”, you can simply send the Markdown files to any Administrator’s email or to