On January 10, 2020 we have started this journey of Urantiapedia
. There have been several months evaluating the possibility of creating a good part of its content in an automated way. We have seen that it is feasible and finally the project is launched. 
- The website is not yet available. In the content part, we have only proceeded to upload the initial input files to GitHub.
- For The Urantia Book
we have started from some files in LaTeX format (*.tex) that had previously been used to try to create an advanced version of the book on paper. These files have been generated from the official HTML version downloadable from the Urantia Foundation.
- For the Topic Index part, we have started the conversion to a TXT format of the Urantia Fellowship index. A spreadsheet has also been generated to plan the work on the topics, and some topics that start with the letters A and M have been corrected.
- For cross references between the Bible and The Urantia Book, we have started to include the Paramony, an existing listing created by Duane Faw, a reader from the book.
- All content for now is only in Spanish.
- The first version of Urantiapedia Tools has been added, called UBSearch, which is initially developed in C#. Added functionality for reading Topic Index files and the Mediawiki’s Wikitext converter.
- The first version of the manuals for collaborators, initially called HOWTO, are added.