Finally this month we make the jump to Internet. The domains have been purchased and Mediawiki has been installed on the hired hosting. The first pages have been loaded, and everything begins to roll. From here we can do hot tests to see how the changes are looking.

- The website has been launched! The first massive content has already been uploaded using a system detailed below.
- We have continued with the addition of the Topic Index in English and with corrections to the Spanish version.
- Files have been created in Wikitext and XML format of the Bible. See below about these formats. The version of the Bible that is being used is the so-called “Reina Valera” from 1960, one of the public domain translations of the Bible into Spanish.
- The translation of the texts of the footnotes from English to Spanish has begun. These footnotes, which have been generated using the Paramony, have brief explanatory text, but are in English. It has been translated into Spanish. The Paramony is a cross-reference listing between the Bible and The Urantia Book created by Duane Faw, a reader of the book.
- The converter from LaTeX format to Wikitext format of the Bible.
- A convert to an XML format has been developed that uses an extension of Mediawiki to perform batch-uploads of pages in the Urantiapedia. This format, although initially promising, has been abandoned as too complex to create and use without errors. Instead, the Mediawiki
command has been used, which is an easy and simple mean that does not require an intermediate XML format. 
- A module for Mediawiki has been developed in Lua language that converts an abbreviation into the corresponding link to The Urantia Book or to the books of the Bible. Thus adding a link is a more compact text in Wikitext format.
- We have developed an index generator for The Urantia Book, with two versions of the index: a compact one, with only the names of the documents, and an extended one, with the titles of the documents and their sections.
- We have been improving the manuals for collaborators, the so-called HOWTOs.