You could say that this has been the month of French language.
We have focused on translating into French some publications that have never received a French translation before. And we’ve also started adding a «one more thing».
Here is what we have done this last month.
In this last month we have added these three publications in French:
These three publications total more than 1,300 articles on many topics. Of course, after adding them we have updated the footnotes in the French documents of The Urantia Book (Le Livre d’Urantia), both in its French-only version and in the two-column version in English and French. In this way we will connect the book with all these publications also in French.
It is worth remembering that when we translate into a language we are doing it through a semi-automated process that uses Google software that is then refined by correcting errors and replacing quotes from The Urantia Book with the existing originals in the translations already available. This process is much faster than a traditional translation done solely by human translators but it is not free of errors. A brief review is carried out to make typographical and formatting checks and then, once the first version is published, extra checks are carried out by some collaborators who verify the texts in more depth. This last part of the review work, as you can understand, is slow and requires a lot of collaboration that we do not have right now. For this reason we encourage anyone reading this website to contact us to join the team carrying out these reviews. Send us an email to to know how you can help us.
As a novelty this month we want to share with all visitors to this website that we are going to start a new initiative on Urantiapedia: the novel “Jesus of Nazareth”. It is better for Jan Herca to comment on this project in his own words:
When I started the Urantiapedia project three years ago my initial motivation was to create a website that was an encyclopedia of The Urantia Book. I had already been privately developing a similar page where I was leaving the documentation I needed to write a novel about the life of Jesus that I was writing at that time, so a Urantiapedia, something more general and not only something focused on the life of the Master, it seemed like a logical step to me.
I couldn’t have imagined then what that “simple” idea was going to mean to me over the years. The amount of work has been such that I have finally had to postpone my initial project, at least for a while.
Now that Urantiapedia is starting to have its path and gaining speed, and that the content is expanding, at least in three languages, I think the time has come to return to that old, long-desired project.
The idea is to create a long novel, inspired by the fourth part of The Urantia Book, that is as faithful as possible to the teachings and the narration of the revelations, but that also provides a good dose of imagination, emotion and adventure. Convert the Urantia Text into a modern biography, in the style of a current novel, and with profuse descriptions and explanations of everything that The Urantia Book sometimes suggests but without stopping at it.
Every time I open The Urantia Book and read it I can’t help myself having my imagination transported to the time of Jesus, and I feel myself walking in his footsteps along those dusty paths that he traveled so many times. Then comes that uncontrollable desire to pour those mental trips into some pages. And I’m on it. I hope to be able to share very soon with all readers those vivid experiences that revelations have provided me during these years.
This novel by Jan Herca is expected to be twelve volumes when completed. In the past the author published two of these volumes, along with a good number of articles that delved into aspects related to the time of Jesus. All this can be found in an old blog of the author: Looking for Jesus.
Starting in the coming months, this novel and the related articles will be published in their entirety on Urantiapedia for free as each part becomes available. Stay tuned for more news!
This month marks one year since we started the project following the planning for the “Mustard Seed Program”. Although we do not have data for the first months, we can make an estimated balance of the year.
The objectives we set for ourselves with the project were:
In terms of sessions and users, we are still far from our objectives: only about 14,000 sessions out of those 40,000 expected, and about 7,000 users compared to 30,000. It is clear that until we have more complete content and extend it well into several languages, the interest aroused by the Urantiapedia will be reduced. But these numbers, after some ups and downs, have not stopped growing in recent months and we hope that they will continue to do so in the next year, which still remains to complete the planned program.
As for the rest of the indicators, all have exceeded the proposed objectives. The recurrence rate is always greater than 20%, between 20 and 30%; the bounce rate tends to be around 40% very constantly; and finally, the average interaction time always far exceeds three minutes.
We can be more than satisfied with the reception that the project has had in the community of readers of The Urantia Book, and we hope to continue offering much more content related to the revelations in the future, and in an even more useful way for everyone.
Google Analytics KPI Indicator | Value (in month 03/2024) |
Total sessions | 1501 |
Estimated Annual Total Sessions | 14126 |
Total users | 807 |
Estimated Annual Total Users | 7394 |
New users | 748 |
Recurring users | 188 (23%) |
User Acquisition | Organic Search (77%), Direct (14%) |
Average engagement time | 6 min 43 sec |
Engaged sessions per user | 1.13 |
Average engagement time per session | 3 min 36 sec |
Engagement rate | 60.9% |
Bounce rate | 39.04% |
Views | 4728 |
Number of events | 14757 |
Visits per user | 5.86 |
Countries with the most visits | United States (24%), Spain (14%), Mexico (10%), Colombia (6%), Argentina (5%), Canada (3%), France (2% ), Venezuela (2%) |
Most used operating systems | Android (44%), Windows (28%), iOS (19%) |
Most used browsers | Chrome (62%), Safari (22%) |
Until next month!