1 (1) O Lord, Almighty One,
you created (the) cosmos through Christ,a
and marked out a sabbath day for a remembrance of this;
2 because on it you rested from the works (of creation),
in order to give attention to your own laws.
3 And you appointed festivals for (the) gladdening of our souls,
so that we may come into remembrance of the Wisdom created by you:
5 how for us he submitted to birth2 that (birth) through a woman;
(how) he appeared in (this) life, having demonstrated himself in (his) baptism;
6 how he who appeared is God and man;
(how) he suffered for us with your consent,
and (how) he died and arose by your strength.
7 Therefore, celebrating the resurrection festival on the Lord’s day,
we rejoice over the one who indeed conquered death.
having brought to light life and immortality.
8 For by him you brought the gentiles to yourself, for a treasured people, the true Israel the friend of God who sees God.
9 (3) For you, O Lord, have led out from (the) land of Egypt even our fathers;
10 and you have rescued (them) out of an iron furnace,
and out of Clay and making of bricks.
11 You redeemed (them) out of Pharaoh’s hand, and (the hand) of those under him.
12 And you led them through (the) sea as through dry land,
and you bore with their manners in the wildemess with manifold goodnesses.
13 (4) You gave to them a Law, ten oracles uttered by your voice,
and engraved by your hand.
14 You commanded (them) to keep sabbath, not giving an excuse for laziness,
but rather an opportunity for reverence (toward God),
for knowledge of your power,
for hindrance of evil;
15 as if having confined (them) in a holy circumference,
for the sake of teaching,
for the exultant joy of the number seven.f
16 Because of this (you appointed) one seven, and seven sevens, and a seventh month, and a seventh year;
17 and with this a year for forgiveness, each fifty-year cycle,
(5) So that men might have no excuse to pretend ignorance.
18 For this reason every sabbath you permitted (them) not to work,
so that no one would desire to let drop from his mouth a word (spoken) in anger on the day of the sabbath.
19 For (the) sabbath is a rest from creation,
a completion of (the) cosmos,
a seeking out of laws,
thankful praise to God on behalf of those things which he has freely given to men.
20 (6) All of which the Lord’s day surpasses, showing forth:
the Mediator himself, the Supervisor,
the Lawgiver, the cause of resurrection,
the firstbom of all creation the divine Word;
21 and Man, the one born of Mary alone, without a husband:
22 who lived holily as a citizen,
who was crucified under Pontius Pilate
and having died, is also (the one) having arisen from (the) dead.
23 As the Lord’s day, it advises (us) to Offer to you, O Master,
thanksgiving on behalf of everything.
24 For this is the grace which has been fumished by you.
which by (its) magnitude covered over every (other) good deed!