1 (1) O you who have fulfilled the promises which (were given) through the prophets,
and have had mercy on Zion,
and have had pity on Jerusalem,
2 by your having exalted the throne of David, your servant, in her midst,
by the birth of the Christ,
the one who, according to flesh, was of his seed,
having been born of a virgin alone;a
3 now also, yourself, O Master God,
accept the entreaties on the lips of your people,
who (have come) out of (the) gentiles,b
who call upon you in truth,
even as you received the gifts of the righteous in their generations:
4 (2) Abel, especially—you beheld and accepted his sacrifice;
Noah, when he had come out of the ark;
5 Abraham, after his coming out from the land of the Chaldeans;
Isaac, at the well of the oath;
Jacob, in Bethlehem;
6 Moses, in the wildemess;
Aaron, in the midst of the living and of those who had died;
Joshua, the (son of) Naued in Gilgal;
7 Gideon, upon the rock, and the fleeces, before his sin;
Manoah—and of his wife—in the field;
Sampson, in his thirst before his erTor•,
Jephthah, in the war, before his unwise promise;
Barak and Deborah, in the days of Sisera;
Samuel, in Mizpah;
8 (3) David on (the) threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite;
Solomon in Gibeon and in Jerusalem;
9 Elijah in Mount Carmel;
Elishah at the barren fountain;
10 Jehoshaphat in the war;
Hezekiah in sickness, and concerning Sennachereim;
Manassah in the land of the Chaldeans after his offence;
Josiah in Phassa;
Esdrah in the return;
11 (4) Daniel in the hole of the lions;
Jonah in the belly of the whale;
the three children in a fumace of fire;
12 Hannah in the tent before the ark;
Nehemiah at the raising up of the walls; and of Zorobabel;
Mattathias and his sons in your zeal;
Jael in praises.
13 (5) And now, therefore, receive the prayers of your people,
offered up with full knowledge to you through Christ in the Spirit!