© 1997 Agnès Coulon
© 1997 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
International Conference of the I.U.A. in Helsinki from August 7 to 10, 1998 | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 5 — Autumn 1997 | Metaphysical Thoughts of an Agnostic |
Around twenty readers of The Urantia Book met as planned at the Château de Villebon-sur-Yvette in the suburbs of Paris.
After discussions related to the pleasure of meeting up or getting to know each other, we discussed the theme “The Fruits of the Spirit” (fruits which can only ripen after our 2nd birth, which is the goal of our earthly life).
We note that in everyday life we “try” to produce these fruits, but that often there are conflicts between our desire to love our neighbor (forgetting ourselves) and our selfishness-pride which is part of our first birth (taking advantage of others and putting ourselves forward).
Hence the need, with divine help, to strive to know ourselves well so as not to be deluded about ourselves and to give our neighbor only “immature fruits”.
Here are some thoughts and diagrams from readers around the “Fruits of the Spirit”:
With the Fruits of the Spirit, it is respect for others:
The Fruits of the Spirit (UB 193:2.2)
1 | Service expression of love | LOVE |
2 | Selfless devotion | LOVE |
3 | Courageous loyalty | COURAGE |
4 | Sincere fairness | RIGHTEOUSNESS |
5 | Enlightened honesty | RIGHTEOUSNESS |
6 | Living hope | FAITH |
7 | Trust without suspicion | RESULTING CONDULT |
8 | Ministry of Mercy | RESULTING CONDULT |
9 | Unalterable goodness | RESULTING CONDULT |
10 | Lenient tolerance | RESULTING CONDULT |
11 | Lasting peace | CONSEQUENCE |
(1) is expressed in (2) it is active love, which demands (3) which is expressed in (4) with the sense of right and wrong + (5) imposes an enlightened attitude in the observation of duty.
(6) faith
(7) Believe in the other - in the value of their differences by refraining from judging, admitting and understanding (7) risk to take (Jesus with Judah) to be able to move on to (8) which demands (9) which demands (0).
Thought pattern
1st birth — of the flesh — what is flesh is flesh. The body born from the slime of the earth feeds on the Fruits of the earth and does not survive.
2nd birth — of the Spirit — what is spirit is spirit.
The soul born of the Spirit, nourishes itself with the fruits of the Spirit, it is eternal — a world where the motivation is love, team spirit.
Agnes Coulon
International Conference of the I.U.A. in Helsinki from August 7 to 10, 1998 | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 5 — Autumn 1997 | Metaphysical Thoughts of an Agnostic |