© 2024 André Desjardins
© 2024 Urantia Association of Quebec
André Desjardins
Our life has always been based on external influences in order to form our personality from a young age. What we are today is the result of our past actions according to the influences received. The influence of our parents, our educators, our entourage, our surroundings and our religious education has shaped our personality. These influences acquired by education, by conviction or by personal principles lead to seeking common points with other followers having the same ideals and forming an alliance aspiring to the same collective objectives. The desire to belong to a family whether familial, social, racial or criminal is part of the natural desires of each individual. Our perceived influences whether material or spiritual always pass through mental gravity before manifesting themselves in concrete action.
In the local universe of Nebadon there are four mental gravities acting on human mental behavior and on various living organisms.
Of these four diffused Spirits of Divinity, only the seven adjutant mind-spirits concern material mental life in all its forms without distinction towards any living organism. The Third Source and Center is the origin of the mental faculties which come to us from the Mother Spirit of the local universe and are conditioned by the seven adjutant mind-spirits. The adjutant spirits act as a transformer of energy from a higher source similar to a transformer which converts electrical energy from a higher source. They provide the mental impulse necessary for the multiple forms of life on inhabited or habitable planets.
The adjutant mind-spirits provide seven mental impulses to different living organisms according to their degree of receptivity. Without this mental presence no form of intelligent life would be possible. For will-given personalities, the seven adjutants are the foundation for accessing the mental gravities of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of the Thought Adjuster. UB 9:5.3 “The unique feature of mind is that it can be bestowed upon such a wide range of life. Through his creative and creature associates the Third Source and Center ministers to all minds on all spheres. He ministers to human and subhuman intellect through the adjutants of the local universes and, through the agency of the physical controllers, ministers even to the lowest nonexperiencing entities of the most primitive types of living things.”
The seven adjutant mind-spirits possess specific characteristics and are energy transformers mandated to transmit instinctive mental stimulation on the brain receptors to the multitudes of mortal creations animated with life. UB 65:7.6 “The acquisition of the potential of the ability to learn from experience marks the beginning of the functioning of the adjutant spirits, and they function from the lowliest minds of primitive and invisible existences up to the highest types in the evolutionary scale of human beings.”
This last reference indicates that the adjutants make no distinction or segregation between the tiniest living organisms up to willing humans. These seven spirits act according to the function for which they are intended without regard to the users of these circuits. They are similarly compared to circuits rather than to entities much like an electrical circuit acts without regard to its users no matter how they are perceived by living beings. UB 65:7.3 “The seven adjutant spirits are more circuitlike than entitylike, and on ordinary worlds they are encircuited with other adjutant functionings throughout the local universe.”
Each adjutant has a particular and non-interchangeable attribute; they animate mental life by different forms of stimulation associated with every living being by automatic natural reflexes, the instinct of preservation and reproduction from the smallest living microscopic structure capable of reproducing itself to the gregarious instinct associated with the adjutant of counsel. Taken individually, each adjutant has its reason for being, and the characteristic of the spirit of counsel manifests itself as a “gathering spirit” provoking the stimulus of socialization and cooperation without favoring the patterns of associations produced by its gravity UB 36:5.10 “5. The spirit of counsel—the social urge, the social urge, the endowment of species co-operation; the ability of will creatures to harmonize with their fellows; the origin of the gregarious instinct among the more lowly creatures.” This gregarious instinct is reproduced among most living species by offering a type of mutual protection and group strength.
The adjutant of counsel stimulates this gregarious instinct in man by transmitting the stimulus of social solidarity giving an impression of common strength to humans according to the chosen causes. The social solidarity of a community can come into conflict with other communities which can give rise to different forms of segregation at the racial, religious, social or political level. UB 49:4.7 “Human beings are all gregarious, both tribal and racial. These group segregations are inherent in their origin and constitution. Such tendencies can be modified only by advancing civilization and by gradual spiritualization. The social, economic, and governmental problems of the inhabited worlds vary in accordance with the age of the planets and the degree to which they have been influenced by the successive sojourns of the divine Sons.”
This mental gravity of the spirit of counsel also acts on human beings endowed with free will and contributes in many cases to identifying one’s “self” with other “self” allowing one to seek an ideal of common life in a collective association through a feeling of belonging. Rules of engagement for a common cause are manifested in many cases by conventions, rituals to follow, traditions and by different forms of tribal organization.
These collective human affiliations of adjutant source are most often sponsored by a mentor with motives to promote by personal conviction legitimate rights, humanitarian causes, religious ties, social justice and even affiliations in the criminal environment. Each human personality can choose what type of structure to which it can integrate its “self” by the gregarious instinct produced by the stimulus of the spirit of counsel and by the absolute personal gift of the personality of the Universal Father without regard to the chosen causes. UB 118:7.7 “Personality endowment comes from the Father and imparts unique prerogatives of choice to the living system. But if personality has the prerogative of exercising volitional choice of reality identification, and if this is a true and free choice, then must evolving personality also have the possible choice of becoming self-confusing, self-disrupting, and self-destroying.”
Every human personality is confronted daily with information transposed by various sources that can influence a way of thinking or acting. Any form of information transmitted by various media mentally predisposes a personality to form an opinion based on the information perceived. Without discernment of real facts, media influences can become harmful and lead to a form of disinformation that can alter the truth and spread through various media by speculative theories. Today, various virtual media are becoming the reference for communications in human relations. These forms of virtual communications shared between groups of individuals in the form of social contact provide information that can go as far as disinformation of reality. Disinformation tends to spread theories that can individually deceive each person on a speculative hypothesis and disseminate in an ideological group.
Any virtual information can create an aggregation of individuals and form a common alliance. These interactions of the “me” with other “me” are always built by the mental gravity of the spirit of advice without preference or segregation towards the chosen causes. Every personality possesses this ultimate gift of choosing its destiny by the unrestricted gift of the personality by the Heavenly Father and adopting a life orientation according to its will and free will. This 5th adjutant makes no distinction towards associative human communities, whether fraternal, racial, social, or religious. Like all adjutants, the spirit of advice never constrains, it only gives its gregarious impulse to living beings and brings certain personalities closer to identify and integrate into a community.
The influence of the spirit of advice is the essence of social organization, but can be harmful if the “self” adopts a personal mental attitude to the detriment of other “selves”. The reputation of a “self” and its influence can constitute an audience with other “selves” and adopt a marginalized cause without real benefit to the community. Even with the best intentions, a marginalized cause can prove detrimental to the common well-being and hinder individual rights and freedoms if it is not governed by a code of ethics. A person by his social position, his career, his notoriety or his media exposure has a great power of influence on public opinion.
Today, influence is increasingly used in social networks, in television media, on the radio and in the written press providing information on current affairs that can lead to disinformation of reality. All these influences can lead each individual to adopt a personal position depending on the context of the information. Information can polarize a group and create a form of common association for a claim and depending on the direction taken it can cause division and generate animosity towards other lines of thought. Conflicts between two different ideologies can cause rivalries between different beliefs or convictions that can lead to fratricidal struggles that can even lead to wars between nations. UB 103:2.10 “A misguided conscience can become responsible for much conflict, worry, sorrow, and no end of human unhappiness.”
The media environment has created a new profession on social networks by individuals by qualifying themselves as influencer. A function that anyone can claim without having the necessary qualities to occupy this position. On various social networks, influencers can attract a virtual audience and promote ideals according to their personal convictions or by seeking certain financial benefits without always being beneficial or adequate for their listeners. This new self-proclamation of influencer may seem banal at first glance, but these people are capable to a certain extent of acting as a factor that can inspire certain actions, guide towards personal decisions or direct life choices among their audience.
Through uniqueness and personal aspirations, a personality can initiate a movement that can compromise the integrity of a goal. Lucifer and Caligastia did not qualify as influencers, but their title as Lanonandek Sons exerted a malign influence on Satania by promulgating personal freedom. Lucifer’s rebellion with the complicity of Caligastia and Satan is the saddest example of malign influence causing the isolation of the planetary system of Satania. Lucifer as System Sovereign used his fame, power, and influence to take a personal stand by subverting the normal process of the universal plan of mortal evolution. In his manifesto on freedom of speech, Lucifer used his personal freedom by reforming the method of mortal evolutionary education with the support and complicity of Satan and Caligastia. UB 53:4.2 “Self-affirmation was the battle cry of the Lucifer rebellion.” The enactment on personal liberty caused a pandemic to spread like a virus through the satanic system leading to the abortion of the progressive educational plan for evolutionary mortals.
Lucifer’s manifesto under the guise of freedom of expression provoked a “war in heaven” where each personality involved in this war had to take a position and choose their side in response to the proclamation on self-affirmation. This personal freedom of the Lanonandek Sons despite their fidelity and loyalty to their commitment can lead to misconduct in their method of education through their proximity to evolutionary mortals; they benefit from a certain autonomy in their education. UB 35:9.8 “The Sons of the Lanonandek order were created with a very great degree of personal freedom to make choices and plans.”
Originally the universe of Nebadon had exactly twelve million Lanonandeks with their own personalities brought into existence by the Creator Son associated with the local universe Mother Spirit. UB 35:9.5 “The System Sovereigns are true to their names; they are well-nigh sovereign in the local affairs of the inhabited worlds. They are almost paternal in their direction of the Planetary Princes, the Material Sons, and the ministering spirits. The personal grasp of the sovereign is all but complete.” This almost complete control compromised Satan and Caligastia for the purpose of involving them in the rebellion. Lucifer, through his status as System Sovereign, has willfully manipulated “The Plan of Progressive Attainment” for evolutionary mortals. By short-circuiting the normal evolutionary procedure with the aid of his accomplices, Lucifer has violated the Universal Father’s plan for evolutionary ascension.
In the manifesto presented at the annual Satania conclave Lucifer delegated Satan to plead his case on Urantia:
UB 53:4.1 “Satan proclaimed that worship could be accorded the universal forces—physical, intellectual, and spiritual—but that allegiance could be acknowledged only to the actual and present ruler, Lucifer, the “friend of men and angels” and the “God of liberty.”” By proclaiming himself the God of Liberty, Lucifer freed students, educators, and many members of the angelic corps from the constraints of the schools of education in the planetary system of Satania. UB 39:4.6 «In the Lucifer rebellion in Satania very few of the justice guides were lost, but more than one quarter of the other administrator seraphim and of the lower orders of seraphic ministers were misled and deluded by the sophistries of unbridled personal liberty.» Lucifer’s proclamation of personal liberty caused a split between two different interpretations of liberty according to the free will of each personality.
The consequences of the systemic rebellion on Urantia caused one hundred and four personalities to drop out of the two hundred enrolled in the Dalamatia training centers. This personal freedom led to confusion and mass desertion among its occupants and led to the collapse of the city of Dalamatia. After the fall of Dalamatia, the sixty members of the disloyal staff and the forty-four rebel Andonites reunited and emigrated to the north and east. The forty loyalists and the fifty-six Andonites faithful to the cause left Dalamatia to settle a few kilometers to the east. Without a defined model and without a moral reference point among its inhabitants, Caligastia, as Planetary Prince, could influence the minds of primitive humans on the planet and even convert personalities included in the Satanic system to his cause by advocating “the merits of personal freedom.”
The systemic rebellion caused the planetary system of Satania to be quarantined. Its isolation blocked all communication services on the planets, and without a spiritual archetype to guide the personalities involved, most personalities could not really make a considered decision about what direction to take in the face of the rebellion. UB 35:9.9 “Rebellion by a Planetary Prince instantly isolates his planet; the local spiritual circuits are immediately severed. Only a bestowal Son can re-establish interplanetary lines of communication on such a spiritually isolated world.”
There was a “war in heaven” in the headquarters of Satania and it spread to all the planets of the local system. Caligastia had many conversations with Adam and Eve inviting them to participate in the systemic rebellion and they ended up partially endorsing the established plan of evolutionary progression. By modifying the plan of biological elevation with the support of Cano, Caligastia finally managed to influence the Adamic couple. Despite the systemic rebellion and the isolation in the Satanian system, the adjutants continued to provoke the mental stimuli essential to the life of all living beings without exception according to their cerebral capacity.
According to the personality of each volitional being, the adjutant of counsel weaves the link with the adjutant of wisdom, but the constitution of its gravity operates differently on evolutionary mortals. The adjutant of wisdom is always a personal experience affiliated with volitional beings, it is a mental gravity by which its presence and influence become a legitimate, qualitative, quantitative and personal possession identified with the personality unlike the spirit of counsel. The experience of life through the influence of the spirit of wisdom is a personal apprenticeship, it can be taught by education, but no one can import or export the experience of wisdom acquired to other personalities whether it is material or spiritual. UB 5:3.1 “Wisdom involves the consciousness of knowledge, raised to new levels of meaning and animated by the presence of the universal gift of the Adjutant of Wisdom.”
UB 54:1.7 “Even wisdom is divine and safe only when it is cosmic in scope and spiritual in motivation.” The experience of divine wisdom imparts to bona fide mortal personalities the mental stimulus to attain the gravities of the Thought Adjuster Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, and the Holy Spirit; and this triune association works together for the spiritual upliftment of evolutionary mortals. These three mental influences have gravitated upon us since the final bestowal of our Creator Son, bringing with him the presence of the Thought Adjuster Spirit: the personal bestowal of the Universal Father; the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth of our Creator Son manifested after his seventh bestowal on Urantia; and the Holy Spirit: the personal influence of the local Universe Mother Spirit.
Although these four mental gravities operate for the welfare of evolutionary mortals, their action is always dependent on choice and self-will through the absolute bestowal of the personality of the Heavenly Father upon will beings. Whatever our evolutionary status in time and space, we will always be under a mental influence or spiritual gravity all the way to the gates of Paradise and even into future Eternity. These mental gravities will always depend on the level of personal receptivity and the efforts put forth in the search for Truth.