© 2010 Anne-Marie Ronfet
© 2010 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Second national meeting in the country of Grand Meaulnes *
From May 10 to 13, 2010
A silvery pond, peaceful swans, a castle, buildings scattered in an immense park populated with trees of various species, flower beds where adults could play hide-and-seek… The braying of a donkey sometimes and adorable little rabbits with all-white behinds that disappear into the thickets without being disturbed, for fun… This is the domain of Chalès. A mini sandy beach, miniature pontoons for possible embarkations. There was even a wedding… We barely noticed it because the space is so big. You have to walk a little, of course. Several hundred meters separate the different buildings: a triangle to be crossed many times; the place to sleep, the place for meetings and the place to eat.
Fortunately, despite the somewhat gloomy weather of this month of May, we escaped the rain…And then walking feels good and gives the opportunity to meet in the paths that wind between the trees. A good table, just what is needed with a little wine just what is needed too…In short, a good stay for the vast majority of us. There are almost 50 of us, which is not bad.
The first evening, we introduce ourselves; it is a bit of a laborious exercise but there are always new people so it is interesting. In this way we can “locate” the members of study groups other than ours, which broadens our Urantian social horizon. We exchange information and plan the upcoming meeting. The subject extends that of the national meeting of October which had taken place in Lumières, near Avignon: namely, the morontia world, that is to say our future just after our earthly death. We had then targeted the theme of “awakening” for this 1st meeting, this time we will focus our research on the passage of the Mansion Worlds by following a work that Chris Ragetly, one of our eminent members, fellow traveler of the AFLUB and friend to many of us, had provided us. He had in fact left our world about a week earlier and followed his wife Nicole, who died less than a year ago, into the morontia world, we have no doubt… It was therefore with particular emotion that we reworked this theme, dividing ourselves into three working groups.
In addition, we are planning a meeting of the Board of Directors for Thursday evening and a general meeting of all for Saturday morning, because we must elect four new members of the Board since four positions must be renewed, a new treasurer and we must also re-elect a President for the next 2 years. Lots of work ahead!
So on Friday morning, we split into three working groups. It is not always easy to find “leaders” for these impromptu study groups. However, it always works out in the end. A certain flexibility is necessary. New arrivals throughout the day join the groups already formed. A writer is appointed for each group. We follow the solid logic of the text provided by Chris but make large digressions in a free and improvised manner. Our studies of this type are discussions where the exchanges bounce back according to a dynamic specific to the group, that is to say to all the people who make it up. No work session can be reproduced a second time identically. Ideas spring forth, intertwine. A tacit agreement of understanding is established. Sometimes objections are raised, or corrections, clarifications. There are also questions. But there is no didactic, authoritarian teaching, at least we avoid that kind of thing by nature. Everyone can speak or be silent according to their desire. Sometimes a reminder to calm down is necessary and accepted. And often, depending on the topic covered, we have a good laugh.
Friday thus takes place in work sessions, interspersed with coffee and orange juice breaks and lunch. In the evening the Board of Directors meets (which is the subject of another report).
On Saturday morning, comes the general meeting which lasts all morning led by the current President who gives the floor in turn to the regional managers. to the treasurer, to the representatives of the Foundation concerning the sale of Books etc… Our current president is re-elected for two years. As well as the vice president. A new treasurer is elected, as well as 2 members of the CA, two other members renew their mandate. Applause. Saturday afternoon is reserved until 4 p.m. for relaxation which is welcome. Some go for a walk around the pond to enjoy the site. We resume the study groups afterwards.
The evening is reserved for relaxation and poetry. Our poet Georges Donnadieu plays us a little harmonica and plays us songs composed by Pierre Delanoë, formerly sung by Gilbert Bécaud and reinterpreted by Eddy Mitchel, all interspersed with poems. It’s a lovely moment of sharing.
On Sunday, the sun finally shows itself and is well received by everyone. This gives an air of cheerfulness to this last morning where the summaries of the study groups are read and commented on. A last meal and farewells, but we drag our feet… prolonging the departures. We know very well that we will see each other again and that we will return to this place but these moments of meetings are a little “out of time”, friendly and spiritual breaths in our lives, appointments with “something else”.
Maybe there’s a bit of morontia in there? At least we hope so.
* “Le Grand Maulnes”: novel by Alain Fournier
Anne-Marie Ronfet