© 2004 Anne-Marie Ronfet
© 2004 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Love dissolves differences
Love bathes creatures.
Love transcends all lacks.
Sympathy is good
Empathy is good too.
But what is needed is a flash of adoration.
Then hearts gently open onto a half-open space where the spirit infiltrates,
And it’s no longer human,
It’s something else.
Love bathes our differences and dissolves them.
Love comes from the spirit that rests upon us.
And we are like children on the first day.
Express love around you, simply,
That’s the main thing.
Doing work is good, Studying is good.
But love must pass from soul to soul, And it is not human.
What is needed is the moment of worship.
Sympathy alone is not enough for the Father.
Empathy is good too,
But what the Father desires,
It’s that we see it in the other.
Even for a single second,
Just one second and forever.
Anne-Marie Ronfet