© 2012 Charles Roth
© 2012 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
There comes a time when we say to ourselves: “Worrying doesn’t lead to anything…let’s just let things happen.” And, almost miraculously, incredibly, everything works out and happens in a calm and harmonious way. It happened that we applied the principle of “Everything happens in its time.”
We have the impression that we are the ones who are supposed to bring about events, so we become agitated by the circumstances and situations that arise in our existence. However, there is an easy way to approach any difficulty, any circumstance, any event: it is to let it happen. In many books, articles, meditations concerning the Truth, we read this phrase: “Let go and let God act”. It is another way of saying “Let it come…”
The Bible says in its own way, “Wait on the Lord.” This principle is alluded to in the words of a song, “There is no need to strain or rush as long as you keep the line open.” How right! We do not have to fuss, hurry, worry, get upset, or worry as long as we keep the line open in our mind, in our state of consciousness; the open line communicating with His Power, His Unique and Universal Presence. All that is incumbent upon us is to be in communication with His Presence, His Power; we have only to relax and let things happen! If only we could really accept this principle and, what is more important, put it into practice, live it!
There is a Universal Intelligence, a Life-Energy that creates, sustains and abides in all that IS. This Universal Intelligence is dynamic, ever active, ever flowing. Let us think of the word gushing. God is this Presence, this Power gushing into all His creation. His Life-Power flows through us to the extent that we allow it. “Let us keep it simple.” That is true! Let us keep our thoughts simple and clear, have a childlike trust in the inflow within. Jesus declared that unless one becomes like a little child in one’s state of consciousness, one can in no way enter the realm of the divine state of consciousness.
This universe is a whole because it is not fragmented. Where there is a whole, there must be a harmonious work of all the parts that compose it, a perfect organization, a perfect order. When you relax, when you let the Universal Energy - the Universal totality flow into you, you project yourself into this WHOLE constantly in movement, constantly ascending which is GOD. It moves through you, It flows into your mind, your body, your affairs. It manifests itself by a Divine rule, a Divine Order. But you must be patient. Indeed, impatience throws a monkey wrench into your mental mechanism and, instead of a Divine Order, a Divine rule, you cause a short circuit in the Divine current, which will cause pain, unhappiness, illness.
Sometimes it seems that the hardest thing is to relax, to let go, to stand aside. Until you do that, you will be unable to act as you should. When you let things come, you will find that a wealth of ideas arise in your mind that you can use. And not just ideas, but the strength and wisdom to carry them out.
The ability to create results from letting things come in their own time, from allowing them to spring forth.
Have you ever written a letter or an article or perhaps a business report that came so easily to you that you thought, “This seems to flow!” and it was very well done. Not only well done, but you had fun doing it. You see, this is getting with the flow. This is the easy way, the effortless way, the joyful way. And now, how do you relate all this to what has been upsetting and tormenting you? Whether you are concerned about a child, a love affair, a transaction, a symptom of illness, the sale of a house, or whatever, decide that you are going to stand aside and rely on the flow of Universal harmony. Everything that appeared fragmented will become one, whole, beautiful, pleasant, and will satisfy you beyond your expectation.
Keep the line open and remember that you have time. There is no need to worry. God is watching and God is never late. Stop imagining how the difficulty will be solved; stop thinking that your son or daughter should have better playmates, that a matter should be conducted in a certain way, or that the person you are sure to love should love you too. In reality, what you desire for others and yourself is the highest, and there is a way to ensure the supreme Good of all who are involved and of yourself, and that is to remain in harmony with the harmonious activity of the Spirit which maintains the Universe and all that is, in a perfect state. When you allow the current of God’s Power and Love to flow through you, the path your soul follows for its development is a joyful path.
So remember: RELAX! The words relax and release have a common meaning. To relax is to free oneself from negative emotions and attitudes and thus promote a freer, fuller flow of divine activity.
You were not created to live by the sweat of your brow. You were created in the image of God, according to His Likeness with responsibilities, yes, but also with the Power and resources allowing you to carry out all things, easily, effortlessly, successfully when you learn to rely on the Lord.
Let it come…let go, let God act.
Charles Roth