© 2008 Chris Ragetly
© 2008 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
(Quotations from The Urantia Book in italics; some important passages are in bold.)
606 Urantia — Satania 24 Jerusem — Norlatiadek 70 Edentia — Nebadon 84 Salvington U Minor the Third 3 Ensa — U Major the Fifth 5 Splandon — Orvonton 7 Uversa
Series of studies entitled “Remarks”
Levels of realization of things, meanings and values
(fact — idea — relationship)
The inner fragment of the Father adjusts the human mind toward progressively divine attitudes, which is why The Urantia Book most often calls it the Adjuster. But this fragment of the Father is also designated by various names, here they are:
Personally, I prefer “Monitor of Mystery”, it gives our spiritual companion this divinely mysterious perfume which characterizes him so well, and the term “monitor” is the one who gives advice, who serves as our guide. The other main names are well explained in the first paragraph of page 1177. We can recognize the Monitors of Mystery by 3 different names according to the age of the mortal they inhabit, see:
On the evolutionary worlds, will creatures traverse three general developmental stages of being: From the arrival of the Adjuster to comparative full growth, about twenty years of age on Urantia, the Monitors are sometimes designated Thought Changers. From this time to the attainment of the age of discretion, about forty years, the Mystery Monitors are called Thought Adjusters. From the attainment of discretion to deliverance from the flesh, they are often referred to as Thought Controllers. These three phases of mortal life have no connection with the three stages of Adjuster progress in mind duplication and soul evolution. (UB 107:0.7)
What is meant by the phrase, “The three stages of Adjuster progress in mind duplication and soul evolution”?
The three stages of progress for Mystery Monitors are:
The duplication of the mind: this is, I think, the constitution of a mind spiritualized by the Mystery Monitor in relation to the purely animal mind of man, as the latter, through his free will, agrees to do the will of God.
Soul evolution: This is the joint work of evolutionary man and the Mystery Monitor, who spiritualizes certain thoughts of the human mind having spiritual value and transfers them into the morontia soul which thus grows more and more. This spiritual growth of the soul takes place quite independently of its intellectual self-consciousness. This growth of an immortal soul in the mind of a mortal creature is the first morontia reality due to the free choice of that mortal creature, and it is one of the secrets of Ascendington, the mystery of the gradual building up of a spiritual and potentially immortal counterpart of character and identity.
Sincere worship connotes the mobilization of all the powers of the human personality under the dominance of the evolving soul and subject to the divine directionization of the associated Thought Adjuster. The mind of material limitations can never become highly conscious of the real significance of true worship. Man’s realization of the reality of the worship experience is chiefly determined by the developmental status of his evolving immortal soul. The spiritual growth of the soul takes place wholly independently of the intellectual self-consciousness. (UB 5:3.7)
The secrets of Ascendington include the mystery of the gradual and certain building up in the material and mortal mind of a spiritual and potentially immortal counterpart of character and identity. This phenomenon constitutes one of the most perplexing mysteries of the universes—the evolution of an immortal soul within the mind of a mortal and material creature. (UB 13:1.22)