© 2024 Claude Flibotte
© 2024 Urantia Association of Quebec
Claude Flibotte
Hello dear readers of your journal Réflectivité! There are nearly two hundred of us on your journal’s mailing list who benefit from news and opinions from readers of The Urantia Book. As editor-in-chief of your monthly, I wonder if this publication exactly meets your expectations. What more could the journal team do to motivate your interest in this fifth epochal revelation? I expect you to share your ideas with me by writing to me at the following email address: c_flibotte@videotron.ca.
In addition to the articles composed by generous readers who share their knowledge of the Urantia Book in order to help us understand the many Urantia concepts, I imagine a form of mutual aid between us where each individual who would like to ask a question or have clarification on different themes could call on the readers of this journal. It would be similar to a study group associated with the method of courses offered at the Urantia Book International School (UBIS).
In order to get a better idea of what this fraternal mutual aid between us could be, here is a concrete example from a reader asking me for details about morontia mota:
“I thought I understood that “mota” was the energy found in the morontia world.”
“Following up on an exchange with my partner, I looked up the meaning of mota in The Urantia Book and I believe I understand that it is not energy, but rather something like a philosophy.”
“Question: What is morontia mota, and what energy is found on morontia worlds?”
So, dear Urantia reader, since the celestial personalities who have given us this book are the true teachers of this revelation, it would be wise to refer, in the first place, to what they tell us about morontia mota!
Mota is more than a superior philosophy; it is to philosophy as two eyes are to one; it has a stereoscopic effect on meanings and values. (UB 48:6.28)
The lower planes of morontia mota join directly with the higher levels of human philosophy. On the first mansion world it is the practice to teach the less advanced students by the parallel technique; that is, in one column are presented the more simple concepts of mota meanings, and in the opposite column citation is made of analogous statements of mortal philosophy. (UB 48:7.1)
Therefore will religion always be characterized by paradoxes, the paradoxes resulting from the absence of the experiential connection between the material and the spiritual levels of the universe—morontia mota, the superphilosophic sensitivity for truth discernment and unity perception. (UB 102:3.2)
…revelation (the substitute for morontia mota) leads to the consciousness of true reality; while the co-ordination of the consciousness of fact, value, and true reality constitutes awareness of personality reality, maximum of being, together with the belief in the possibility of the survival of that very personality. (UB 102:3.5)
Now, here is the opinion of your humble servant! It is clear, as you now feel, that morontia mota is more than a philosophy, but a superphilosophy where the individual exists, understands, chooses, and experiences this level of existence according to the new perceptions of life according to the meanings and values of the spirit. It is similar to the comparison between belief in the religious dogmas of institutional religions and the genuine living faith experienced by one who allows himself to be guided by his Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth. Through spiritual insight, the individual having experienced by personal experience the fact of survival is enabled to develop his faith and insight in the oneness of the universal destiny of the Father’s great purpose. In the subsequent experience of our personality on the morontia worlds we will have an augmented perception of our religious philosophy through morontia mota.
Regarding the energy present on the morontia worlds, just as physical energy predominates on our world, physical energy also exists on these worlds. In fact, energy is the word that designates several different forms of manifestations coming from the First Source-Center. Paper 42 of the Urantia Book gives us a very detailed portrait of it. It is spread out in a process of transformations from the absoluta to gravita, the linear gravitational power of the universes. Except for personality and life, everything is energy, matter, mind and spirit (UB 36:6.6) since God, our Father, is spirit and energy!
God is a universal spirit; God is the universal person. The supreme personal reality of the finite creation is spirit; the ultimate reality of the personal cosmos is absonite spirit. Only the levels of infinity are absolute, and only on such levels is there finality of oneness between matter, mind, and spirit. (UB 1:3.5)
Not possessing the absolute truth within me, I invite you, dear readers, to answer this person’s questions if you notice that I have forgotten something important for a better conception of the morontia mota. Do not forget, to share is divine, and to love is to serve! Your answers will be published in the next Reflectivity journal.