© 2019 Claude Flibotte
© 2019 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
This imaginative text attempts to describe the impressions of a Urantian arriving on the world, receiving from the seventh circuit of the central universe of Havona. Then, later, going to Paradise as a visitor.
This composition was part of a visualization exercise within a training given on UBIS.
Brotherly greetings, my long-time friend, a friendship that has been perpetuated since our distant origins on Urantia! As I promised you, I am sending you this communication relating my first impressions of my arrival in Havona. Since we had planned to make this account public for our brothers and sisters on Urantia, with the permission of the higher superuniverse authorities, I will therefore use our ancient alphabetical form rather than the systemic or superuniverse language.
Upon my arrival on this world, my first act was to thank with great solicitude my transporting seconaphin. Subsequently, I was introduced to the beings who would preside over my initial activities on this world.
These were the Servites of Havona, already widely encountered on the 490 educational worlds of Uversa, the Graduate Guides, and various orders of ministering spirits. After registering my arrival in the customary records, I was invited to write my message of thanks and adoration to Michael of Nebadon, our dear Creator Son and Father of our original universe who made possible my career as a son of God. It was following these activities that I was able to enjoy a long period of leisure. I took advantage of it to visit my friends and relatives who had gone before me and to check the television broadcasts to see who was currently en route to this pilot world.
That pretty much describes my first steps in this strange and fascinating universe!
This world is so different from anything we have ever known that it is difficult for me to know where to begin! My first impression was one of total delight at the beauty of this world that spread out before my eyes. And for good reason, because this world is a direct creation of the Deities of Paradise and represents a facet of what beauty is from the point of view of the Gods. Here, perfection dominates. Matter is made up of triata. This is a triple material substance totally different from the matter of the superuniverses which is dual.
This physical matter constituting the planet which incidentally is of an enormity never seen before, without being alive seems to be a concentration of energy which feeds the indigenous flora.
The part of this sphere that I have visited to date is covered with breathtakingly beautiful gardens, sublime lakes and enchanting rivers. All the vegetation is of incredible beauty and intentionally intended to increase the well-being of the occupants.
All the worlds of Havona serve as a reference model for the creations of the Creator Sons and Creative Daughters. So, I find here vague resemblances with what exists in Orvonton, but even more perfect. Because the plants feed on the energy of this strange soil, the plant matter seems to have a certain glow emanating from it and takes on different hues depending on the horticultural variety. Certain varieties are anchored to the ground and others can move according to their needs and form, by themselves, admirable artistic arrangements. The abundant life shines through here in each particle of matter that composes it. In this place, physical, morontia and spiritual matter are combined in a sublime way. In short, gardeners will be delighted!
What about the fauna! What we would describe as animals are of a beauty that only the Gods could have conceived. They exist for the sole purpose of enhancing our stay and adding to the pleasures of being in this place. Here, no carnivores. These animals, so beautiful and so strange, feed by absorbing vital energy directly drawn from the energy currents of the sphere. They are perfect animals, affectionate and very intelligent. Since this is a perfect universe, decrepitude and death do not exist for them, they simply change shape and manifestation. This particularity reminds me of the caterpillar of our original world which becomes a butterfly in its time. There are animals that live on the ground, others are arboreal, still others inhabit the waters and the most surprising are those that fly with their shimmering colors and the strange ilminous trail that they leave behind them as they pass. Like plants, these antimals emanate a light a little more intense than that of plants. It is similar to the morontia luminosity that one can see from the Material Sons and Daughters. This is what I can say about the fauna and flora, but these/kingdoms exist in seven fundamental forms which are broken down into thousands of subdivisions. You really have to see them to appreciate their full value and beauty!
Still more than the fauna and flora are the natives of Havona. They are beings of incredible beauty by the highest standards. Not only are they beautiful externally and materially, but they are exquisitely perfect in every way. They represent to me the perfection of what a material being from a superuniverse could be except for their very special material nature. We who have progressively attained spirit status and achieved a certain perfection in the course of our long journey thus far may conclude that the Havonans are truly our perfect brethren, reflecting divine truth and beauty. They are, as it were, the perfect model of the human creature, minus the experiential evolution. In addition to their activities peculiar to their sphere, they are invaluable aids in learning the spiritual qualities to be acquired on each of the billion worlds of this universe. This world, just like each of them, has been developed and embellished according to the plans of an Eternal of Days. This is the reason why each of them is unique and perfect. Monotony has no chance, in my opinion, of manifesting itself in the discovery of these marvelous spheres!
Now, as a spirit, I would like to speak to you about the spiritual influence that reigns in this place. Although the spirit influence is present throughout the cosmos here in Havona, it is practically palpable. It is undoubtedly our condition of spirit that is the cause. I feel it as much as I could feel by analogy on Urantia the sweet perfume of lilac when I was human. The spiritual attraction of the Gods is irresistible here and constantly enjoins us to persevere in our incessant quest to know them. Voluntary worship is the only attitude conceivable to pour out one’s irrepressible desire for love and gratitude towards our Father. My friend, I am only at the beginning of my spiritual training in Havona and already I see all the supreme value of the long evolutionary adventure to finally approach this universe. The effort is immensely worth it, because the reward is limitless!
My Paradise
Here I am! I who thought I had seen everything, my astonishment continues to grow! I am amazed by the physical beauty that emanates from the eternal island. All my senses, however numerous, are called upon to feel the perfection of the abode of the Gods. Here, life shines through everywhere and the values of the spirit such as love and universal filiation are a tangible reality. My transporting supernaphim, since I could not be here by my own means, seems to be amused by the sight of my astonishment and the pleasure that emerges from it.
I am approaching this island for the first time and my status is that of a visitor only. When my adventure in the central universe is over, I will be able to obtain the status of a Paradise resident with the goal of being enrolled in the Primary Corps of the Finality. I am here from the fifth circuit of Havona to find the personality of the Infinite Spirit. I am presently on the periphery of Paradise, where we all land; to go to the Most Holy Sphere with the mission of abou: drawing to the higher spiritual consciousness to recognize the Conjoint Actor. During my journey in Havona, and up to the present, I have recognized and fraternized with the seventh Master Spirit, the Spirit of my universe of origin. My mission, for the future, will be to recognize the personality of the three Paradise Deities.
Here on the Paradise periphery I can witness the presence of the seventh Supreme Power Director marking the site of the seventh station from which Paradise energies flash forth toward my superuniverse.
This seat and focus of force is directly related to the seventh Master Spirit on one of the Spirit worlds, the worthy personal representative of power and authority of his superuniverse. Here are located the enormous areas of historical and prophetic display of the Creator Sons.
My guide directs me to the place reserved for Michael of Nebadon where I can contemplate not only his past and present history, but appreciate the full measure of the glorious future that awaits his universe, my native universe. All that is there is pure creation; the spirit and matter used is a very special form of space power.
From there, we head towards the Holy Area, the residential region for all creatures from the outer universes and the Citizens of Paradise. The beauty is constantly increasing as we approach the proximity of the center of High Paradise. The spiritual luminosity that emanates from it invades me and incites in me an irresistible desire for worship. My guide understands the emotion that suddenly overwhelms me and incites me to reserve this mark of knowledge for later. After a few formalities in the second residential area reserved for ascending mortals, we finally head towards the Most Holy Area where my test will take place.
Here is the realm of pure spirit. No material structure or purely intellectual creation can exist. My desire for worship returns with force and suddenly I am immersed in an incredible spiritual luminosity. How to express this impression in words, it is reassuring and loving. I feel throughout my entire being all the divine love that eternally motivates the Conjoined Actor, my universal mother, to provide her ministry and her so essential care to all her children. In this communion of spirit to spirit, I become aware while participating in her divine nature, her eternal purpose and her ultimate goals. All this constitutes an extraordinary and unusual experience. For a blessed time; I became one with the plan of the Father put into effect by his Spirit. I come out of it grown and my faith, what am I saying since it is no longer really a question of faith, but of lived experience, incites me to desire to find the son then the Father and incites me to an overflow of filial love for all the creatures who, like me, have; found or will find the prodigal nature of the Deities. During this moment of eternity and communion with my mother who gives me life, a luminosity of pure spirit springs from her “heart” and permeates me* to the depths of my being. I recognized being a constituent part of this reality and all the celestial pleasure invades me to the highest degree.
Following this unique experience, my guide took me back to the residential areas from where, a little later, I headed to the Peripheral Paradise for a return to Havona and the continuation of my new experiences in order to prepare me to find the Eternal Son:
Fraternally! Your lifelong companion!
Claude Flibotte
Sainte-Julie; Quebec