© 2023 Claude Flibotte
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Claude Flibotte
Dr William S Sadler MD
The composition of this text is based on the book “The Urantia Book Workbooks, volume III” by Dr. William S. Sadler, MD. Here is the continuation of the text of the Reflectivity of the month of October 2023.
1- The local universe career archives.
Nothing escapes the knowledge of celestial beings, because everything is archived.
The Worlds of the Archangels. The seventh group of the encircling Salvington worlds, with their associated satellites, is assigned to the archangels. Sphere number one and all of its six tributary satellites are occupied by the personality record keepers. This enormous corps of recorders busy themselves with keeping straight the record of each mortal of time from the moment of birth up through the universe career until such an individual either leaves Salvington for the superuniverse regime or is “blotted out of recorded existence” by the mandate of the Ancients of Days. (UB 37:3.7)
It is on these worlds that personality records and identification sureties are classified, filed, and preserved during that time which intervenes between mortal death and the hour of repersonalization, the resurrection from death. (UB 37:3.8)
2- A constantly evolving spiritual ascension.
On the morontia worlds, morontia ascenders learn to socialize their formerly purely personal desires and selfish ambitions.
Before ascending mortals leave the local universe to embark upon their spirit careers, they will be satiated respecting every intellectual, artistic, and social longing or true ambition which ever characterized their mortal or morontia planes of existence. This is the achievement of equality of the satisfaction of self-expression and self-realization but not the attainment of identical experiential status nor the complete obliteration of characteristic individuality in skill, technique, and expression. But the new spirit differential of personal experiential attainment will not become thus leveled off and equalized until after you have finished the last circle of the Havona career. And then will the Paradise residents be confronted with the necessity of adjusting to that absonite differential of personal experience which can be leveled off only by the group attainment of the ultimate of creature status—the seventh-stage-spirit destiny of the mortal finaliters. (UB 44:8.5)
3- The visions of John and Paul.
John and Paul, two humans dedicated to an important humanitarian function, were blessed with a rare opportunity for clairvoyance.
John the Revelator saw a vision of the arrival of a class of advancing mortals from the seventh mansion world to their first heaven, the glories of Jerusem. He recorded: “And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire; and those who had gained the victory over the beast that was originally in them and over the image that persisted through the mansion worlds and finally over the last mark and trace, standing on the sea of glass, having the harps of God, and singing the song of deliverance from mortal fear and death.” (Perfected space communication is to be had on all these worlds; and your anywhere reception of such communications is made possible by carrying the “harp of God,” a morontia contrivance compensating for the inability to directly adjust the immature morontia sensory mechanism to the reception of space communications.) (UB 47:10.2)
Paul also had a view of the ascendant-citizen corps of perfecting mortals on Jerusem, for he wrote: “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the grand assembly of Michael, and to the spirits of just men being made perfect.” (UB 47:10.3)
1- Passing through the superuniverse.
There are exactly two hundred and ten Perfections of Days, and they preside over the governments of the ten major sectors of each superuniverse. They have been trinitized for the special mission of assisting the superuniverse directors, and they rule as the immediate and personal vicegerents of the Ancients of Days.
You will early see the Perfections of Days when you advance to the headquarters of Splandon after your sojourn on the worlds of your minor sector, for these exalted rulers are closely associated with the seventy major sector worlds of higher training for the ascendant creatures of time. The Perfections of Days, in person, administer the group pledges to the ascending graduates of the major sector schools. (UB 18:4.7)
The work of the pilgrims of time on the worlds surrounding a major sector headquarters is chiefly of an intellectual nature in contrast with the more physical and material character of the training on the seven educational spheres of a minor sector and with the spiritual undertakings on the four hundred ninety university worlds of a superuniverse headquarters. (UB 18:4.8)
Although you are entered only upon the registry of the major sector of Splandon, which embraces the local universe of your origin, you will have to pass through every one of the ten major divisions of our superuniverse. You will see all thirty of the Orvonton Perfections of Days before you reach Uversa. (UB 18:4.9)
2- The achievements of the superuniverse.
The pilgrim helpers, functioning on the seventh circle of the Havona worlds, organize their work for ascending mortals into three major divisions: first, the supreme understanding of the Paradise Trinity; second, the spiritual understanding of the Father-Son partnership; and third, the intellectual recognition of the Infinite Spirit.
That, then, is the primary or elementary course which confronts the faith-tested and much-traveled pilgrims of space. But long before reaching Havona, these ascendant children of time have learned to feast upon uncertainty, to fatten upon disappointment, to enthuse over apparent defeat, to invigorate in the presence of difficulties, to exhibit indomitable courage in the face of immensity, and to exercise unconquerable faith when confronted with the challenge of the inexplicable. Long since, the battle cry of these pilgrims became: “In liaison with God, nothing—absolutely nothing—is impossible.” (UB 26:5.3)
3- Ascendants sponsored by the Seven Master Spirits.
The manifold functions of the Seventh Master Spirit thus begin with a combined portrait of the personal natures of the Father, Son, and Spirit, pass through a representation of the personal attitude of God the Supreme, and go on to reveal the deity attitude of the Paradise Trinity. And in certain respects this presiding Spirit similarly expresses the attitudes of the Ultimate and the Supreme-Ultimate.
It is Master Spirit Number Seven who, in his multiple capacities, personally sponsors the progress of the ascension candidates from the worlds of time in their attempts to achieve comprehension of the undivided Deity of Supremacy. Such comprehension involves a grasp of the existential sovereignty of the Trinity of Supremacy so co-ordinated with a concept of the growing experiential sovereignty of the Supreme Being as to constitute the creature grasp of the unity of Supremacy. Creature realization of these three factors equals Havona comprehension of Trinity reality and endows the pilgrims of time with the ability eventually to penetrate the Trinity, to discover the three infinite persons of Deity. (UB 16:3.18)
1- Pilgrims arrive with perfection of intention.
After being formed in our system, our universe, our minor then major sector and finally our superuniverse, we land on the receiving world of Havona.
When, through and by the ministry of all the helper hosts of the universal scheme of survival, you are finally deposited on the receiving world of Havona, you arrive with only one sort of perfection — perfection of purpose. Your purpose has been thoroughly proved; your faith has been tested. You are known to be disappointment proof. Not even the failure to discern the Universal Father can shake the faith or seriously disturb the trust of an ascendant mortal who has passed through the experience that all must traverse in order to attain the perfect spheres of Havona. By the time you reach Havona, your sincerity has become sublime. Perfection of purpose and divinity of desire, with steadfastness of faith, have secured your entrance to the settled abodes of eternity; your deliverance from the uncertainties of time is full and complete; and now must you come face to face with the problems of Havona and the immensities of Paradise, to meet which you have so long been in training in the experiential epochs of time on the world schools of space. (UB 26:4.13)
2- Execution of the improvement order.
Now, armed with this perfection of intention, we prepare for the other lessons of Havona.
The pilgrim lands on the receiving planet of Havona, the pilot world of the seventh circuit, with only one endowment of perfection, perfection of purpose. The Universal Father has decreed: “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.” That is the astounding invitation-command broadcast to the finite children of the worlds of space. The promulgation of that injunction has set all creation astir in the co-operative effort of the celestial beings to assist in bringing about the fulfillment and realization of that tremendous command of the First Great Source and Center. (UB 26:4.12)
3- We are guided through Havona.
We will not do our trip to Havona alone, Graduate Guides are waiting for us to make the trip.
The Graduate Guides are engaged in piloting the pilgrims of time through the seven circuits of Havona worlds. The guide who greets you upon your arrival on the receiving world of the outer Havona circuit will remain with you throughout your entire career on the heavenly circuits. Though you will associate with countless other personalities during your sojourn on a billion worlds, your Graduate Guide will follow you to the end of your Havona progression and will witness your entrance into the terminal slumber of time, the sleep of eternity transit to the Paradise goal, where, upon awakening, you will be greeted by the Paradise Companion assigned to welcome you and perhaps to remain with you until you are initiated as a member of the Mortal Corps of the Finality. (UB 24:6.3)
4- Experiences on the second circuit of Havona.
The superaphic counselors and consultants of the second circle are the instructors of the children of time in regard to the career of eternity.
For the successful pilgrims on the second circuit the stimulus of evolutionary uncertainty is over, but the adventure of the eternal assignment has not yet begun; and while the sojourn on this circle is wholly pleasurable and highly profitable, it lacks some of the anticipative enthusiasm of the former circles. Many are the pilgrims who, at such a time, look back upon the long, long struggle with a joyous envy, really wishing they might somehow go back to the worlds of time and begin it all over again, just as you mortals, in approaching advanced age, sometimes look back over the struggles of youth and early life and truly wish you might live your lives over once again. (UB 26:10.5)
5- Meeting with the helpers of Havona and the pilgrims of Paradise.
The pilgrim helpers, functioning on the seventh circle of the Havona worlds, organize their work for ascending mortals into three major divisions: first, the supreme understanding of the Paradise Trinity; second, the spiritual understanding of the Father-Son partnership; and third, the intellectual recognition of the Infinite Spirit.
The first of the seven groups of secondary supernaphim to be encountered are the pilgrim helpers, those beings of quick understanding and broad sympathy who welcome the much-traveled ascenders of space to the stabilized worlds and settled economy of the central universe. Simultaneously these high ministers begin their work for the Paradise pilgrims of eternity, the first of whom arrived on the pilot world of the inner Havona circuit concomitantly with the landing of Grandfanda on the pilot world of the outer circuit. Back in those far-distant days the pilgrims from Paradise and the pilgrims of time first met on the receiving world of circuit number four. (UB 26:5.1)
6- The arrival of Grandfanda in Havona.
This is the story of the first human being to reach Havona and forever change the destiny of this central universe.
“And Malvorian, the first of this order, did greet and instruct the pilgrim discoverer of Havona and did conduct him from the outer circuits of initial experience, step by step and circuit by circuit, until he stood in the very presence of the Source and Destiny of all personality, subsequently crossing the threshold of eternity to Paradise.” (UB 24:6.6)
At that far-distant time I was attached to the service of the Ancients of Days on Uversa, and we all rejoiced in the assurance that, eventually, pilgrims from our superuniverse would reach Havona. For ages we had been taught that the evolutionary creatures of space would attain Paradise, and the thrill of all time swept through the heavenly courts when the first pilgrim actually arrived. (UB 24:6.7)
The name of this pilgrim discoverer of Havona is Grandfanda, and he hailed from planet 341 of system 84 in constellation 62 of local universe 1,131 situated in superuniverse number one. His arrival was the signal for the establishment of the broadcast service of the universe of universes. Theretofore only the broadcasts of the superuniverses and the local universes had been in operation, but the announcement of the arrival of Grandfanda at the portals of Havona signalized the inauguration of the “space reports of glory,” so named because the initial universe broadcast reported the Havona arrival of the first of the evolutionary beings to attain entrance upon the goal of ascendant existence. (UB 24:6.8)
1- Contact the Supreme.
Upon arriving on the sixth circle of Havona, in addition to the Graduate Guides, we will be taught by the Supremacy Guides.
Ascenders of space are designated “spiritual graduates” when translated from the seventh to the sixth circle and are placed under the immediate supervision of the supremacy guides. These guides should not be confused with the Graduate Guides—belonging to the Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit—who, with their servital associates, minister on all circuits of Havona to both ascending and descending pilgrims. The supremacy guides function only on the sixth circle of the central universe. (UB 26:6.1)
It is in this circle that the ascenders achieve a new realization of Supreme Divinity. Through their long careers in the evolutionary universes the pilgrims of time have been experiencing a growing awareness of the reality of an almighty overcontrol of the time-space creations. Here, on this Havona circuit, they come near to encountering the central universe source of time-space unity—the spiritual reality of God the Supreme. (UB 26:6.2)
2- Find the Infinite Spirit.
On the fifth circle of Havona, it will be the guides of the Trinity who will take action.
Trinity guides are the tireless ministers of the fifth circle of the Havona training of the advancing pilgrims of time and space. The spiritual graduates are here designated “candidates for the Deity adventure” since it is on this circle, under the direction of the Trinity guides, that the pilgrims receive advanced instruction concerning the divine Trinity in preparation for the attempt to achieve the personality recognition of the Infinite Spirit. And here the ascending pilgrims discover what true study and real mental effort mean as they begin to discern the nature of the still-more-taxing and far-more-arduous spiritual exertion that will be required to meet the demands of the high goal set for their achievement on the worlds of this circuit. (UB 26:7.1)
3- Prepare to meet the Eternal Son.
It is on this fourth circle of Havona that we will visit Paradise to discover the Eternal Son.
The fourth Havona circuit is sometimes called the “circuit of the Sons.” From the worlds of this circuit the ascending pilgrims go to Paradise to achieve an understanding contact with the Eternal Son, while on the worlds of this circuit the descending pilgrims achieve a new comprehension of the nature and mission of the Creator Sons of time and space. There are seven worlds in this circuit on which the reserve corps of the Paradise Michaels maintain special service schools of mutual ministry to both the ascending and descending pilgrims; and it is on these worlds of the Michael Sons that the pilgrims of time and the pilgrims of eternity arrive at their first truly mutual understanding of one another. In many respects the experiences of this circuit are the most intriguing of the entire Havona sojourn. (UB 26:8.1)
4- Prepare to recognize the Universal Father.
Arriving on the third circle of Havona, it will be the Father’s guides who will come into action for us.
When the pilgrim soul attains the third circle of Havona, he comes under the tutelage of the Father guides, the older, highly skilled, and most experienced of the superaphic ministers. On the worlds of this circuit the Father guides maintain schools of wisdom and colleges of technique wherein all the beings inhabiting the central universe serve as teachers. Nothing is neglected which would be of service to a creature of time in this transcendent adventure of eternity attainment. (UB 26:9.1)
The attainment of the Universal Father is the passport to eternity, notwithstanding the remaining circuits to be traversed. It is therefore a momentous occasion on the pilot world of circle number three when the transit trio announce that the last venture of time is about to ensue; that another creature of space seeks entry to Paradise through the portals of eternity. (UB 26:9.2)
5- Tips on these excursions to Paradise.
Until we have achieved residency status in Heaven, we will be welcomed there as visitors.
When an ascendant soul actually starts for Paradise, he is accompanied only by the transit trio: the superaphic circle associate, the Graduate Guide, and the ever-present servital associate of the latter. These excursions from the Havona circles to Paradise are trial trips; the ascenders are not yet of Paradise status. They do not achieve residential status on Paradise until they have passed through the terminal rest of time subsequent to the attainment of the Universal Father and the final clearance of the Havona circuits. Not until after the divine rest do they partake of the “essence of divinity” and the “spirit of supremacy” and thus really begin to function in the circle of eternity and in the presence of the Trinity. (UB 26:7.4)
The ascender’s companions of the transit trio are not required to enable him to locate the geographic presence of the spiritual luminosity of the Trinity, rather to afford all possible assistance to a pilgrim in his difficult task of recognizing, discerning, and comprehending the Infinite Spirit sufficiently to constitute personality recognition. Any ascendant pilgrim on Paradise can discern the geographic or locational presence of the Trinity, the great majority are able to contact the intellectual reality of the Deities, especially the Third Person, but not all can recognize or even partially comprehend the reality of the spiritual presence of the Father and the Son. Still more difficult is even the minimum spiritual comprehension of the Universal Father. (UB 26:7.5)
1- Understanding is the passport to Paradise.
Well equipped with a cosmic mind, the ascender is now able to understand the Deity to finally access Paradise.
Ability to comprehend is the mortal passport to Paradise. Willingness to believe is the key to Havona. The acceptance of sonship, co-operation with the indwelling Adjuster, is the price of evolutionary survival. (UB 26:4.15)
2- Prepare for the trip to Paradise.
Of time and space, we must cross the last stage, that of eternity, to have residential status in Paradise.
Near the end of the first-circle sojourn the ascending pilgrims first meet the instigators of rest of the primary order of supernaphim. These are the angels of Paradise coming out to greet those who stand at the threshold of eternity and to complete their preparation for the transition slumber of the last resurrection. You are not really a child of Paradise until you have traversed the inner circle and have experienced the resurrection of eternity from the terminal sleep of time. The perfected pilgrims begin this rest, go to sleep, on the first circle of Havona, but they awaken on the shores of Paradise. Of all who ascend to the eternal Isle, only those who thus arrive are the children of eternity; the others go as visitors, as guests without residential status. (UB 26:11.6)
3- The last pre-Paradise sleep.
We will not do this test of the last sleep of time alone, we will be accompanied by our associate from the first circuit of Havona.
Et maintenant, à l’apogée de la carrière havonienne, au moment où vous autres, mortels, vous vous endormez sur le monde-pilote du circuit intérieur, vous n’allez pas vous reposer seuls comme vous faisiez sur les mondes de votre origine lorsque vous fermiez les yeux dans le sommeil naturel de la mort, ni comme en entrant dans la longue catalepsie de transit préparatoire à votre voyage vers Havona. Maintenant, tandis que vous vous préparez au repos d’aboutissement, votre associé de longue date du premier circuit vient se placer à vos côtés ; il est le majestueux complément de repos qui se prépare à entrer dans le repos en union avec vous ; c’est la garantie de Havona que votre transition est complète et que vous n’attendez plus que les touches finales de la perfection.
Votre première transition était en vérité la mort, la deuxième un sommeil idéal et, maintenant, la troisième métamorphose est le vrai repos, la détente des âges. UB 26:11.7-8
4- The terminal rest of time.
The transition from the level of time and space to that of timeless and spaceless eternity represents an important step in approaching the nature of deity.
But the last metamorphic sleep is something more than those previous transition slumbers which have marked the successive status attainments of the ascendant career; thereby do the creatures of time and space traverse the innermost margins of the temporal and the spatial to attain residential status in the timeless and spaceless abodes of Paradise. The instigators and the complements of rest are just as essential to this transcending metamorphosis as are the seraphim and associated beings to the mortal creature’s survival of death. (UB 27:1.3)
5- The last great effort of faith.
This last sleep of time towards eternity is our ultimate act of faith in our Heavenly Father.
You enter the rest on the final Havona circuit and are eternally resurrected on Paradise. And as you there spiritually repersonalize, you will immediately recognize the instigator of rest who welcomes you to the eternal shores as the very primary supernaphim who produced the final sleep on the innermost circuit of Havona; and you will recall the last grand stretch of faith as you once again made ready to commend the keeping of your identity into the hands of the Universal Father. (UB 27:1.4)
6- The arrival of eternity in Paradise.
An unimaginable transformation has now taken place within us, we are divinely eternal spirits.
The last rest of time has been enjoyed; the last transition sleep has been experienced; now you awake to life everlasting on the shores of the eternal abode. “And there shall be no more sleep. The presence of God and his Son are before you, and you are eternally his servants; you have seen his face, and his name is your spirit. There shall be no night there; and they need no light of the sun, for the Great Source and Center gives them light; they shall live forever and ever. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things have passed away.” (UB 27:1.5)
1- The scope of the destiny of Paradise.
From a simple animal nature fused with the highest divine nature of the First Source Center and made perfect in spirit, our mission will be to administer worlds on the first level of exterior space.
What an adventure! What a romance! A gigantic creation to be administered by the children of the Supreme, these personalized and humanized Adjusters, these Adjusterized and eternalized mortals, these mysterious combinations and eternal associations of the highest known manifestation of the essence of the First Source and Center and the lowest form of intelligent life capable of comprehending and attaining the Universal Father. We conceive that such amalgamated beings, such partnerships of Creator and creature, will become superb rulers, matchless administrators, and understanding and sympathetic directors of any and all forms of intelligent life which may come into existence throughout these future universes of the first outer space level.
True it is, you mortals are of earthly, animal origin; your frame is indeed dust. But if you actually will, if you really desire, surely the heritage of the ages is yours, and you shall someday serve throughout the universes in your true characters—children of the Supreme God of experience and divine sons of the Paradise Father of all personalities.” UB 112:7.18-19
2- Heavenly companionship for ascendants.
The Creators never leave us alone on this long journey towards perfection!
Mortals come from races that are very social. The Creators well know that it is “not good for man to be alone,” and provision is accordingly made for companionship, even on Paradise.
If you, as an ascendant mortal, should reach Paradise in the company of the companion or close associate of your earthly career, or if your seraphic guardian of destiny should chance to arrive with you or were waiting for you, then no permanent companion would be assigned you. But if you arrive alone, a companion will certainly welcome you as you awaken on the Isle of Light from the terminal sleep of time. Even if it is known that you will be accompanied by someone of ascendant association, temporary companions will be designated to welcome you to the eternal shores and to escort you to the reservation made ready for the reception of you and your associates. You may be certain of being warmly welcomed when you experience the resurrection into eternity on the everlasting shores of Paradise.
Reception companions are assigned during the terminal days of the ascenders’ sojourn on the last circuit of Havona, and they carefully examine the records of mortal origin and eventful ascent through the worlds of space and the circles of Havona. When they greet the mortals of time, they are already well versed in the careers of these arriving pilgrims and immediately prove to be sympathetic and intriguing companions.
During your prefinaliter sojourn on Paradise, if for any reason you should be temporarily separated from your associate of the ascending career—mortal or seraphic—a Paradise Companion would be forthwith assigned for counsel and companionship. When once assigned to an ascendant mortal of solitary residence on Paradise, the companion remains with this person until he either is rejoined by his ascendant associates or is duly mustered into the Corps of the Finality.” UB 25:8.4-7
1- Enter the Body of the Finality.
After this long journey in time and space, then this beginning in eternity, the goal of the finite level of man is reached, entry into the Body of the Finality.
After the attainment of the supreme satisfaction of the fullness of worship, you are qualified for admission to the Corps of the Finality. The ascendant career is well-nigh finished, and the seventh jubilee prepares for celebration. The first jubilee marked the mortal agreement with the Thought Adjuster when the purpose to survive was sealed; the second was the awakening in the morontia life; the third was the fusion with the Thought Adjuster; the fourth was the awakening in Havona; the fifth celebrated the finding of the Universal Father; and the sixth jubilee was the occasion of the Paradise awakening from the final transit slumber of time. The seventh jubilee marks entrance into the mortal finaliter corps and the beginning of the eternity service. The attainment of the seventh stage of spirit realization by a finaliter will probably signalize the celebration of the first of the jubilees of eternity. (UB 27:7.8)
2- Oath of the finalitary.
Transcendentals are subject to God the Ultimate, and their present sojourn in Paradise is directed and supervised in all ways by the Trinity.
Although all mortals who attain Paradise frequently fraternize with the Transcendentalers as they do with the Paradise Citizens, it develops that man’s first serious contact with a Transcendentaler occurs on that eventful occasion when, as a member of a new finaliter group, the mortal ascender stands in the finaliter receiving circle as the Trinity oath of eternity is administered by the chief of Transcendentalers, the presiding head of the Architects of the Master Universe. (UB 31:8.4)
3- Beginning of the end of the long climb.
Now is the time to contemplate the purpose of the Father’s program to make us beings of perfection.
Step by step, life by life, world by world, the ascendant career has been mastered, and the goal of Deity has been attained. Survival is complete in perfection, and perfection is replete in the supremacy of divinity. Time is lost in eternity; space is swallowed up in worshipful identity and harmony with the Universal Father. The broadcasts of Havona flash forth the space reports of glory, the good news that in very truth the conscientious creatures of animal nature and material origin have, through evolutionary ascension, become in reality and eternally the perfected sons of God. (UB 26:9.4)
4- The fate of the finaliters in the exterior spaces.
The Supreme Being will unveil His unrevealed tertiary function in these presently unexplored regions of outer space and we are finaliters of the Paradise body, experiential children of the Supreme. So let us be ready for another great adventure!
We believe that the mortals of Adjuster fusion, together with their finaliter associates, are destined to function in some manner in the administration of the universes of the first outer space level. We have not the slightest doubt that in due time these enormous galaxies will become inhabited universes. And we are equally convinced that among the administrators thereof will be found the Paradise finaliters whose natures are the cosmic consequence of the blending of creature and Creator. (UB 112:7.17)
5- The elevated destiny of the finaliters.
Will we surpass the Perfectors of Wisdom in administrative wisdom? Only the future will tell!
The Perfectors of Wisdom will always require this complement of experiential wisdom for the completion of their administrative sagacity. But it has been postulated that a high and hitherto unattained level of wisdom may possibly be achieved by the Paradise finaliters after they are sometime inducted into the seventh stage of spirit existence. If this inference is correct, then would such perfected beings of evolutionary ascent undoubtedly become the most effective universe administrators ever to be known in all creation. I believe that such is the high destiny of finaliters. (UB 19:2.5)