© 2022 Claude Flibotte
© 2022 Urantia Association of Quebec
Claude Flibotte
Among existing political systems, representative democracy constitutes the ideal of collective representation of peoples where each sovereign individual has the right to speak, has the power of decision through a free vote and places in the hands of competent elected or appointed representatives the responsibility for their destiny. The underlying danger of this system lies in false individual freedom and the feeling of unbridled sovereignty. We must not forget that the freedom of one stops where that of another begins!
In 2021, there were 21 true democracies where the previous description applied. For example, we have Canada, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland. There were also 53 democracies that were defective for different reasons depending on the country, including the United States, Portugal and Hungary. Added to this are 34 hybrid regimes where elections are possible, but where individual rights are violated. As an example of these countries, we have Mexico, some countries in South America and Africa. In addition, 59 authoritarian regimes impose their dictatorship on their citizens. In this category, we have Russia and several countries in Africa (see illustration 1). In conclusion, we see the sad result that more than half of the world’s population lives in authoritarian or hybrid regimes (see illustration 2). Source: “The underside of the cards”.
We are currently witnessing in Russia a deplorable way in which the will of one man is going astray, imposing his erroneous conception of autocratic sovereign freedom on the people of his own country and their immediate neighbors.
The history of humanity is full of such individuals imposing their will on others for the sake of power, riches and glory. We have had in the past Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Tito and many others. Today we know Kim Jongun of North Korea, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow of Turkmenistan, Bashar al-Assad of Syria, Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, Isaias Afewerki of Eritrea, Mswati III of Swaziland, Teodoro Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea listed on the noovomoi.ca website, and now we have the horrors committed by Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation.
True freedom is a gift offered to us by civilization based on the application of just and equitable laws for all.
In order to enable humanity to resolve social, economic and political problems to ensure happiness for all and an effective representative democratic system, the formation of a government for all humanity represents the desired solution. Formations such as: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the United Nations (UN) or the European Union (EU) represent a step towards the unification of humanity, but will not prevent war between the great so-called sovereign nations as long as these great nations do not abandon their sovereignty in favor of a planetary government representative of all humanity. Only global sovereignty will prevent global wars!
The disarmament of the great nations timidly undertaken for several years is now compromised by the decision of a single man invading a country populated by his own sisters and brothers of origin. Because of him, several countries are reversing the trend and deciding to arm themselves for fear of being invaded. But this fact, although sad, is not really the real problem, because take away all modern weapons from men and they will fight with sticks! The real enemy is the virus of national sovereignty to use a word that has been fashionable for some time.
I am aware that in the current situation of many so-called sovereign nations, a global government of humanity seems a utopia. However, it represents the only real solution for the human race to be truly sovereign, free from the risk of war based on a real, lasting and good faith fraternal understanding. This way of seeing the future will take nothing away from current countries. Local affairs will be settled by local governments. National affairs will be settled by national governments and international affairs will be settled by the planetary government (UB 134:6.8).
All treaties, diplomacy, foreign policies, alliances or balances of power of all kinds will never succeed in establishing world peace as long as the idea of national sovereignty prevails.
The freedom of each individual will be greater under the aegis of a world government. Today, citizens are taxed, regulated and controlled in an almost oppressive manner. Much of the current interference with individual freedoms will disappear when national governments, in matters of international affairs, place their sovereignty in the hands of the sovereign world government. We could then dream of lasting peace through monetary and commercial regulation. And then, why not take advantage of this to establish a common language where we could all understand each other? Our quarrels over religion could cease by recognizing the supreme sovereignty of the Creator, no matter what name we give him, making him our Father of all, and us brothers and sisters of the same great human family.
Although representative democracy is an ideal, we must beware of certain traps that we could succumb to. The first lies in the glorification of mediocrity. Educating public opinion is the only sure and certain method to ensure a normal evolution of civilization. Disinformation on social networks has been a resounding example in recent years! The second trap lies in the choice of ignorant and vile leaders. I will spare you the example that I have in mind! The third trap would lie in the inability to recognize the fundamental facts of social evolution. Perfection is not inherent in this world. It is normal for society to experiment with certain solutions that are not always perfect in the immediate future, but always oriented towards the well-being of all and always perfectible. The fourth trap is identified with placing the power of universal suffrage in the hands of crude and indolent majorities. Finally, the fifth trap would be to believe the following myth: the majority is always right. Under the emotional impulse of the moment, a crowd can sometimes act in a disorderly and violent manner or make impulsive unwise choices. I warmly recommend that you reread papers 70, 71, 134:5-6 in Urantia Live from which the main points of my article are taken.
I hope that this personal reflection brings you hope for better days and greater understanding between us in this world which really needs it!