© 2021 Claude Flibotte
© 2021 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
The skulls in the collection of Samuel Morton, one of the American fathers of “scientific racism”, illustrate his classification of humanity into five races (fruits, according to him, of five divine decisions), today outdated. From left to right: black American woman and white man, indigenous man from Mexico, Chinese woman and man from Malaysia.
Photograph by Robert Clark, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Morton was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1820. After receiving an M.D. from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, he entered practice in Philadelphia in 1824. From 1839 to 1843 he was professor of anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania.
In the newspaper LE LIEN of December 2020, a challenge was launched to us by the editorial staff. It is about providing our comments on questions from Patrice Monsigny proposed on the AFLUB forum.
So here are my thoughts on Patrice’s question. “FOR GENETICIANS”:
After having abolished the notion of race, how can we recognize that there were 6 colored races from the Sangik family 500,000 years ago? The first thing to do would be to establish what race is. According to the zoologist, race defines a subdivision in an animal species. According to current usage, although it tends to be replaced today by the genetic concept of population since the concept of race does not correspond to any significant genetic difference, race would define an ethnic group that differentiates itself from others by a set of hereditary, physical or physiological characteristics. That’s the definition of this word!
According to Claude Olivier Doron of National Geographic, this word is of “probably French” origin! It comes from the Norman term “haraz”, which means “horse breeding”. Its first occurrence dates from 1480 to designate the best horses.
Second hypothesis: it would derive from the Latin term “generatio”, translated into French as “lineage” or “generation”. It first gave the word “generace”, then “race”. This concept will be used in particular by the nobility to distinguish the “noble races”, with illustrious and virtuous ancestors, from “ignoble” men, of obscure or common origins.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, “racial nobility” even constituted a specific legal category. The notion can also designate religious communities. In the Iberian worlds, for example, “raza” refers first to those who inherit the impure task of Jewish, Muslim or heretic ancestors.
Still according to Mr. Doron, racism was born much later, in the 1930s. “The word “racism” first appeared in the French language. Originally, it had a political meaning, designating the ideology of German nationalist groups, notably the Nazis.”
It was in the middle of the 18th century that the word “race” was used by certain naturalists. We can cite Georges-Louis Buffon in France, Friedrich Blumembach in Germany or Emmanuel Kant and Charles Darwin. “To support their statements, naturalists made various measurements (size of the skull, facial angle), claiming to hierarchize human races according to their beauty, their intellectual and moral capacities, etc.”
In the early 1900s, several anthropologists opposed this concept. After 1945, debates at UNESCO took place. Geneticists supported the idea of race based on genetics and DNA. However, in 1970, this argument collapsed since the genetic diversity between individuals of the same “race” was greater than between those of different “races”.
Since this word had been used since the 18th century, it was logical for them to use the same term since they were instructed to prioritize the words and concepts common to the time of this revelation.
“In our effort to expand cosmic consciousness and heighten spiritual perception, it is extremely difficult to present expanded concepts and advanced truth while we are limited by the use of the restricted language of the realm. However, our mandate exhorts us to make every effort to convey our meanings using the verbal symbols of the English language. We have been advised to introduce new terms only if no expression can be found in English terminology that illustrates these new concepts, even partially or even by more or less distorting their meaning.” UB 0:0.2
If it had to be done again, it is likely that the revelators would use the terms “population”, “ethnicity” or “phratry” to designate what is named in The Urantia Book as a “race”. In short, the most common word used worldwide by humans in our time. Not being, God forbid, racist, the word “race” does not bother me at all.
A little common sense!
A cat is a cat, it is not a dog, because they are obviously not of the same breed. One is of the feline type and the other is of the canine type, yet they are two animals of the large family of mammals. The same goes for humans. Whether they are yellow, red or black, they are all beings of the human type. No matter the distinction made, all these ethnicities come from the same two original parents.
Since man was not present before the existence of the first man, we must necessarily rely on the revelators to learn our own history of humanity. It was nearly a million years ago that the first two humans appeared on Urantia.
The birth of the first two human beings was exactly 993419 years before the year 1934 of the Christian era UB 62:5.1.
In fact, they did not become true humans until eleven years later after the Adjutant of Worship came into contact with them around age ten and the Adjutant of Wisdom thereafter (UB 62:6.5).
URANTIA was registered as an inhabited world when the first two human beings—the twins—were eleven years old… 63:0.1 (711.1).
Here we have our first two humans who bred and spread across Eurasia for almost 500,000 years.
500,000 years ago, a Badonite couple from northwest India, necessarily descended from the first two humans, gave birth to nineteen different children gifted with superior intelligence and a particular skin color. Five were red, two were orange, four were yellow, two were green, four were blue and two were indigo UB 64:5.3
These nineteen humans procreated with members of their tribe who all took on the skin color characteristic of their colored ancestor, thus giving rise to the six colored “races”.
Man being what he is, for nearly 100,000 years, wedged between the glaciers of the north and the Mediterranean Sea to the south, the different color “races” mixed with a certain antipathy 64:7.2 (726.9). The reds, yellows, and blues tended to mix with each other, and the oranges, greens, and indigos did the same. When the glaciers receded and the Mediterranean Sea withdrew, following the elevation of Arabia, the different color tribes spread throughout the world. So much for the history of the color “races” on Urantia.
If we take stock of humans from 500,000 years ago, we have the original humans, the Andonites having given several variants, including the Neanderthals. We also have the six colored “races” from the Andonites who more or less mixed with each other. To this, we must add the Nodites, the eighth race, descendants of the staff of Caligastia. Then, 37,848 years before the Christian era, the arrival of Adam and Eve introduced the Adamic “race” to the human race. All this joyful mixing had the result that there is no longer really a pure human “race” today. At most we can divide them into three different classes, the Caucasoids, the Mongoloids and the Negroids 81:4.11 to 13 (905.2 to 4$).
So, to answer Patricia Monsigny’s question, regardless of the word used to designate the different variants of the human being, we all come, and even on two occasions, from the same human family. The first being Andon and Fonta, the Andonites, the second being the Badonite couple at the origin of the nineteen children of different colors, the Sangik UB 64:5.2 family. In conclusion, we are all humans, brothers and sisters of the same big family. All the more reason to help each other and love each other as our biggest brother, Jesus, showed us through his human life more than two thousand years ago!
As for scientists, as long as they do not want to consider anything other than what they can see and manipulate in their hands, the truth of reality will always elude them. The universe is not only material!
Claude Flibotte